近年論文著作: [1] Leng Tian, Daoyong Yang, Sixu Zheng, Bo Feng..Parametric Optimization of Vector Well Patterns for Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 3, 162, 469-479;(SCI , JCR3, IF=1.873)石油工程Top期刊; [2] Leng Tian, Cong Xiao, Daihong Gu, Yaokun Yang, Yayun Zhang. Quantitative Determination of Abandonment Pressure for CO2 Storage in Depleted Shale Gas Reservoirs by Free-Simulator Approach. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, Oct, 36, 519-539;(SCI, JCR3, IF:2.718(2016)); [3] Leng Tian, Cong Xiao, Mingjin Liu,Daihong Gu,Guangyu Song. Well testing model for multi-fractured horizontal well for shale gas reservoirs with consideration of dual diffusion in matrix. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, Sep, 21,283-295;(SCI, EI, JCR3, IF:2.718(2016)); [4] Leng Tian, Mingxu Ma, Shunli He. A New Study of China's Advanced Water Injection Technology for low-permeability reservoirs, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013 (273) :55-59; [5] Leng Tian, Kaiqiang Zhang, Guangfeng Liu, Jinpeng Guo. A Well Testing Model on Pressure Characteristics of the Heterogeneous Composite Gas Reservoir . Geoconvention 2017,Calgary, Canada, 2017.5.15-19; [6] Leng Tian, Kaiqiang Zhang, Meng Wang, Yingchuan Pei. The dynamic reserves prediction model of the gas reservoir considering water invasion . 2017 WILLISTON BASIN PETROLEUM CONFERENCE, WBPC, Regina, Canada, 2017.5.2-4; [7] Leng Tian, Shunli He, Shijie Sun. Shut in Pressure Test and Methods of Calculating Shut in Time in Fractured Low Permeable Oilfields Wells. Journal of Petroleum Science Research, Volume 2, Issue 2 (April 2013); [8] Tian Leng, HU Huajun, WANG Hehua, Ma Hao. Research on Calculating Rational Well Spacing Based on Classification of DynamicReserve in Ultra-low Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs. Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2013,4, Vol. 7, No. 8,P326-333; [9] Tian L, Shen Y, He S, Ma F, Luan G. Research and Application of Deconvolution in Well Test Analysis of Extra-low Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2012 , 30:22, 2348-2359; [10] Tian Leng, Ma Mingxu, He Shunli. A New Study of China's Advanced Water Injection Technology for low-permeability reservoirs, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 273 (2013) ,p 55-59; [11]田冷,李鴻範等.基於啟動壓力梯度與應力敏感的緻密氣藏多層多級滲流模型,天然氣地球科學,2017,28(12):1898-1907; [12]田冷,王猛等.考慮水侵影響的礁灘氣藏動態儲量預測模型,斷塊油氣田,2017,24(01):26-30; [13]田冷,牟微等,有水氣藏開發早期動態儲量計算方法研究,科學技術與工程,2016,16(15):179-183; [14]田冷,申智強,王猛,潘少傑,肖聰,董力琿. 基於滑脫、應力敏感和非達西效應的頁岩氣壓裂水平井產能模型,東北石油大學學報,2016,40(6):106-113; [15]田冷,肖聰等. 考慮應力干擾的頁岩儲層裂縫穿透準則,科技導報,2016,34(2):167-172; [16]田冷,劉明進等,體積壓裂水平井的頁岩氣產能預測新方法,大慶地質與開發, 2015,34(1):163-168; [17]田冷,肖聰等,考慮應力敏感與非達西效應的頁岩氣藏產能預測模型,天然氣工業,2014,34(12):70-75; [18]田冷,肖聰等,考慮頁岩氣擴散的多級壓裂水平井產能模型,大慶石油學院學報, 2014,38(5):93-102; [19]田冷,張志剛等,超低滲透油藏見水微觀機理研究,科學技術與工程, 2014, 14(26):34-38; [20]田冷,常鐵龍,鄭榮臣,張傑.低滲油藏垂直裂縫油井產能計算新模型[J],科技導報,2012,12,30(28-29):33-27;排名第1; [21]田冷,霍明會,樊建明等.緻密油藏水平井井網參數耦合影響分析方法研究[J], 科學技術與工程, 2012,32(12):194-197;排名第1; [22]田冷,章凱強,朱保定等.低滲透氣田壓力傳播規律研究, 2012油氣藏監測與管理(國際)會議, 2012,8,排名第1; [23]田冷,何永宏,王石頭等.超低滲透油藏水平井參數正交試驗設計與分析[J],石油天然氣學報,2012,34(7):106-108;排名第1; [24]田冷,何順利,代金友. 鄂爾多斯古岩溶氣藏儲層流動單元研究[J],天然氣地球科學,2011,2,22(2):275-279,排名第1; [25]田冷,何順利,顧永華.低滲透油藏非線性滲流產能計算模型及參數敏感性分析[J],水動力學研究與進展A輯,2011,1,26(1):108-115;排名第1;