甘潔,長江商學院金融學教授,在加入長江商學院之前,她先後擔任香港科技大學工商管理學院金融系教授,和哥倫比亞大 學商學院經濟與金融系的助理教授,並從麻省理工大學獲得了博士學位。甘教授長期從事公司金融及中國資本市場的研究,在這些領域有突出貢獻。
長江商學院金融學教授,主要學術成果,Working Papers,Publications,Book Chapters:,學術成就,
甘潔,現任長江商學院金融學教授和企業融資戰略研究中心主任,她2011年獨 立獲得美國學術界最高榮譽之一的Brennan最佳論文獎。她的研究成果發表在國際頂級學術期刊,如金融經濟學期刊(Journal of Financial Economics)、金融研究評論(Review of Financial Studies),以及金融與數量分析(Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis)等;她也是多家國際頂級學術期刊及學術會議的審稿人。她的授課得到了MBA學生和EMBA學生的高度讚譽,課程也獲得了多項教學獎。此 外,《金融時報》(Financial Times)及《經濟學家》雜誌(The Economist)曾專欄報導她的研究和教學。
除了學術上的成就之外,甘潔教授還有著廣泛的行業經驗。她曾任職於CRA 國際(CRA International),美國最大的金融和經濟諮詢公司之一,為期兩年。她的諮詢工作包括企業估值、證券欺詐以及反壟斷,服務的客戶來自於多個不同 的領域,涉及金融服務業、消費品以及能源行業等。在香港,甘潔教授為多家銀行提供諮詢,為它們提供有關於如何辨識房產市場上的泡沫以及如何在投資組合中配 置房地產的建議。她現任特許金融分析師協會(CFA Institute)的特聘演講人,和Rega Capital Management的董事及投資顧問。
Working Papers
- "Property Market Overvaluation, Toeholds, and the Winners' Curse: Evidence from Hong Kong Land Auctions", with Yuk Ying Chang and Sudipto Dasgupta.
- "Political Constraints, Organizational Forms, and Privatization Performance: Evidence from China", with Jianping Deng, Jie Gan and Jia He, formerly titled "Privatization, Large Shareholders' Incentives to Expropriate, and Firm Performance", Top 20 downloads in SSRN Corporate Finance, Management, and AFA Conference.
- "Can Firms Build Capital-Market Reputation to Compensate for Poor Investor Protection? Evidence from Dividend Policies," with Martin Wang.
- "Fit, Style, and the Portability of Managerial Talent," with Candie Chang and Sudipto Dasgupta. Currently under revision, 【Abstract】 is available here.
- "What Makes Privatization Work? Evidence from a Large-Scale Nationwide Survey of Chinese Firms," with Yan Guo and Chenggang Xu. Currently under revision, 【Abstract】 is available here. This paper was featured in the Economist, click here for the Economist article.
- "What Do Capital Requirements Do When They Are Not Binding."
In Refereed Journals:
- Banking Market Structure and Financial Stability: Evidence from the Texas Real Estate Crisis in the 1980s, Journal of Financial Economics 73, 2004, pp. 567-601.
- Collateral, Debt Capacity, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Journal of Financial Economics 85, 2007, pp. 709-734
- The Real Effects of Asset Market Bubbles: Loan- and Firm-Level Evidence of a Lending Channel, Review of Financial Studies 20, 2007, pp. 1941-1973.
- Monopoly and Information Advantage in the Market for Residential Mortgages (with Timothy Riddiough), Review of Financial Studies 21, 2008, pp. 2677-2703.
- A Nationwide Survey of Privatized Firms in China (with Guo and Xu), Seoul Journal of Economics 21, 2008, pp. 311-331.
- Housing Wealth and Consumption Growth: Evidence from a Large Panel of Households, Review of Financial Studies 23, 2010, pp. 2229-2267 (Lead article, RFS Brennan Award).
- Transparency, Price Informativeness, and Stock Return Synchronicity: Theory and Evidence (with Suditpo Dasgupta and Ning Gao), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
Book Chapters:
- "Global Banking Regulation & Supervision: What Are the Issues and What Are the Practices?" (James Barth, Jie Gan, and Dan Nolle), inFocus on Financial Institutions and Services, Nova Science Publisher, 2004.
- "Privatization in China: Experiences and Lessons," inChina's Emerging Financial Markets: Challenges and Opportunities(J. Barth, J. Tatom, and G. Yago, 2008 eds.), The Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovation and Economic Growth.
Invited Presentations and Professional Activities
Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Journal of Economics, Japan and the World Economy, Journal of Japanese and International Economy, Japan and the World Economy, Pacific-Basin Journal of Finance; Journal of Real Estate Research, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis, Economics of Transition
Editorial Positions:
International Review of Finance, Associate Editor, 2008-present
Quarterly Journal of Finance, Associate Editor
Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Associate Editor
Sloan School of Management at MIT, Columbia Business School, Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin Business School, City University of New York, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytech, Hong Kong University, HKUST, City University of Hong Kong, University of California at Berkeley; University of Texas at Austin
Federal Reserve Banks: Chicago, Cleveland, New York; Milken Institute
Presenter: Eastern Finance Association Conference 2002; NEBR Corporate Finance Summer Institute 2003; AFA 2004, 2009; Financial Intermediation Research Society Meeting 2004 & 2006; "Accounting, Transparency and Bank Stability" Workshop 2004 at Basle (jointly sponsored by BIS and JFI), WFA 2004, 2006, & 2008, EFA 2004 & 2005, China International Finance Conference 2004 & 2006, City University Finance Symposium 2005, RFS-IU Conference on the Causes and Consequences of Recent Financial Market Bubbles 2005; Summer Real Estate Symposium (2006 & 2008); Indian School of Business Summer Camp (2007); Emerging Market Corporate Finance Conference (2007); NBER China Workshop (2008)
Discussant: AREUE Conference (2002); WFA Conference (2002); EFA Conference (2002); Financial Intermediation Research Society Meeting (2004 & 2006); China International Conference in Finance (2005, 2008, 2009); Paris Corporate Finance Conference (2009)
Session Chair: Eastern Finance Association Conference (2002), China International Conference in Finance (2008, 2009).
- BlackRock/Michael Brennan Best Paper Award of Review of Financial Studies.
- Nominated for the Michael Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 2005, the highest honor awarded to a single faculty in the university.
- Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (MBA teaching 2004 and 2008); Nominated for undergraduate teaching 2003 and 2004.
- Hong Kong RGC Competitive Earmark Research Grant, 2003 (HK$373,000), 2004 (HK$551,000), 2006 (HK$666,000); 2008 (HK$784,000).
- Faculty Research Award, Columbia University Center for Japanese Economy and Business, 2001-2002.
- Graduate Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993-1996, 1998-1999.
- "Best Graduate of the Year&quo