


  • 中文名:王麗珍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:英國哈德斯菲爾德大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


1983年9月雲南大學數學系本科畢業留校工作,1988年獲雲南大學計算數學理學碩士學位,2008年獲英國哈德斯菲爾德大學信息科學與技術工學博士學位。1996年9月破格晉升副教授,2001年8月破格晉升教授,2010年4月聘用到教授三級崗位。雲南省中青年學術和技術帶頭人,“伍達觀獎”、“紅雲園丁獎”優秀教師,雲南大學信息學院“數據挖掘與信息網路分析” 方向學術帶頭人。








(1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目“領域驅動空間co-location模式挖掘技術研究”,2015/01-2018/12,主持。
(2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目“帶不精確機率和約束的co-location挖掘及可視化研究”,2013/01-2013/12,主持。
(3) 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目“不確定數據的空間co-location模式挖掘技術研究”,2011/01-2013/12,主持。
(4) 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目“三江併流”代表性植物空間數據倉庫及其多樣性研究”,2005/01-2007/12,主持。
(5) 雲南省中青年學術和技術帶頭人後備人才培養計畫,2006/09-2011/10,主持。
(6) 雲南省套用基礎研究計畫重點項目“基於感測數據的公共安全事件預警關鍵技術研究”,2016/10-2019/09,參與(排名第二)。
(7) 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目 “基於合作博弈的社區發現機器在雲南毒網中的套用研究”,2013/01-2016/12,參與(排名第二)。
(8) 雲南省套用基礎研究面上項目“影響圖的擴展及套用研究”,2010/12-2013/12,參與(排名第二)。
(9) 雲南省套用基礎研究面上項目 “時空數據上的co-location 模式及其演化研究”,2015/07-2018/06,參與(排名第二)。


