

《生物質能轉換技術》是2015年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Shu Geng。


  • 中文名:生物質能轉換技術
  • 作者:Shu Geng
  • 出版時間:2015年9月
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030447258 


通過介紹生物質柴油、生物質汽油等產品,了解生物質能源生命周期。此書分為九個章節,書中首先介化石能源消費的增長導致的氣候變化引發了全世界範圍的關注。發展可再生能源,是實現社會可持續發展的必然選擇。本書介紹了生物質能轉換和再生技術,包括了生物質能源的生產、儲存、使用環節。並通過介紹生物質柴油、生物質汽油等產品,了解生物質能源生命周期。此書分為九個章節,書中首先介紹生物質能源原料來源類型包括農業廢棄和林業廢棄資源,特種種植作物,水生植物包括藻類和城市有機廢棄物等(第一章),以及種植、收穫、轉運和儲藏的生物質流動過程(第二章)。 隨後介紹這些可利用的生物質能源原料通過加工利用轉化成不同種類的清潔能源,包括沼氣(第三章,第七章),生物柴油(第四章),生物乙醇(第五章),生物碳和其他生物產品(第八章)。此外,第六章介紹了現代高級燃燒系統,此系統可用於提高燃燒效率,對於提高人類和環境的健康,特別是開發中國家的農村區域的生物質燃燒利用效率具有極大價值。最後,第九章討論了生命周期分析在藻類能量平衡分析中的套用,及環境因素對生物能量轉化的影響。 此書對於生物質能源的利用現狀和發展方向進行了綜述和展望,對於目前生物質能源研究與教學提供了有用的參考文獻,為生物質能源開發與研究等指明了方向。


Conversion Technologies for Biomass to Renewable Energy
Brief Introduction
Chapter 1 Biomass resources(Guangqing Liu and Jay J.Cheng)
1.1 Organic waste materials
1.1.1 Animal manure
1.1.2 Municipal solid organic waste
1.1.3 Industrial organic waste
1.2 Agricultural residues
1.2.1 Rice straw
1.2.2 Corn stover
1.2.3 Wheat straw
1.2.4 Other agricultural residues
1.3 Oil and grease
1.3.1 Plant oils
1.3.2 Oil-rich algae
1.3.3 Waste oils and fats
1.4 References
Chapter 2 Biomass logistics(Guangqing Liu and Maurycy Daroch(microalgae))
2.1 Feed stock production
2.1.1 Forestry waste
2.1.2 Herbaceous biomass
2.1.3 Algal biomass cultivation
2.2 Harvesting
2.2.1 Livestock and poultry manure collection
2.2.2 Collection,storage and transportation of urban household organic waste
2.2.3 Forestry biomass storage and transportation
2.2.4 Crop straw collection
2.2.5 Algae harvesting and dewatering
2.3 Transport
2.4 Storage
2.5 References
Chapter 3 Biogas production(Guangqing Liu)
3.1 Anaerobic digestion:principles for biogas production
3.1.1 Two-stage theory of anaerobic digestion
3.1.2 Calculation of theoretical methane yield in anaerobic digestion
3.1.3 Microorganisms in anaerobic digestion
3.1.4 Inhibition mechanism of intermediate product in anaerobic digestion process
3.2 Biogas production at different temperatures
3.2.1 Psychrophilic anaerobic digestion
3.2.2 Mesophilic anaerobic digestion
3.2.3 Thermophilic anaerobic digestion
3.3 Anaerobic digesters
3.3.1 Anaerobic biological pond
3.3.2 Continuously stirred tank reactor
3.3.3 Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket digester
3.3.4 Anaerobic fiher
3.3.5 Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor
3.4 H2S removal from biogas
3.5 Biogas power generation
3.5.1 Development status of China and abroad
3.5.2 Process of biogas power generation
3.6 Purification of biogas for automobile fuel production
3.6.1 Research on the CO2 scrubbing from biogas
3.6.2 Research on dehydration of biogas
3.7 References
Chapter 4 Biodiesel production(Maurycy Daroch)
4.1 Principles of biodiesel production
4.2 Characterisation of biodiesel feedstocks
4.3 Transesterification
4.3.1 Transesterification process and catalysts
4.3.2 Alkaline catalysis
4.3.3 Acid catalysis
4.3.4 Enzyme:lipase
4.4 Biodiesel production from vegetable oils
4.5 Biodiesel production from waste oil and grease
4.6 Biodiesel production from microalgal oil
4.6.1 Oil extraction from microalgae
4.6.2 Chartacteristics of algal lipids and biodieset production methods
4.6.3 By-products from microalgae
4.7 Net energy production from different biodiesel processes
4.8 References
Chapter 5 Bioethanol production(Sabih Farooq and Jay J.Cheng)
Chapter 6 Direct combustion of biomass(Guangqing Liu and Shu Geng)
Chapter 7 Biomass gasification(Guangqing Liu)
Chapter 8 Biomass pyrolysis(Guangqing Liu)
Chapter 9 Environmental impacts and life cycle assessment(Ting Feng,Shu Geng and Maurycy Daroch)


