




  • 書名:現代漢譯英口譯教程 
  • 作者:吳冰、戴寧、柯克爾、周燕
  • 類別:教育
  • 出版社外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2004年08月
  • 頁數:416 頁
  • 定價:34.9 元
  • 裝幀平裝
  • ISBN:9787560040653
  • 版次:1
  • 重約:0.534KG




Unit One Tourism in China
I. Reading Materials
1. China-a Tourist Attraction
2. Beijing Today and Yesterday
3. The Great Wall 4. The Temple of Heaven
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
1. “世界第八奇觀”
2. “解放”怎么譯?
3. 表示地理位置的介詞in, to 和of
4. 一些中國特有的詞組、用語的翻譯
5. 地名的譯法
6. 口譯時中國計量單謎榆駝位的換算
7. Beijng 還是Peking?
8. 倍數婚蘭駝表達法
9. 同義詞、近義詞辨析
(1)Road, street, avenue, boulevard, lane,alley,thoroughfare,expressway,freeway,freeway
(2)Construction, building, structure
(4)Pillar, column
IV. Guide to Oral Interpreting
1. 口譯課的目的
2. 口譯課的特點
3. 記憶力是口譯工雅提龍夜作者應該培養的基本功
Unit Two Sports
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Three Education
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Four Women and Children
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Five The Elderly and the Family
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Six Population and Development
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Seven China's Minority Ethnic Groups
Unit Eight Religion
Unit Nine Medicine
Unit Ten Industry
Unit Eleven, Agriculture and Rural Economy
Unit Twelve Foreign Trade and Special Economic Zones
Unit Thirteen Science and Technology
Unit Fourteen Economic Development and Reform
Unit Fifteen Environmental Protection
Unit Sixteen China's Foreign Policy
Unit Seventeen Policies towards Hong Kong,Macao, and Taiwan
Unit Eighteen Culture
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Four Women and Children
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Five The Elderly and the Family
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Six Population and Development
I. Reading Materials
II. Words and Expressions
III. Language Notes
IV. Guide to Oral Interpretin
Unit Seven China's Minority Ethnic Groups
Unit Eight Religion
Unit Nine Medicine
Unit Ten Industry
Unit Eleven, Agriculture and Rural Economy
Unit Twelve Foreign Trade and Special Economic Zones
Unit Thirteen Science and Technology
Unit Fourteen Economic Development and Reform
Unit Fifteen Environmental Protection
Unit Sixteen China's Foreign Policy
Unit Seventeen Policies towards Hong Kong,Macao, and Taiwan
Unit Eighteen Culture


