

瑞士商學院成立於1998年,瑞士商學院是瑞士在商科領域表現最為傑出的高等學府之一。2010年在公認最權威的英國金融時報(Financial Times)世界大學排名里,瑞士商學院在遠距教學領域名列第23,與英國華威大學、愛丁堡大學倫敦大學、美國馬里蘭大學、印第安納大學等名校齊名(下載金融時報排名資料)。


  • 中文名:瑞士商學院
  • 外文名:Swiss Business School 
  • 簡稱:SBS
  • 創辦時間:1998年
  • 現任校長:Dr. Charles Mercieca教授
  • 所屬地區:瑞士
  • 商學院院長:Dr. Bert Wolfs教授


To provide students with a strong academic foundation with access to variousspecialized knowledge bases and prepare them to become productive, competentprofessionals, and responsible citizens in a diverse, dynamic global arena.
It defines higher education from its beginning as the experience of thinkinginternationally. To do this it maintains a multi-cultural student body on itshome campus along with its international centers.
SBS Swiss Business School aims to become Switzerland’s leading Business School,recognized for its innovative contributions to business and management as wellfor its accomplished and dedicated faculty in a multi-national-culturalenvironment.
L: Life Long Learning 終生學習
E: Excellence 卓越
A: Ability-driven 能力驅動
R: Responsibility for quality programs 對高質量項目的責任
N: Nurture talents for the new economy 新經濟下的自然天賦
Foster academic excellence and student achievement on the graduate andundergraduate level.
Encourage appropriate student behavior, ethics and attitudes which reflect themulti-national global understanding and lifelong learning.
Create an educational environment and learning community that fostersexcellence in teaching and applied research.
Create a strong bond between SBS and the diverse local and global organizationswhich they serve through partnerships, outreach activities and communication toall stakeholders.
Promote business and industrial development through our academic achievementsfor our foreign entities.


Charles Mercieca 校長 致學生的信
Published Date:2010年07月12日 04:00:00幾年前,有位美國密西根大學 Ann Arbor 分校的前校長曾經說了這么一句話:“我們設立高等教育學府的目的是什麼?在國內犯下最複雜的罪行的犯人居然是我們學院和大學裡以特優成績畢業的學生!“對我們而言,這段話一點也不令人驚訝,因為我們的教育體系只不過是設計來將知識灌輸給學生們,一旦這個目的達到了,一切也就結束了。但是瑞士商學院是一所完全不同的學校,我們不僅僅傳遞知識給學生,我們還持續不斷地灌輸學生們正面的、建設的地使用這些知識的能力。如此的必然結果是,這個世界會見證到一個更穩定與更負責任的群體,這個群體標誌著成功、融洽、與和平等特徵。在我們這個時代里傳統的學院與大學都傾向於看著自己的足跡前進,這解釋了為什麼他們習慣於將未來描繪成一種過去歷史的重複,結果是,許多學生都被誤導了,以至於認為只有學術成就才能為他們帶來生命里的圓滿。但是瑞士商學院的學生不僅擁有將他們的能力擴展到極致的機會,更重要的是他們還學習到了如何將所學的知識用來構建一個更美好的世界群體,他們關注全世界所有人們的福利,超越區域或本地的範圍。瑞士商學院的任務是將我們所有的學生髮展成一個具有堅強性格和令人愉快的人格特質的人,目的是去訓練我們秉性各異的學生們具備世界級的領導力:一種目前已經十分稀缺的元素。一位領袖,首先必須有能力去激勵、以及啟發民眾,使用真實視角看待事物,最終弄明白人生中種種選擇的順序,於是才能夠在每塊大陸里,去實現全然為了全世界人民福利的工作。最後,依然重要的,我們應該隨時銘記在心的是,並不是所有閃閃發光的東西都是金子,我們需要去計算以及檢查我們所有的努力,在未來對整個世界群體所可能造成的影響,以獲得我們渴望的、負責任的平靜生活。
Afew years ago, a former President of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor inthe United States made the following remark: "What are our institutions ofhigher learning doing? The most sophisticated crimes in the nation arecommitted by former students of ours who graduated from our colleges and universitiessumma cum laude."
Thisremark should bring us no surprise at all. Our educational systems everywhereare structured only for purpose of imparting knowledge to students. Once thisobjective is achieved everything is over. The SBS Swiss Business School is adifferent type of institution because it is concerned not only with impartingknowledge to students, but also with instilling in students the ability to usesuch knowledge positively and constructively. As a result the world is bound towitness the creation of a more stable and responsible world community whichwill be characterized by prosperity, harmony, and peace.
Thetraditional colleges and universities of our time, tend to move forward whilelooking backward. This explains why they tend to visualize the future as arepetition of the past. As a result, many students are being misled becausethey do not feel fulfilled in life in spite of their academic achievements.Students at the SBS Swiss Business School have the opportunity not only to developtheir talents to the maximum possible but also to use all the knowledgeachieved to help build a better world community where the universal welfare ofall people supersedes that of the local or regional level.
Thejob of SBS is to develop a strong character and a pleasant personality in allof its students. It is meant to train its various students to provide the worldwith leadership, an element which nowadays is very rare to find. A leader isdescribed as one who is capable of inspiring and enlightening others to seethings into true perspective, to straighten their priorities in life as a result,and to perform activities that are solely conducive to the universal welfare ofall people across every continent.
Lastbut not least, we need to keep in mind that not all that glitters is gold. Inall of our endeavors we need to figure out and to examine the kind of impact wewill have on the future of our worldly community which yearns to live responsiblyat peace.
CharlesMercieca, Ph.D.
HonoraryPresident – SBS
President– IAEWP
InternationalAssociation of Educators for World Peace,
an NGO, recognized by the UN
瑞士商學院不僅在瑞士蘇黎士開辦 MBA 課程,而且也在其他國家開辦,包括俄羅斯和印度。該課程得到了一些著名跨國公司的贊助,包括: Nestlé Suisse SA ;Credit Suisse Bank ;UBS AG ;Allianz Schweiz ;Lucent Technologies ;ABB AG ;Deutsche Bank ;Siemens ;Volkswagen 等等。2009年瑞士商學院決定將觸角伸入亞太地區,由位於澳大利亞阿德萊德的愛仕林商學院取得授權,自2010年開始,在中國大陸地區開辦瑞士商學院的 MBA、DBA 課程。


