- 作者:E. C. Jaeger
- 譯者:滕砥平 / 蔣芝英
- 頁數:577
- 定價:4.00
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 出版時間:1965年3月
- 統一書號:17031-141
By Edmund C. Jaeger, Riverside College, Riverside, California. The main body of this reference work is composed of some 12,000 entries listing biological and scientific words, names, word elements, combining forms, prefixes and suffixes. Each entry lists the origin of the word or word element (Greek, Latin or other origin), its literal meaning, and examples of usage in biology and science. Addenda include a 1,000 word supplement to the main text and brief biographies of men in whose honor commemorative names have been given