2002-2005年被邀請參加:12 和13 International Soil Conservation Organization Conference,2th World Engineers` Convention,90 Annual Meeting (ESA) August 7-12,2005 Montreal, Canada, held jointly with IX international congress of ecology (INTECOL);《雲貴高原典型陸地生態系統研究》
(2)在植被結構與水土流失關係研究中,發現自然演替的生態系統植物多樣性是影響水土流失的重要因子;植物多樣性通過調節植被結構影響水土流失過程,水土流失過程進一步影響生態系統持續性、生產力和穩定性,植物多樣性既是生態系統結構的一部分,同時又調控著生態系統結構-功能相互作用過程(wang et al.,2007)。在很多建築物的重要部分——坡面生態工程(Slope eco-engineering)中,植物多樣性起著調控工程穩定性、自我維持的作用,並成為工程美學價值和文化價值實現的(自然)源泉(wang et al.,2005)。
1.Zhenhong Wang, Yongping Hou, Hong Fang et al. 2012. Effects of plant species diversity on soil conservation and stability in the secondary succession phases of a semi-humid evergreen broadleaf forest in China.Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 67(4): 311-320 (SCI影響因子:1.77).
2.Zhenhong Wang, Wanying. 2012. Decomposition-rate estimation of leaf litter in karst forests in China based on a mathematical model. Plant Soil, (SCI影響因子:3.05)
3.Zhenhong Wang, Changmng Xu. 2012. Use of Soil Columns to Evaluate Nitrogen Leaching in Different Land Uses in Dachong Karst Watershed of Yun-Gui Plateau of China.ICAE, 1: 167-172.(EI)
4.Zhenhong Wang, Yonggui Wu. 2012. New Models Controlling Non-point Source Pollution on Watershed Scales in Yun-Gui Plateau of China.ICAE, 1: 334-338.(EI)
5.Zhenhong Wang, Changmin. 2012. Nitrogen Loads in Leaching Waters of Soils in Different Lands under the Conditions of Natural Rains in Dachong Watershed in Yun-Gui Plateau of PRC. Environment Science and Materials Engineering, 573: 552-559. (EI)《雲貴高原典型陸地生態系統研究<三>》
6.Zhenhong Wang, Ming Zhang, Junfeng Yu, Ruicong Jiang, Xiaolu Yin, Dan Yu. 2011. Scale Expansion of Community Investigations and Integration of the Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Processes on Maintenance of Species Diversity. International Journal of Ecology, 596508.
7.Zhenhong Wang and Chanqun Duan. 2010. How do plant morphological characteristics, species composition and richness regulate eco-hydrological function? Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52(12):1086-1099. (SCI影響因子:2.58).
8.Zhenhong Wang. 2010. The dynamics of ecosystem restoration: theoretical considerations on the basis of species richness. Plant Ecology, 209:205-217. (SCI影響因子:1.85).
9.Zhenhong Wang; Chuanqun Daun; Li Yuan; Jing Rao; Zizong Zhou; Ju Li; Chengbo Yang & Wanying Xu. 2010. Assessment of the restoration of a degraded semi-humid evergreen broadleaf forest ecosystem by combined single-indicator and comprehensive model method. Ecological Engineering 36,757-767. (SCI影響因子:3.10).
10.Wang zhenhong,Yang chengbo,Yang limei. 2007. Relationship and its significance between plant species diversity and ecosystem function of soil conservation in semi-humid evergreen forests, Yunnan province, China.Frontier of Forestry in China, 2(1):18-27
11.Wang zhenhong,Mubiao,Yang jiansong. 2004. Plant Species Diversity and Stability, Hydrological Processes, Aesthetic Value, of Slope Eco-engineering. Proceedings of 2th World Engineers` Convention, Shanghai,Vol D, 613-619 (ISTP).
12.Wang zhenhong, Duan changqun, Chenming,Wang keqing. 2002. Ecological-Hydrological Characteristics of the Three Manmade Forest Communities in the Central Yunnan Province. Proceedings of 12the International Soil Conservation Organization Conference. InProcess of Soil Erosion and Its Environmental Effect, Beijing,Volume II, 541-550 (cited by SCI journal: mountain research and development, Man-made Versus Natural Forests in Mid-Yunnan, Southwestern China)
13.Wang zhenhong. 2004. Relationship between Plant Species Diversity and Soil Erosion Control in Different Secondary Phases of Semi-humid Ever-green Broad-leaved Forest.Proceedings of 13the International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, Brisban, 973P(ISTP)
14.Duan Changqun, Hu Bin , Wang Zhenhong, Wen Chuanhao, Jiang Xiaohua, Liang Xiaofeng, Li Qing . Tradescantia bioassays for the genotoxicity of water in Panlong River of Kunming, Mutation Research, 1999,426,127-131(SCI影響因子3.05).
15.Duan Changqun, Hu Bin,Jiang Xiaohua, Wen Chuanhao, Wang Zhen hong. Genotoxicity of the water samples of Dianchi Lake detected by Vicia faba Micronucleus test. , Mutation Research , 1999, 426 ,121-125(SCI影響因子3.05).
16.zhenhong, Wang, changqun , Duan. Plant species diversity and ecosystem functioning about soil and water conservation at different scales.Abstractof 90the Annual Meeting (ESA) August 7-12,2005 Montreal, Canada, held jointly with IX international congress of ecology (INTECOL).
10.萬利,王震洪*,揚成波.生態修復區不同植物群體的根系固土力學機理(Mechanical mechanism of soil-reinforcement for different plant communities in ecological restoration region)農業工程學報, 2009.25(10):278-283(EI). (CSCD核心,IF=1.299)