



  • 中文名:田付強
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:高電壓與絕緣技術、電力系統、牽引供電系統。
  • 就職院校:北京交通大學電氣工程學院


2006-2012 北京交通大學電氣工程學院高電壓與絕緣技術專業獲工學博士學位 。
2008-2012 哈爾濱理工大學工程電介質國家重點實驗室雷清泉院士研究室研究學習 。
2012.09-2013.09 日本早稻田大學大學院先進理工學研究科博士後、助理研究員 。
2012.07-2014.12 北京交通大學講師,高聘副教授 。
2015.01-至今 北京交通大學副教授。


本科生課程:工程電磁場(必修)、高電壓技術、牽引變電所自動化 。
研究生專業學位課程:工程電介質與電氣絕緣 。


1. 電力設備絕緣材料:乾式電力設備絕緣、高壓柔性直流輸電用高壓直流電纜絕緣、高速鐵路變頻牽引電機絕緣用聚醯亞胺等聚合物基納米複合絕緣材料的套用基礎研究與開發;2. 電力設備絕緣故障診斷與監測:供變電設備及系統智慧型化、壽命預測與狀態監控,電力大數據、物聯網、設備智慧型化。
3. 高速鐵路牽引供電系統:牽引供電系統理論計算與仿真、牽引供電測試與分析、牽引供變電設備及系統綜合監測。
4. 電力設備絕緣技術:電力電纜、電力變壓器、電機、高壓套管等絕緣結構設計與電場計算。
5. 高電壓技術:高電壓實驗、測試與分析,過電壓及其機理研究等。


