Excessive attention to trivialities [trivia] saps the will.;
play through life and have no serious ambition;
riding a hobby saps one's will to make progress;
我同意,因為遊戲可以讓人放鬆,別玩物喪志就好。 I agree, because games relax people. Better not focus on it too much, or you'll lose your ambition.
我長長的吐了一口煙,說:雕蟲小計,玩物喪志。 I long to vomit one of cigarettes, and say: carving insects subtotal, high aims in life.
回家以後被我爸批為玩物喪志,並且扔了我們好不容易抓來的蝌蚪。 After coming home by my father in batches for sap one's spirit by seeking pleasures, and away we managed to catchtadpoles.
更有人是怕百姓在鳥語花香中,會玩物喪志,會“變修”,會忘記了階級鬥爭。 More people are afraid of the people in an idyllic scene, will sap one's spirit by seeking pleasures, would "change repair",will forget the class struggle.
對於身在異鄉為異客的我經過歲月的沖洗、生活的磨礪和俗世的打磨,正當我彷徨無助、玩物喪志的時候,是緣分讓我與我妻相識、相交、相知、相戀。 For a body in a foreign land I after years of flushing, honed and polished earthly life, just as I helpless, when the sap one'sspirit by seeking pleasures, it is fate let me and my wife acquaintance, friend, love, to intersect.