



  • 書名:生物心理學(第9版)
  • 作者:詹姆斯·卡拉特
  • ISBN:9787115175236
  • 頁數:582頁
  • 定價:88元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年12月


這是由詹姆斯·卡拉特撰寫的《生物心理學》到2007年已連續修訂到第9版,多年來一直是該領域第 一暢銷書,也是美國相應課程採用量最大的教材。


1 The Major Issues 1
Module 1.1 The Mind-Brain Relationship 2
Biological Explanations of Behavior 3
The Brain and Conscious Experience 5
Research Approaches 7
Career Opportunities 8
In Closing: Your Brain and Your Experience 10
Summary 10
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 10
Thought Questions 11
Author’s Answer About Machine Consciousness 11
Module 1.2 The Genetics of Behavior 12
Mendelian Genetics 12
Chromosomes and Crossing Over 13
Sex-Linked and Sex-Limited Genes 13
Sources of Variation 14
Heredity and Environment 14
Possible Complications 14
Environmental Modification 15
How Genes Affect Behavior 16
The Evolution of Behavior 16
Common Misunderstandings About Evolution 16
Evolutionary Psychology 19
In Closing: Genes and Behavior 20
Summary 21
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 21
Thought Questions 21
Module 1.3 The Use of Animals in Research 22
Reasons for Animal Research 22
The Ethical Debate 23
In Closing: Humans and Animals 25
Summary 25
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 25
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 26
Suggestions for Further Reading 26
Websites to Explore 26
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 27
ThomsonNOW 27
2 Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses 29
Module 2.1 The Cells of the Nervous System 30
Anatomy of Neurons and Glia 30
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Santiago Ramón y Cajal, a Pioneer of Neuroscience 30
The Structures of an Animal Cell 31
The Structure of a Neuron 32
Variations Among Neurons 34
Glia 35
The Blood-Brain Barrier 36
Why We Need a Blood-Brain Barrier 36
How the Blood-Brain Barrier Works 36
The Nourishment of Vertebrate Neurons 37
In Closing: Neurons 37
Summary 38
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 38
Module 2.2 The Nerve Impulse 39
The Resting Potential of the Neuron 39
Forces Acting on Sodium and Potassium Ions 40
Why a Resting Potential  41
The Action Potential 42
The Molecular Basis of the Action Potential 43
The All-or-None Law 44
The Refractory Period 44
Propagation of the Action Potential 45
The Myelin Sheath and Saltatory Conduction 46
Local Neurons 47
Graded Potentials 47
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Small Neurons and Big Misconceptions 47
In Closing: Neural Messages 47
Summary 48
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 48
Thought Questions 48
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 49
Suggestions for Further Reading 49
Websites to Explore 49
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 49
ThomsonNOW 50
3 Synapses 51
Module 3.1 The Concept of the Synapse 52
The Properties of Synapses 52
Speed of a Reflex and Delayed Transmission at the Synapse 53
Temporal Summation 53
Spatial Summation 53
Inhibitory Synapses 54
Relationship Among EPSP, IPSP, and Action Potential 56
In Closing: The Neuron as Decision Maker 56
Summary 56
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 56
Thought Questions 57
Module 3.2 Chemical Events at the Synapse 58
The Discovery of Chemical Transmission at Synapses 58
The Sequence of Chemical Events at a Synapse 59
Types of Neurotransmitters 59
Synthesis of Transmitters 60
Transport of Transmitters 61
Release and Diffusion of Transmitters 61
Activation of Receptors of the Postsynaptic Cell 62
Inactivation and Reuptake of Neurotransmitters 66
Negative Feedback from the Postsynaptic Cell 67
Synapses and Personality 67
In Closing: Neurotransmitters and Behavior 68
Summary 68
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 68
Thought Questions 69
Module 3.3 Drugs and Synapses 70
Drug Mechanisms 71
Common Drugs and Their Synaptic Effects 71
Stimulant Drugs 71
Nicotine 73
Opiates 74
Marijuana 74
Hallucinogenic Drugs 75
In Closing: Drugs and Behavior 76
Summary 76
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 77Thought Question 77
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 78
