瑪麗安·米爾札哈尼在黎曼曲面的研究上提出許多新的突破,她在早期的研究中提出了一個特定虧格模空間體積的公式,是一個其邊界元素數量的多項式,這也讓她可以為馬克西姆·孔采維奇和愛德華·維騰提出的有關模空間上tautology class相交數的公式提供新的證明,也證明了緊緻雙曲面上簡單封閉測地線數量成長趨勢的漸近公式,歸納了球面的the three geodesics理論。她後來的研究專注於模空間中的Teichmüller動態,最特別的是她證明了威廉·瑟斯頓提出,泰希米勒空間(Teichmüller space)上的地震地圖(Earthquake map)流都是遍歷系統的猜想。在2014年時,配合Amir Mohammadi提供的資料,米爾札哈尼和Alex Eskin證明了模空間中的複數測地線以及閉包為正則(regular)的,不是非正則(irregular)或碎形的。
Mahmoodian E S, Mirzakhani M. Decomposition of complete tripartite graphs into 5-cycles[J]. Combinatorics advances, 1995: 235-241.
Mirzakhani M. A small non-4-choosable planar graph[J]. Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl, 1996, 17(15-18): 3.
Mirzakhani M. A simple proof of a theorem of Schur[J]. The American mathematical monthly, 1998, 105(3): 260-262.
Mirzakhani M. Simple geodesics and Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces[J]. Inventiones mathematicae, 2007, 167(1): 179-222.
Mirzakhani M. Weil-Petersson volumes and intersection theory on the moduli space of curves[J]. Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 2007, 20(1): 1-23.
Mirzakhani M. Growth of the number of simple closed geodesies on hyperbolic surfaces[J]. Annals of Mathematics, 2008: 97-125.
Mirzakhani M. Ergodic theory of the earthquake flow[J]. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2008, 2008(9): rnm116-rnm116.
Lindenstrauss E, Mirzakhani M. Ergodic theory of the space of measured laminations[J]. International mathematics research notices, 2008, 2008(9): rnm126-rnm126.
Eskin A, Mirzakhani M. Counting closed geodesics in Moduli space[J]. Journal of Modern Dynamics, 2011,5 (1): 71-105.
Mirzakhani M. Growth of Weil-Petersson volumes and random hyperbolic surface of large genus[J]. Journal of Differential Geometry, 2013, 94(2): 267-300.
Mirzakhani M, Vondrák J. Sperner's colorings, hypergraph labeling problems and fair division[C]//Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014: 873-886.
Mirzakhani M, Zograf P. Towards large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers on moduli spaces of curves[J]. Geometric and Functional Analysis, 2015, 25(4): 1258-1289.
Eskin A, Mirzakhani M, Mohammadi A. Isolation, equidistribution, and orbit closures for the SL (2, ℝ) action on moduli space[J]. Annals of Mathematics, 2015: 673-721.
Mirzakhani M, Vondrák J. Sperner’s colorings and optimal partitioning of the simplex[J]. A Journey Through Discrete Mathematics: A Tribute to Jiří Matoušek, 2017: 615-631.
Mirzakhani M, Wright A. The boundary of an affine invariant submanifold[J]. Inventiones mathematicae, 2017, 209: 927-984.
Eskin A, Mirzakhani M. Invariant and stationary measures for the action on moduli space[J]. Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS, 2018, 127: 95-324.
Mirzakhani M, Wright A. Full-rank affine invariant submanifolds[J]. Duke Mathematical Journal,2018, 167 (1), 1-40.
Eskin A, Mirzakhani M, Rafi K. Counting closed geodesics in strata[J]. Inventiones mathematicae, 2019, 215(2): 535-607.
Mirzakhani M, Petri B. Lengths of closed geodesics on random surfaces of large genus[J]. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2019, 94(4): 869-889.
Eskin A, Mirzakhani M, Mohammadi A. Effective counting of simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces[J]. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2021, 24(9): 3059-3108.
2014年,參加國際數學家大會(International Congress of Mathematicians)。
瑪麗安·米爾札哈尼擔任過《Journal of the American Mathematical Society》的編輯。
瑪麗安·米爾札哈尼的丈夫Jan Vondrák是捷克的理論計算機科學家,在IBM Almaden研究中心(IBM Almaden Research Center)工作,他們有一個女兒,名叫Anahita。
Maryam Mirzakhani
瑪麗安·米爾札哈尼在黎曼曲面及其模空間下的動力學及幾何學中做出了傑出貢獻(Maryam Mirzakhani is awarded the Fields Medal for her outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces)。(菲爾茲獎評)
瑪麗安是一位傑出的數學理論家,也是一個謙虛的人,她接受榮譽只是希望它能鼓勵其他人追隨她的道路。她作為學者和榜樣的貢獻是重大而持久的(Maryam was a brilliant mathematical theorist, and also a humble person who accepted honors only with the hope that it might encourage others to follow her path. Her contributions as both a scholar and a role model are significant and enduring)。(時任史丹福大學校長Marc Tessier-Lavigne評)
這位富有創造力的科學家(瑪麗安·米爾札哈尼)和謙虛的人的空前才華,使伊朗的名字在世界科學論壇上引起共鳴,是展示伊朗婦女和年輕人在各種國際舞台上,通往榮耀高峰的道路上的偉大意願的轉折點(unprecedented brilliance of this creative scientist and modest human being, who made Iran’s name resonate in the world’s scientific forums, was a turning point in showing the great will of Iranian women and young people on the path towards reaching the peaks of glory … in various international arenas)。(時任伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼評)