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[2]G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, A.A.Coelho, S. Gama and R. Burriel, Comparative analysis of magnetic and caloricdeterminations of the magnetocaloric effect in Mn0.99Co0.01As,EPJ Web of Conferences, 75, 04003, 2014.
[3]G.F. Wang, Z.R. Zhao, X.F.Zhang, L. Song and O. Tegus, Analysis of the first-order phase transition of(Mn,Fe)2(P,Si,Ge) using entropy change scaling, Journal of Physics. D: Applied Physics 46, 295001, 2013.
[4]G.F. Wang, Z.R. Zhao, L. Songand O. Tegus, Peculiar influence of Mn/Fe ratio on the magnetic andmagnetocaloric properties of Mn2−xFexP0.6Si0.25Ge0.15compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 554, 208-213, 2013.
[5]G.F. Wang, Z.R. Zhao, X.B. Zhangand X.F. Zhang, First-order phase transition and magnetocaloric effect of MnFeP0.63Ge0.12Si0.25compound, Advanced Material Research, 2014
[6]G.F. Wang, L. Song, F.A. Li,Z.Q. Ou, O. Tegus, E. Brück and K.H.J. Buschow, Magnetocaloric effect in the La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.4−xCoxSi1.6compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321, 3548-3552, 2009.
[7]G.F. Wang, Song Lin, Z. Q. Ou, Z. R. Zhao and O. Tegus, Calculation of themagnetization and magnetocaloric effect in the MnFeP0.45As0.55compound, Acta Metallurgica. Sinica (English Letters),20, 265-269, 2007.
[8]E. Palacios, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán,G.F. Wang, R. Burriel, G. Cuello and J. Rodríguez- Carvajal, Magnetic structureof Gd5Si2Ge2and Gd5Si2Ge1.9M0.1(M=Ga, Cu), Journal of Physics.: Condensed Matter, 22, 446003-1-6, 2010.
[9] V.V. Khovaylo, K.P. Skokov, O. Gutfleisch,H. Miki, T. Takagi, T. Kanomata, V.V. Koledov, V.G. Shavrov,G.F. Wang,E. Palacios, J. Bartolomé and R. Burriel,Peculiarities of the magnetocaloric properties inNi-Mn-Sn ferromagnetic shape memory alloys,Physical Review B, 81, 214406-1-6, 2010.
[10] E. Palacios,G.F. Wang, R.Burriel, V. Provenzano and R.D. Shull,Direct Measurement of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Gd5Si2Ge1.9Ga0.1,Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 200,092011-1-4, 2010.
[11] L. Song,G.F. Wang, Z.Q. Ou, O.Haschaolu, O. Tegus, E. Brück and K.H.J. Buschow, Magnetic properties andmagnetocaloric effect of MnFeP0.5Ge0.5−xSixcompounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 474, 388-390, 2009.
[12] Z. Q. Ou,G.F. Wang, Songlin, O. Tegus, E. Bruckand K. H. J. Buschow, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effectsin Mn1.2Fe0.8P1−xGexcompounds,Journal of Physics.:Condensed Matter,18,11577,2006.
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[1]G.F. Wang, E.Palacios, J. Bartolome, R. Burriel and K.P. Skokov, Calorimetric determinationsof the magnetocaloric parameters in the Heusler alloy Ni50Mn36Co1Sn13,European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes,Montpellier, France, 12-15 Sept., 2011.
[2]G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, R. Burriel, S. GamaandA.A. Coelho,On the size of the giant magnetocaloriceffect in Mn1−xFexAs compounds based on direct andindirect measurements, The 4thInternational Conference on Magneto Science, Shanghai, China,October 9-15, 2011.
[3]G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, R. Burriel A.A. Coelho and S. Gama, Direct and indirectdeterminations of the giant magnetocaloric effect in Mn1-xCoxAscompounds, 4th International Conference of IIR on Magnetic Refrigeration atRoom Temperature, Baotou, China, 23rd– 27thAug. 2010.
[4]G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, R. Burriel, L. Song and O. Tegus, Magnetic propertiesand large isothermal entropy change in Mn2-xFexP0.6Si0.25Ge0.15compounds, 4th International Conference of IIR on Magnetic Refrigeration atRoom Temperature, Baotou, China, 23rd– 27thAug. 2010.
[5]G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, A.A. Coelho, S. Gama and R. Burriel, Heat capacity anddirect determination of the magnetocaloric effect in Mn1-xCoxAs(0 < x ≤ 0.02),VI Reunión delGrupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido,Zaragoza,Spain,3rd– 5thFeb. 2010.
[6]R. Burriel, E. Palacios, J. Bartolome, andG.F. Wang, Magnetocaloric evaluations in materials withfirst-order transitions, 10thMediterranean conference oncalorimetry and thermal analysis, Porto, Portugal, 24th-27thJuly, 2011.
[7] R. Burriel,G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, N.T. Trung and E.Brück, Comparison of direct and indirectdeterminations of the MCE in MnFe(P,Ge) compounds,2010 MRS Fall Meeting,Boston, USA, 29thNov. – 3rdDec. 2010.
[8]E. Palacios, S. Elkatlawy,G.F. Wangand R. Burriel, Direct measurementof the isothermal entropy change in Mn3GaC1-x,2010 MRS Fall Meeting,Boston, USA, 29thNov. – 3rdDec. 2010.
[9] R. Burriel,G.F. Wang, E. Palacios, J. Lyubina and O. Gutfleisch,Comparison of direct and indirect determinations of magnetocaloric parametersin the weakly hysteretic compounds LaFe13-xSix, 4thInternational Conference of IIR on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature,Baotou, China, 23rd– 27thAug. 2010.
GaoFeng Wang,Magnetic and Calorimetric Study of the MagnetocaloricEffect in Intermetallics Exhibiting First-order Magnetostructural Transitions,Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza,pp1-260,ISBN 978-84-15538-29-5, 2012