Suggestions for Further Reading 78
Websites to Explore 78
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 78
ThomsonNOW 79
4 Anatomy of the Nervous System 81
Module 4.1 Structure of the Vertebrate Nervous System 82
Terminology That Describes the Nervous System 82
The Spinal Cord 84
The Autonomic Nervous System 85
The Hindbrain 87
The Midbrain 89
The Forebrain 89
Thalamus 91
Hypothalamus 92
Pituitary Gland 92
Basal Ganglia 92
Basal Forebrain 93
Hippocampus 93
The Ventricles 94
In Closing: Learning Neuroanatomy 95
Summary 95
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 95
Thought Question 95
Module 4.2 The Cerebral Cortex 96
Organization of the Cerebral Cortex 96
The Occipital Lobe 98
The Parietal Lobe 98
The Temporal Lobe 98
The Frontal Lobe 100
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS The Rise and Fall of Prefrontal Lobotomies 100
Modern View of the Prefrontal Cortex 101
How Do the Parts Work Together  101
In Closing: Functions of the Cerebral Cortex 103
Summary 103
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 104
Thought Question 104
Module 4.3 Research Methods 105
Correlating Brain Anatomy with Behavior 105
Recording Brain Activity 107
Effects of Brain Damage 109
Effects of Brain Stimulation 111
Brain and Intelligence 112
Comparisons Across Species 112
Comparisons Across Humans 113
In Closing: Research Methods and Their Limits 115
Summary 116
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 116
Thought Question 116
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 117
Suggestions for Further Reading 118
Websites to Explore 118
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 118
ThomsonNOW 119
5 Development and Plasticity of the Brain 121
Module 5.1 Development of the Brain 122
Growth and Differentiation of the Vertebrate Brain 122
Growth and Development of Neurons 122
New Neurons Later in Life 125
Pathfinding by Axons 125
Chemical Pathfinding by Axons 125
Competition Among Axons as a General Principle 127
Determinants of Neuronal Survival 128
The Vulnerable Developing Brain 129
Fine-Tuning by Experience 131
Experience and Dendritic Branching 131
Effects of Special Experiences 132
In Closing: Brain Development 135
Summary 135
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 136
Thought Questions 136
Module 5.2 Plasticity After Brain Damage 137
Brain Damage and Short-Term Recovery 137
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS How Woodpeckers Avoid Concussions 137
Reducing the Harm from a Stroke 137
Later Mechanisms of Recovery 139
Diaschisis 139
The Regrowth of Axons 140
Sprouting 141
Denervation Supersensitivity 141
Reorganized Sensory Representations and the Phantom Limb 142
METHODS 5.1 Histochemistry 143
Learned Adjustments in Behavior 144
In Closing: Brain Damage and Recovery 146
Summary 146
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 147
Thought Questions 147
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 147
Suggestions for Further Reading 148
Websites to Explore 148
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 149
ThomsonNOW 149
6 Vision 151
Module 6.1 Visual Coding and the Retinal Receptors 152
General Principles of Perception 152
From Neuronal Activity to Perception 152
Law of Specific Nerve Energies 152
The Eye and Its Connections to the Brain 153
The Route Within the Retina 153
Fovea and Periphery of the Retina 155
Visual Receptors: Rods and Cones 156
Color Vision 157
The Trichromatic (Young-Helmholtz) Theory 158
The Opponent-Process Theory 159
The Retinex Theory 161
Color Vision Deficiency 163
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS People with Four Cone Types 163
In Closing: Visual Receptors 164
Summary 164
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 164
Thought Question 165
Module 6.2 The Neural Basis of Visual Perception 166
An Overview of the Mammalian Visual System 166
Processing in the Retina 167
Pathways to the Lateral Geniculate and Beyond 169
Pattern Recognition in the Cerebral Cortex 171
Pathways in the Visual Cortex 171
The Shape Pathway 173
METHODS 6.1 Microelectrode Recordings 173
The Columnar Organization of the Visual Cortex 175
Are Visual Cortex Cells Feature Detectors  175