[1]. 王麗珍,陳紅梅. 空間模式挖掘理論與方法[M]. 北京: 科學出版社, 2014.7.
[2]. Lizhen Wang and Z. Lu. Efficient Spatial Patterns Mining and Inside Stories[M]. USA: Elliott & Fitzpatrick, Inc., 2009. 10
[3]. 王麗珍, 周麗華, 陳紅梅, 肖清. 數據倉庫與數據挖掘原理及套用(第二版)[M], 北京: 科學出版社, 2009.9
[4]. 王麗珍, 周麗華, 陳紅梅, 鄒力鵾. 數據倉庫與數據挖掘原理及套用[M], 北京: 科學出版社, 2005.7
[5]. Lizhen Wang, J. Han, H. Chen, et al. Top-kprobabilistic prevalent co-location mining in spatially uncertain data sets[J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2016, 10(3): 488-503.
[6]. Lizhen Wang,P. Wu,H. Chen. Finding Probabilistic Prevalent Co-locations in Spatially Uncertain Data Sets[J], IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 25, NO. 4, pp. 790-804, APRIL 2013
[7]. Lizhen Wang, L. Zhou, J. Lu, J. Yip. An order-clique-based approach for mining maximal co-locations[J]. Information Sciences 179 (2009) 3370–3382
[8]. Lizhen Wang, K. Xie,T. Chen,X. Ma. Efficient discovery of multilevel spatial association rule using partition[J], Information and Software Technology (IST), 47(13), 2005: 829-840.
[9]. Lizhen Wang, L. Zou. Research on Algorithms for Mining Distance-Based Outliers[J], CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 14(3), 2005: 485-490
[10].Lizhen Wang, Y. Bao, Z. Lu. Efficient Discovery of Spatial Co-Location Patterns Using the iCPI-tree[J]. The Open Information Systems Journal, 2009, Vol. 3, 69-80
[11]. Lizhen Wang, P. Wu, G. Fan, and Y. Zhou. Extracting Prevalent Co-location Patterns from Historic Spatial Data[C], WAIM 2013 Workshops, LNCS 7901, pp. 287–300, 2013
[12]. Lizhen Wang, P. Guan, H. Chen*, and Q. Xiao. Mining Co-locations from Spatially Uncertain Data with Probability Intervals, WAIM 2013 Workshops, LNCS 7901, pp. 301–314, 2013
[13]. Lizhen Wang, H. Chen, L. Zhao, and L. Zhou. Efficiently Mining Co-location Rules on Interval Data[C], L. Cao, J. Zhong, and Y. Feng (Eds.): ADMA 2010, LNCS 6440, pp. 477–488, 2010
[14]. Lizhen Wang, Y. Bao, J. Lu, J. Yip, ANewJoin-lessApproachforCo-locationPatternMining[C], In: Proc. of the IEEE 8 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2008), Syney, Australia, July 2008, pp. 197-202.
[15]. Lizhen Wang, Y. Bao, J. Lu, J. Yip. A Web-based Visual Spatial Co-location Patterns’ Mining Prototype System (SCPMiner)[C], In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on CyberWorlds (CW2008), Hangzhou, China, 2008, pp. 675-681
[16]. Lizhen Wang, J. Lu, J. Lu, J. Yip. AOG-ags Algorithms and Applications[C]. ADMA 2007, LNAI 4632, pp. 323-334, 2007.8
[17]. Lizhen Wang, J. Lu, J. Yip. An Effective Approach to Predicting Plant Species in an Ecological Environment[C]. In: Proceedings of the 2007 international Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE’07), Las Vegas Nevada, USA, 2007: 245-250
[18]. Lizhen Wang, A. Yang, H. Zhang. Data Mining Prediction of Shovel Cable Service Lifespan[C], In: Proceedings of the Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007), Qingdao, China, 2007: 233-238.
[19]. L. Zhou,W. Liu,Lizhen Wang. Static Strategic Game Approach for Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems without Weight Information[J].International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools20(3):577-588(2011)
[20]. L. Zhou,K. Lü,P. Yang,Lizheng Wang,B. Kong. An approach for overlapping and hierarchical community detection in social networks based on coalition formation game theory[J].Expert Syst. Appl.2015, 42(24):9634-9646
[21]. Y. Fang, Lizhen Wang, J. Lu and L. Zhou. A Combined Co-location Pattern Mining Approach for Post-Analyzing Co-location Patterns[C], In: Proc. of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2016), 2016, Bangkok Thailand, Atlantic Press, pp. 38-43
[22]. J. Lu, Lizhen Wang, Y. Fang and X. Bao. A Novel Method on Incremental Mining of Spatial Co-locations[C], In Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp 2016), Jan. 18-20, 2016, Hongkong, China, IEEE Press, pp. 69-76
[23]. X. Wang, Lizhen Wang*, J. Lu, and L. Zhou. Effectively Updating High Utility Co-location Patterns in Evolving Spatial Databases[C], WAIM 2016, Part I, LNCS 9658, pp. 67–81, 2016
[24]. H. Chen, W. Liu and Lizhen Wang,Naive Bayesian Classification of Uncertain Objects Basedon the Theory of Interval Probability[J],International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,2016, 25(3): (31 pages), DOI:10.1142/S0218213016500123
[25]. 蘆俊麗,王麗珍*,肖清,王新. 空間co-location 模式增量挖掘及演化分析[J]. 軟體學報,2014, 25(Suppl.(2)):189−200
[26]. 歐陽志平, 王麗珍*, 陳紅梅. 模糊對象的空間Co-location模式挖掘研究[J], 計算機學報, 第34卷, 第10期, pp. 1947-1955, 2011.10
[27]. 余燦玲, 王麗珍*, 張元武. 基於格線密度方向的聚類簇邊緣精度加強算法[J], 計算機研究與發展,47 (5): 815-823, 2010
[28]. 何洪輝,王麗珍,周麗華. pgi-Distance:一種高效的並行KNN-join處理方法[J]. 計算機研究與發展,44(10):1774-1781,2007.10
[29]. J. Lu, Lizhen Wang*, Q. Xiao, Y. Shang. Incremental Mining of Co-locations from Spatial Database[C]. // Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15), Zhangjiajie, China, IEEE Press, pp. 648-653
[30]. S. Yang, Lizhen Wang*, X. Bao, J. Lu. A Framework for Mining Spatial High Utility Co-location Patterns[C]. // Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15), Zhangjiajie, China, IEEE Press, pp. 631-637
[31]. P. Yang,L. Zhou,Lizhen Wang,et al. CDSG: A Community Detection System Based on the Game Theory[C].WAIM2015:590-592
[32]. 姚華傳,王麗珍*,陳紅梅,鄒目權. 面向海量數據的空間co-location模式挖掘新算法[J]. 計算機科學與探索,2015,9(1):24-35
[33]. 胡新,王麗珍*,周麗華,溫佛生. 空間極大co-location模式挖掘研究[J]. 計算機科學與探索, 2014, 8(2): 150-160
[34]. 胡新,王麗珍*,何瓦特,姚華傳. 度數法求解最大團問題[J]. 計算機科學與探索, 2013, 7 (3): 262-271
[35]. 楊世晟,王麗珍*,蘆俊麗,高源. 空間高效用co-location模式挖掘技術初探[J]. 小型微型計算機系統, 2014, 35(10): 2302-2307
[36]. 鄒目權, 王麗珍*, 姚華傳. 模糊空間的colocation 模式挖掘研究[J]. 計算機工程與套用, 2014, 50(7): 108-115
[37]. 吳萍萍,王麗珍*,周永恆. 帶模糊屬性的空間co-location模式挖掘研究[J],計算機科學與探索, 2013, 7 (4): 348-358
[38]. 歐陽志平, 王麗珍*, 周麗華. 實例位置模糊的空間co-location模式挖掘研究[J]. 計算機科學與探索, 2012, 6(12): 1144-1152
[39]. 陸葉, 王麗珍*, 張曉峰. 從不確定數據集中挖掘頻繁Co-location模式[J], 計算機科學與探索, 3 (6): 656-664, 2009.11.
[40]. H. Chen,Lizhen Wang*,W. Liu,Q. Xiao. Evaluating the Distance between Two Uncertain Categorical Objects[C].ADMA (2)2010:122-133
[41]. H. Chen,Lizhen Wang*,W. Liu,Q. Xiao. An efficient method of evaluating the distance between two uncertain objects[C].ICCA2010:1259-1264