1. 高壓電力電纜附屬檔案局部放電線上監測,橫向課題,主持。
2. 避雷器泄露電流線上監測與老化狀態評估,橫向課題,唐山供電公司,主持。
3. 電熱耦合場下直流輸電換流閥廳用電容器聚丙烯薄膜電氣絕緣性能及其機理研究,國家電網全球能源網際網路研究院,40萬,主持。
4. 基於EPR的聚乙烯基納米複合電介質電荷陷阱機制及陷阱特性的研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金,25萬,主持。
5. 高性能微納米複合絕緣材料的開發與套用研究,橫向課題,40萬,主持。
6. 基於有軌電車供電系統的最佳化技術方案綜合研究,橫向課題,22萬,主持。
7. 高壓直流電纜電熱耦合場及電荷輸運仿真研究,教育部基本科研業務費,26萬,主持。
8. 高性能納米複合絕緣材料的研究,教育部基本科研業務費專題項目,50萬,主持。
9. 電力能源新材料一期建設-電介質材料實驗室,北京交通大學學科建設經費,50萬,主持。
10. 軌道交通搭載國鐵大勝關橋過長江電磁感應影響研究,80萬,參與。
11. 時速350km中國標準動車組高壓系統及接地系統最佳化設計研究,140萬,參與。
12. 未來科技城捷運負荷需求特性辨識研究,20萬,參與。
13. 高性能聚合物基納米複合絕緣材料的研究,日本早稻田大學-日本中央電力研究院合作項目。
13. 電力機車與牽引供電系統匹配技術研究,橫向課題,35萬,參與。
[1]Tian F., Bu W., Shi L., et al. Theory of modified thermally stimulated current and direct determination of trap level distribution[J]. Journal of Electrostatics,
[2]Fuqiang T., Qingquan L., Xuan W., et al. Effect of Deep Trapping States on Space Charge Suppression in Polyethylene/ZnO Nanocomposite[J]. Applied Physics Letters,
[3]Fuqiang T., Qingquan L., Xuan W., et al. Investigation on the Electrical Properties of LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite Dielectrics[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[4]Fuqiang Tian and Yoshimichi Ohki, “Charge transport and electrode polarization in epoxy resin at high temperatures”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
[5] Fuqiang Tian and Yoshimichi Ohki, “Electric modulus powerful tool for analyzing dielectric behavior”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[6] Fuqiang Tian; Jiangyi Yao; Peng Li; Yi Wang; Mingli Wu, “Stepwise Electric Field Induced Charging Current and Its Correlation with Space Charge Formation in LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[7]Qingquan L., Fuqiang T., Chun Y., et al. Modified isothermal discharge current theory and its application in the determination of trap level distribution in polyimide films[J]. Journal of Electrostatics,
[8]Tian F.Q., Wang Y., Shi H.S., et al. Bipolar high-repetition-rate high-voltage nanosecond pulser[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments,
[9]Tian Fuqiang, Zhang Lin, Zhang Junliang, Peng Xiao. Space charge and dielectric behavior of epoxy composite with SiO2-Al2O3 nano-micro fillers at varied temperatures[J], Composites Part B: Engineering,
[10]Tian Fuqiang, Zhang Junliang, Peng Xiao, Hou Chunyi. Interface Trapping Effects on the Charge Transport Characteristics of LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposites[J], IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[11]Tian F., Bu W., Yang C., et al. Study on physical and chemical structure changes of polyimide caused by corona ageing[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China,
[12]Tian F., Bu W., Yang C., et al. A new method for direct determination of trap level distribution from TSC measurement[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China,
[13]Fuqiang Tian and Yoshimichi Ohki, “Charge Transport Characteristics in Epoxy Resin at High Temperatures Based on Electrode Polarization Analysis”, IEEE CEIDP, Oct. 23th,
[14]田付強, 卜文斌, 楊春等. TSC測量技術中存在的若干問題的探討[J]. 電工技術學報,
[15]田付強, 楊春, 何麗娟等. 聚合物/無機納米複合電介質介電性能及其機理最新研究進展[J]. 電工技術學報,
[16]田付強,彭瀟. 耐電暈耐電痕化絕緣材料研究進展[J]. 電工技術學報,2017,出版中. (EI 收錄)
[17]Fuqiang Tian, Yuichi Hirose, Naoshi Hirai, Yoshimichi Ohki, Masahiro Kozako, “Investigation on the Dielectric and Electrical Conduction Characteristics of Epoxy Composites with SiO2-Al2O3 Nano-micro Fillers under Varied Temperatures”, IEED Japan Annual Meeting.(日本放電學會優秀論文獎)
[18]Fuqiang Tian, Naoshi Hirai, Yuichi Hirose, Yoshimichi Ohki, Masahiro Kozako, “Exfoliation of Layered BN Fillers in Epoxy-based Composite Dielectrics to Enhance the Thermal Conductivity”, IEED Japan Annual Meeting,
[19]Fuqiang Tian, Yoshimichi Ohki, “Dielectric Behavior Analysis of Epoxy Resin Using Complex Electric Modulus”, IEEJ Japan Annual Meeting,
[20]Peng Yang, Fuqiang Tian, Yoshimichi Ohki, “Dielectric Properties of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) and Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate)”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[21]Xiuting Li, Yuki Masuzaki, Fuqiang Tian, Yoshimichi Ohki, “Space Charge Formation and Charge Transport in Epoxy Resin at Varied Temperatures”, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials,
[22]Yuki Masuzaki, Yoshimichi Ohki, Fuqiang Tian, Masahiro Kozako, Nobuhito Kamei, “Comparison of Dielectric Properties Olefin Thermosetting Polydicyclopentadiene and Epoxy Resin”, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials,
[23] Liu S, Wang Y, Tian F. Prognosis of Underground Cable via Online Data-Driven Method With Field Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
[24]Bu W., Yin J., Tian F., et al. Effect of Corona Ageing on the Structure Changes of Polyimide and Polyimide/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Films[J]. Journal of Electrostatics,
[25]He L.J., Dai L., Yang C., Tian F.Q., et al. Study on Deep Trap States in Polymers by Photo-Stimulated Discharge Based on the Opo Laser[J]. Modern Physics Letters B,
[26]Yang Yang, Di Yin, Rui Xiong, Jing Shi, Fuqiang Tian, et al. “FTIR and Dielectric Studies of Electrical Aging in Polyimide under AC Voltage”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[27]雷清泉, 石林爽, 田付強等. 電暈老化前後 100HN 和 100CR 聚醯亞胺薄膜的電導電流特性實驗研究[J]. 中國電機工程學報,
[28]何麗娟, 楊春, 田付強等. 聚合物電介質深陷阱能態研究[J]. 中國雷射,
[29]Bu W., Yin J., Tian F., et al. Numerical analysis of space charge electric field and its effect on TSDC measurement in thin polymer films[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China,
[30]Yin Jinghua, Bu Wenbin, Tian Fuqiang, et al. Structure characteristics and dielectric properties of PI/MMT nanocomposite films, IEEE 10th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), Bangalore, India,
[31]Han B., Sun Z., Chen Y., Tian F., et al. Space charge distribution in low-density polyethylene (LDPE)/pumice composite[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China,
[32]任輝, 楊春, 田付強等. 納米聚醯亞胺複合材料的熱刺激電流研究[J]. 絕緣材料,
[33]Li Xiuting, Yoshimichi Ohki and Fuqiang Tian, “Space Charge Formation and Charge Transport in Epoxy Resin at Varied Temperatures” IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials,
[34]Yoshimichi Ohki and Fuqiang Tian, “Electric Modulus Spectrum as a Powerful Tool for Dielectric Property Analysis”, IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials,
[35]Peng Yang, Yoshimichi Ohki and Fuqiang Tian, “Electric Modulus Spectra of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polyethylene Naphthalate”, IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials,
[36]Yuki Masuzaki, Yoshimichi Ohki, Fuqiang Tian, Masahiro Kozako, Nobuhito Kamei, “Comparison of Dielectric Properties of Olefin Thermosetting Polydicyclopentadiene and Epoxy Resin”, IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials,
[37]Peng Yang, Yoshimichi Ohki, Fuqiang Tian, “Analysis on Thermally Stimulated Currents in Polyethylene-terephthalate and Polyethylene-naphthalate”, ISEM,
[38]姚江藝, 王毅, 田付強. 串聯補償用火花間隙觸發裝置的設計與實驗研究[A]. 中國高等學校電力系統及其自動化專業第30屆學術年會,
[39] 姚江藝, 王毅, 田付強. 換流變壓器繞組端部電場仿真分析[A]. 中國高等學校電力系統及其自動化專業第30屆學術年會,
[40] 李鵬, 王毅, 田付強. 大型電機定子線棒端部電場的研究[A]. 中國高等學校電力系統及其自動化專業第30屆學術年會,
[41]張祥龍,王毅,胡小吐,田付強. 廢水處理用電漿窄脈衝電源的研製[J]. 北京交通大學學報,
[42]張祥龍,王毅,田付強,施洪生. 雙極性與單極性ns級高壓脈衝電源設計及特性比較[J]. 高電壓技術,
1. 田付強,王毅,雷清泉,用於高壓脈衝電源的多電極旋轉火花隙開關[P].發明專利,已授權。