Shape Analysis Beyond Area V1 176
Disorders of Object Recognition 177
The Color, Motion, and Depth Pathways 179
Structures Important for Motion Perception 179
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Suppressed Vision During Eye Movements 180
Motion Blindness 181
Visual Attention 181
In Closing: From Single Cells to Vision 182
Summary 182
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 183
Thought Question 183
Module 6.3 Development of Vision 184
Infant Vision 184
Attention to Faces and Face Recognition 184
Visual Attention and Motor Control 184
Early Experience and Visual Development 185
Early Lack of Stimulation of One Eye 185
Early Lack of Stimulation of Both Eyes 186
Uncorrelated Stimulation in the Two Eyes 186
Restoration of Response After Early Deprivation of Vision 187
Early Exposure to a Limited Array of Patterns 187
People with Vision Restored After Early Deprivation 188
In Closing: The Nature and Nurture of Vision 190
Summary 190
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 191
Thought Questions 191
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 192
Suggestions for Further Reading 192
Websites to Explore 192
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 193
ThomsonNOW 193
7 The Other Sensory Systems 195
Module 7.1 Audition 196
Sound and the Ear 196
Physical and Psychological Dimensions of Sound 196
Structures of the Ear 196
Pitch Perception 198
Frequency Theory and Place Theory 198
The Auditory Cortex 199
Hearing Loss 201
Sound Localization 202
In Closing: Functions of Hearing 203
Summary 204
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 204
Thought Questions 204
Module 7.2 The Mechanical Senses 205
Vestibular Sensation 205
Somatosensation 206
Somatosensory Receptors 206
Input to the Spinal Cord and the Brain 208
Pain 209
Pain Stimuli and the Pain Pathways 209
Ways of Relieving Pain 210
Sensitization of Pain 212
Itch 213
In Closing: The Mechanical Senses 213
Summary 213
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 214
Thought Question 214
Module 7.3 The Chemical Senses 215
General Issues About Chemical Coding 215
Taste 216
Taste Receptors 216
How Many Kinds of Taste Receptors  216
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Chemicals That Alter the Taste Buds 216
Mechanisms of Taste Receptors 218
Taste Coding in the Brain 218
Individual Differences in Taste 219
Olfaction 220
Behavioral Methods of Identifying Olfactory Receptors 221
Biochemical Identification of Receptor Types 222
Implications for Coding 223
Messages to the Brain 223
Individual Differences 223
Vomeronasal Sensation and Pheromones 224
Synesthesia 225
In Closing: Different Senses as Different Ways of Knowing the World 226
Summary 226
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 227
Thought Questions 227
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 228
Suggestions for Further Reading 228
Websites to Explore 228
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 228
ThomsonNOW 229
8 Movement 231
Module 8.1 The Control of Movement 232
Muscles and Their Movements 232
Fast and Slow Muscles 234
Muscle Control by Proprioceptors 235
Units of Movement 236
Voluntary and Involuntary Movements 236
Movements with Different Sensitivity to Feedback 238
Sequences of Behaviors 238
In Closing: Categories of Movement 239
Summary 239
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 239
Thought Question 239
Module 8.2 Brain Mechanisms of Movement 240
The Cerebral Cortex 241
Connections from the Brain to the Spinal Cord 243
Areas Near the Primary Motor Cortex 244
Conscious Decisions and Movements 245
The Cerebellum 247
Evidence of a Broad Role 248
Cellular Organization 249
The Basal Ganglia 250
Brain Areas and Motor Learning 251
In Closing: Movement Control and Cognition 251
Summary 252
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 252
Thought Question 253
Module 8.3 Disorders of Movement 254
Parkinson’s Disease 254
Possible Causes 254
L-Dopa Treatment 257
Therapies Other Than L-Dopa 257
Huntington’s Disease 258
Heredity and Presymptomatic Testing 259
In Closing: Heredity and Environment in Movement Disorders 261
Summary 261
