玫瑰肉色鏈黴菌,是從山東省和西安市的土樣中, 分離到3株氣絲為粉紅色調的鏈黴菌,
編號 AMS-91-01
拉丁菌名 Clostriudium cellulloflavum sp. nov. He, Ding et Long
中文菌名 玫瑰肉色鏈黴菌
定名人 陳立明 張國偉 閻遜初
Nomencla He Yanling, Ding Youfang and Long Yanquan
發表文章 粉紅鏈黴菌的兩個新種
Article A New Species of Thermophilic, Cellulolytic, Anaerobic Bcterium
作者 陳立明 張國偉 閻遜初
Author He Yanling, Ding Youfang and Long Yanquan
從山東省和西安市的 土樣中, 分離到3株氣絲為粉紅色調的鏈黴菌, 編號為 0769, 01762和01763. 經形態, 培養特徵和生理化特性的 研究, 它們與已知的近似種均不相同, 因此定為新種, 命 名為玫瑰暗紅鏈黴菌 (Streptomyces roseoerythraeus n. sp.) (0769) 和玫瑰肉色鏈黴菌 (Streptomyces roseocarneus n. sp.) (01762, 01763, 其中以01762為 標準株) .
Abstract A new thermophilic, cellulolytic, sporefroming anaerobe was isolated and characterized. The cells are gram-negative, straight or slightly curved rods0.3 to 0.6 micrometer wide of lophochichous flagella. They formed oval, terminal spores which swell the cells. The optimum growth temperatureis about 60'C, with a range of 45 to 70'C. The optimum pH for growth is 7.3-7.5. In cellulose medium, yellow pigment is produced.A variety of carbohydrates are fermented. The major fermentation products from cellulose are carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ethanol and acetic acid.The DNA composition is 34 mol% guanine plus cytosine. The name Clostriudium cellulloflavum sp. nov. is proposed.
關鍵字 :玫瑰暗紅黴菌, 玫瑰肉色鏈黴菌
期刊 微生物學報 31(1-6):90-93, 1991
Publication Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 31(1-6):pp.85-89, 1991
分享省市 陝西省西安市
Place Tanggu District, Tianjin, China
採集地 植物園內沃土
Environment The bacterium isolated from the soil of compost at Gegu Dairy.
生態環境 暖溫帶濕潤氣候園林
寄主 土壤
Habitat warm-template continent monsoon climate compost
Host on the soil of dairy compost
採集人 陳立明 張國偉 閻遜初
Isolation Person He Yanling, Ding Youfang and Long Yanquan
保存單位 中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類室放線菌組, 北京 100080
Preservation Unit Tianjin Institute of Light Industry, Tianjin 300222, China
Speciman No.
Note The bacterium decomposited cellulose to make ethanol, which is a usual futher for agricultural and by-products.
(1) 副模式標本 (N0.01763) 保存於中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類室 放線菌組, 北京 100080(2) 該菌對枯草桿菌有抑制作用