

《環球英語教程視聽教程1學生用書(第二版)》由斯特姆斯基等編。而聖智學習出版公司也在World Link第一版產品投入市場後不久即展開了修訂工作,對第一版內容進行維護、更新和提升。他們在全球範圍通過多種渠道有效跟蹤了該系列教材的使用情況,同時也持續不斷地關注在外語教學和第二語言教學領域內湧現的最新研究成果,最終,World Link(Second Edition)入門級、1—3級)承載著聖智公司智者的努力和所有使用者的殷切厚望,在2011年以全新的形象問世。《環球英語教程視聽教程1學生用書(第二版)》與第一版相比,無論在內容還是形式上,更新與提升的幅度都很大,映射出編寫者與出版者對英語教學過程的演變以及教材作為重要媒介的深刻思考。


  • 書名:環球英語教程視聽教程1學生用書
  • 作者:斯特姆斯基 (Susan Stempleski) 等
  • 出版日期:2013年10月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 品牌:上海外語教育出版社
  • 外文名:World Link Developing English Fluency
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 頁數:120頁
  • 開本:16





作者:(美國)斯特姆斯基(Susan Stempleski)


Unit 1 New Friends,New Faces‘Descdbing people;
talking about oneself
Good Morning World Have we met?
City Living Sun—hee3 favorite cousin
Global Viewpoints Describinq you rself and others
Unit 2 I Express Yourself!·Body language and
Good Morning World More than words
City Living An important rule for traveling
Global Viewpoints Feelings and emotions
Unit 3 Greetings around the world What Do We Need?·Foods;shopping
Good Morning World Food for naught
city Living Do we need anything?
Global Viewpoints Grocery shopping Atthereall
Unit 3 Vacation!·Vacation and trave J;weafher
Goad Morning World Kim in flight
City Living Another souvenir?
Global Viewpoints The weather
What should I do?
Unit 4 Heroes·Heroes past and present
Good Morning World Exploring heroes
city Uving Our heroes
GlobaI Viewpoints Who do you admire?
Unit 5 The Mind·Dreams;memory and the mind
Good Morning World Keep in mind
City Living Roberto’strange dream
Global Viewpoints How’s your memory?
Stranqe dreams
Unit 6 In the City·Giving and following directions
neighborhood places
Good Morning World Our kind of town
City Living You can't miss it ?
Global Viewpoints In my neighborhood
Cities and towns
Unit 7 All About You·SDorts and pastimes;
free—time activitioes
Good Morning World In to win
City Living I’m very athletic!
Global Viewpoints Sports and pastimes
Unit 8 Change·Personal and style changes;jobs;
goals and dreams
Good Morning World New beginnings
city Living Mike needs a change
Global Viewpoints Making changes
Goals,plans,and dreams
Unit 9 Your Health·Getting sick;how to stay healthy
Good Morning w。rId Stress Iess
ity Living Laughter is the best medicine
Global Viewpoints Health problems
Staying healthy
Unit 10 That’s AMazing!·Comparing past and present
achievements;unusual talents
Good Morning World You've got talent
City Living That's amazing!
Global Viewpoints Then and now
Special talents
Unit 11 The Movies·Kinds of movies;movie preferences
Good Morning WorId Lights,camera,Jay!
City Living It's sold out!
Global Viewpoints At the movies
Video Scripts


