



  • 書名:現代語言學理論綜述
  • 作者:戴瑞亮、張建科、徐文彬
  • ISBN:9787563654659
  • 頁數:191頁
  • 定價:25元
  • 出版社:中國石油大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年12月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Part I Structuralism
Chapter 1 Saussure; Father of Modern Linguistics
1.1 Ferdinand de Saussure
1.2 Nature of the linguistic sign
1.3 The relational nature of language units
1.4 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations
1.5 Langue and parole
1.6 Synchronic and diachronic studies
1.7 Sauss ure's influence
Chapter 2 American Structuralism
2.1 Early period: Boas and Sapir
2.1.1 Franz Boas
2.1.2 Edward Sapir
2.1.3 I,inguistic relativity
2.1.4 Linguistic relativity and cognitive linguistics
2.2 Leonard Bloomfield
2.2.1 Bloomfield the man
2.2.2 Bloomfield and behaviorism
2.2.3 Bloomfield and his Language
2.2.4 Structuralism and language teaching
2.3 Conclusion
Part II Functionalism
Chapter 3 The Prague School
3.1 Historical background
3.2 Theories of language
3.3 Phonology and phonological opposition
3.4 Distinctive Features
3.5 Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP)
Chapter 4 The London School
4.1 Malinowski's theories
4.2 Firth'stheories
4.3 Halliday and Systemic-Functional Grammar
4.3.1 Halliday's philosophy of language
4.3.2 Systemic grammar
4.3.3 Functionalgrammar
4.3.4 Halliday and sociolinguistics
Part III Generativism
Chapter 5 Transformational-Generative Grammar
5.1 Chomsky's philosophy oflanguage
5.1.1 Background
5.1.2 What is language?
5.1.3 Thelnnateness Hypothesis
5.1.4 Universal grammar and particular grammar
5.1.5 What is a generative grammar?
5.2 Stages of development of TG Grammar
5.2.1 The Classical Theory
5.2.2 The Standard Theory
5.2.3 The Extended Standard Theory
5.2.4 Later Theories
5.3 A comparison between TG Grammar and structural grammar
Part IV Cognitivism