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 261
Thought Questions 262
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 262
Suggestions for Further Reading 263
Websites to Explore 263
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 263
ThomsonNOW 263
9 Wakefulness and Sleep 265
Module 9.1 Rhythms of Waking and Sleeping 266
Endogenous Cycles 266
Duration of the Human Circadian Rhythm 268
Mechanisms of the Biological Clock 269
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) 269
The Biochemistry of the Circadian Rhythm 270
Melatonin 271
Setting and Resetting the Biological Clock 271
Jet Lag 272
Shift Work 272
How Light Resets the SCN 273
In Closing: Sleep-Wake Cycles 273
Summary 274
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 274
Thought Questions 274
Module 9.2 Stages of Sleep and Brain Mechanisms 275
The Stages of Sleep 275
Paradoxical or REM Sleep 276
Brain Mechanisms of Wakefulness and Arousal 277
Brain Structures of Arousal and Attention 278
Getting to Sleep 280
Brain Function in REM Sleep 281
Sleep Disorders 282
Sleep Apnea 283
Narcolepsy 283
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder 284
REM Behavior Disorder 284
Night Terrors, Sleep Talking, and Sleepwalking 284
In Closing: Stages of Sleep 284
Summary 285
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 285
Thought Question 285
Module 9.3 Why Sleep Why REM Why Dreams  286
Functions of Sleep 286
Sleep and Energy Conservation 286
Restorative Functions of Sleep 288
Sleep and Memory 288
Functions of REM Sleep 289
Individual and Species Differences 289
Effects of REM Sleep Deprivation 289
Hypotheses 289
Biological Perspectives on Dreaming 290
The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis 290
The Clinico-Anatomical Hypothesis 291
In Closing: Our Limited Self-Understanding 291
Summary 291
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 292
Thought Question 292
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 292
Suggestions for Further Reading 293
Websites to Explore 293
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 293
ThomsonNOW 293
10 Internal Regulation 295
Module 10.1 Temperature Regulation 296
Homeostasis and Allostasis 297
Controlling Body Temperature 297
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Surviving in Extreme Cold 298
The Advantages of Constant High Body Temperature 299
Brain Mechanisms 300
Fever 300
In Closing: Combining Physiological and Behavioral Mechanisms 301
Summary 301
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 301
Thought Question 302
Module 10.2 Thirst 303
Mechanisms of Water Regulation 303
Osmotic Thirst 303
Hypovolemic Thirst and Sodium-Specific Hunger 304
In Closing: The Psychology and Biology of Thirst 306
Summary 306
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 306
Thought Questions 306
Module 10.3 Hunger 307
How the Digestive System Influences Food Selection 307
Enzymes and Consumption of Dairy Products 308
Other Influences on Food Selection 308
Short- and Long-Term Regulation of Feeding 309
Oral Factors 309
The Stomach and Intestines 310
Glucose, Insulin, and Glucagon 310
Leptin 312
Brain Mechanisms 313
The Arcuate Nucleus and Paraventricular Hypothalamus 313
The Lateral Hypothalamus 314
Medial Areas of the Hypothalamus 315
Eating Disorders 318
Genetics and Body Weight 318
Weight-Loss Techniques 319
Anorexia Nervosa 319
Bulimia Nervosa 320
In Closing: The Multiple Controls of Hunger 320
Summary 320
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 321
Thought Question 322
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 322
Suggestions for Further Reading 323
Websites to Explore 323
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 323
ThomsonNOW 323
11 Reproductive Behaviors 325
Module 11.1 Sex and Hormones 326
Organizing Effects of Sex Hormones 327
Sex Differences in the Gonads 327
Sex Differences in the Hypothalamus 329
Sex Differences in the Cerebral Cortex and Cognition 329
Activating Effects of Sex Hormones 331
Rodents 331
Humans 331
Parental Behavior 335
In Closing: Reproductive Behaviors and Motivations 336
Summary 337
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 337
