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  • 中文名:生物信息學
  • 作者:[英]D.R.Westhead
  • 出版時間:2003年1月
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:7030110250 




Section A-Overview of bioinformatics
A1 The scope of bioinformatics
A2 Bioinformatics and the Internet
A3 Useful bioinformatics sites on the WWW
Section B-Data acquisition
B1 Sequencing DNA, RNA and proteins
B2 Determination of protein structure
B3 Gene and protein expression data
B4 Protein interaction data
Section C-Databases-contents, structure and annotation
C1 File formats
C2 Annotated sequence databases
C3 Genome and organism-specific databases
C4 Miscellaneous databases
Section D-Retrieval of biological data
D1 Data retrieval with Entrez and DBGET/LinkDB
D2 Data retrieval with SRS (sequence retrieval system)
Section E-Searching sequence databases by sequence similarity criteria
E1 Sequence similarity searches
E2 Amino acid substitution matrices
E3 Database searches:FASTA and BLAST
E4 Sequence filters
E5 Iterative database searches and PSI-BLAST
Section F-Multiple sequence alignment:gene and protein families
F1 Multiple sequence alignment and family relationships
F2 Protein families and pattern databases
F3 Protein domain families
Section G-Phylogenetics
G1 Phylogenetics, cladistics and ontology
G2 Building phylogenetic trees
G3 Evolution of macromolecular sequences
Section H-Sequence annotation
H1 Principles of genome annotation
H2 Annotation tools and resources
Section I-Structural bioinformatics
I1 Conceptual models of protein structure
I2 The relationship of protein three-dimensional structure to protein function
I3 The evolution of protein structure and function
I4 Obtaining, viewing and analyzing structural data
I5 Structural alignment
I6 Classification of proteins of known three-dimensional structure:CATH and SCOp
I7 Introduction to protein structure prediction
I8 Structure prediction by comparative modeling
I9 Secondary structure prediction
I10 Advanced protein structure prediction and prediction strategies
Section J-Microarray data analysis
J1 Microarray data:analysis methods
J2 Microarray data:tools and resources
J3 Sequence sampling and SAGE
Section K-Proteomic data analysis
K1 Analyzing data from 2D-PAGE gels
K2 Analyzing protein mass spectrometry data
Section L-Higher-order systems
L1 Modeling and reconstructing molecular pathways
L2 Protein interaction informatics
L3 Higher-order models
Section M-Cheminformatics in biology
M1 Conventions for representing molecules
M2 Cheminformatics resources
Section N-Bioinformatics in the pharmaceutical industry
N1 Boinformatics and drug discovery
N2 pharmainformatics resources
Section O-Basic principles of computing in bioinformatics
O1 Running computer software
02 Computer operating systems
03 Software downloading and installation
04 Database management
Further reading