Thought Questions 338
Module 11.2 Variations in Sexual Behavior 339
Evolutionary Interpretations of Mating Behavior 339
Interest in Multiple Mates 339
What Men and Women Seek in Their Mates 339
Differences in Jealousy 340
Evolved or Learned  340
Conclusions 340
Gender Identity and Gender-Differentiated Behaviors 340
Intersexes 341
Interests and Preferences of CAH Girls 342
Testicular Feminization 343
Issues of Gender Assignment and Rearing 343
Discrepancies of Sexual Appearance 344
Possible Biological Bases of Sexual Orientation 345
Genetics 345
Hormones 346
Prenatal Events 347
Brain Anatomy 348
In Closing: We Are Not All the Same 349
Summary 349
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 350
Thought Questions 350
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 351
Suggestions for Further Reading 351
Websites to Explore 351
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 351
ThomsonNOW 351
12 Emotional Behaviors 353
Module 12.1 What Is Emotion  354
Emotions, Autonomic Response, and the James-Lange Theory 354
Is Physiological Arousal Necessary for Emotions  355
Is Physiological Arousal Sufficient for Emotions  355
Brain Areas Associated with Emotion 356
Attempts to Localize Specific Emotions 357
Contributions of the Left and Right Hemispheres 358
The Functions of Emotions 359
In Closing: Emotions and the Nervous System 360
Summary 360
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 360
Thought Question 360
Module 12.2 Attack and Escape Behaviors 361
Attack Behaviors 361
Heredity and Environment in Violence 361
Hormones 363
Brain Abnormalities and Violence 363
Serotonin Synapses and Aggressive Behavior 364
Escape, Fear, and Anxiety 366
Fear, Anxiety, and the Amygdala 366
Studies of Rodents 366
Studies of Monkeys 367
Activation of the Human Amygdala 368
Damage to the Human Amygdala 369
METHODS 12.1 Microdialysis 371
Anxiety-Reducing Drugs 371
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Alcohol as an Anxiety Reducer 373
In Closing: Doing Something About Emotions 373
Summary 374
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 374
Thought Questions 375
Module 12.3 Stress and Health 376
Concepts of Stress 376
Stress and the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Cortex Axis 376
The Immune System 377
Effects of Stress on the Immune System 378
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 379
In Closing: Emotions and Body Reactions 380
Summary 380
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 380
Thought Question 380
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 381
Suggestions for Further Reading 381
Websites to Explore 381
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 381
ThomsonNOW 381
13 The Biology of Learning and Memory 383
Module 13.1 Learning, Memory, Amnesia, and Brain Functioning 384
Localized Representations of Memory 384
Lashley’s Search for the Engram 384
The Modern Search for the Engram 386
Types of Memory 387
Short- and Long-Term Memory 387
Working Memory 389
The Hippocampus and Amnesia 389
Amnesia After Hippocampal Damage 390
Individual Differences in Hippocampus and Memory 393
Theories of the Function of the Hippocampus 393
The Hippocampus and Consolidation 397
Other Types of Brain Damage and Amnesia 398
Korsakoff’s Syndrome and Other Prefrontal Damage 398
Alzheimer’s Disease 399
What Patients with Amnesia Teach Us 401
In Closing: Different Types of Memory 402
Summary 402
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 402
Thought Questions 403
Module 13.2 Storing Information in the Nervous System 404
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Blind Alleys and Abandoned Mines 404
Learning and the Hebbian Synapse 405
Single-Cell Mechanisms of Invertebrate Behavior Change 406
Aplysia as an Experimental Animal 406
Habituation in Aplysia 406
Sensitization in Aplysia 406
Long-Term Potentiation in Mammals 408
Biochemical Mechanisms 408
LTP and Behavior 410
In Closing: The Physiology of Memory 411
Summary 411
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 412
Thought Question 412
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 412
Suggestion for Further Reading 413
Websites to Explore 413
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 413
ThomsonNOW 413
14 Cognitive Functions 415
Module 14.1 Lateralization of Function 416
Handedness and Its Genetics 416
The Left and Right Hemispheres 417
Visual and Auditory Connections to the Hemispheres 418
Cutting the Corpus Callosum 419
METHODS 14.1 Testing Hemispheric Dominance for Speech 421
Split Hemispheres: Competition and Cooperation 421
The Right Hemisphere 423
Hemispheric Specializations in Intact Brains 424
Development of Lateralization and Handedness 424
Anatomical Differences Between the Hemispheres 425
Maturation of the Corpus Callosum 425
Development Without a Corpus Callosum 426
Hemispheres, Handedness, and Language Dominance 426
Recovery of Speech After Brain Damage 426
Avoiding Overstatements 427
In Closing: One Brain, Two Hemispheres 427
Summary 427
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 428
Thought Question 428
Module 14.2 Evolution and Physiology of Language 429
Nonhuman Precursors of Language 429
Common Chimpanzees 429
Bonobos 429
Nonprimates 430
How Did Humans Evolve Language  432
Language as a Product of Overall Intelligence 432
Language as a Special Module 434
Does Language Learning Have a Critical Period  434
Brain Damage and Language 435
Broca’s Aphasia (Nonfluent Aphasia) 435
Wernicke’s Aphasia (Fluent Aphasia) 437
Dyslexia 438
In Closing: Language and the Brain 440
Summary 440
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 441
Thought Questions 441
Module 14.3 Attention 442
Alterations in Brain Responses 442
Neglect 443
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 444
Measurements of ADHD Behavior 445
Possible Causes and Brain Differences 445
Treatments 446
In Closing: Attending to Attention 446
Summary 446
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 447
Thought Question 447
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 448
Suggestions for Further Reading 448
Websites to Explore 448
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 448
ThomsonNOW 449
15 Psychological Disorders 451
Module 15.1 Substance Abuse and Addictions 452
Synapses, Reinforcement, and Addiction 452
Reinforcement and the Nucleus Accumbens 452
Addiction as Increased “Wanting” 452
Sensitization of the Nucleus Accumbens 453
Alcohol and Alcoholism 454
Genetics 454
Risk Factors 455
Medications to Combat Substance Abuse 456
Antabuse 456
Methadone 456
In Closing: Addictions 457
Summary 457
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 458
Thought Question 458
Module 15.2 Mood Disorders 459
Major Depressive Disorder 459
Genetics and Life Events 459
Hormones 460
Abnormalities of Hemispheric Dominance 461
Viruses 461
Antidepressant Drugs 462
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Accidental Discoveries of Psychiatric Drugs 462
Other Therapies 464
Bipolar Disorder 466
Genetics 467
Treatments 467
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 467
In Closing: The Biology of Mood Swings 468
Summary 468
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 469
Thought Question 469
Module 15.3 Schizophrenia 470
Characteristics 470
Behavioral Symptoms 470
EXTENSIONS AND APPLICATIONS Differential Diagnosis of Schizophrenia 471
Demographic Data 471
Genetics 472
Twin Studies 472
Adopted Children Who Develop Schizophrenia 472
Efforts to Locate a Gene 472
The Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis 473
Prenatal and Neonatal Environment 473
Mild Brain Abnormalities 474
METHODS 15.1 The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task 475
Early Development and Later Psychopathology 476
Neurotransmitters and Drugs 477
Antipsychotic Drugs and Dopamine 477
Role of Glutamate 478
New Drugs 479
In Closing: The Fascination of Schizophrenia 480
Summary 480
Answers to Stop & Check Questions 481
Thought Questions 481
Chapter Ending Key Terms and Activities
Terms 482
Suggestions for Further Reading 482
Websites to Explore 483
Exploring Biological Psychology CD 483
ThomsonNOW 483
A Brief, Basic Chemistry 485
B Society for Neuroscience Policies on the Use of Animals and Human Subjects in Neuroscience Research 491
References 494
Name Index 550
Subject Index/Glossary 565


