


  • 中文名:王荔紅
  • 性別:女
  • 學位:博士
  • 職稱:副教授


王荔紅,女,比利時魯汶大學金融學博士 副教授 碩士生導師。


2006-2011 比利時魯汶大學,金融學博士
2003-2006 復旦大學,金融學碩士
1999-2003 廈門大學,財政金融學士




(1)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*(王荔紅), The co-movement of stock markets in East Asia. Did the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis really strengthen stock market integration?, China Economic Review, 21(1), 98–112, 2010.(SSCI)
(2)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*(王荔紅), Expropriation of minority investors in Chinese listed firms: The role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 20(3), 308–332, 2012.(SSCI)
(3)Wang, L.H.*(王荔紅), Formal and informal financing channels in China, East Asian Policy, 5(3), 38–48, 2013.
(4)Wang, L.H.*(王荔紅), Who moves East Asian stock markets? The role of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 28(C), 182–203, 2014. (SSCI).
(5) Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*(王荔紅), Institutional development and financing decisions: Evidence from a cross-regional study on Chinese listed firms, The European Journal of Finance, forthcoming.(SSCI)
(1)Wang, L.H.*, Who moves East Asian stock markets? The role of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis, 21屆金融市場理論與實踐年會,台灣中山大學,2013.12.13,論文報告;
(2)Wang, L.H.*, Examining corporate governance in Chinese listed firms,學術研討會新加坡國立大學,2012.09.14,論文報告;
(3)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Institutional development and financing decisions: Evidence from a cross-regional study on Chinese listed firms,EJF中國資本市場主題會議,英國杜漢,2012.06.12-15,分會報告;
(4)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Firm performance and firm value of Chinese listed firms: The role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms, 第十屆中國實證會計國際研討會,中國昆明,2011.12.16-18,分會報告;
(5)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Expropriation of minority investors in Chinese listed firms: The role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms,金融學術研討會,英國諾丁漢,2011.01.10,論文報告;
(6)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Agency problems and corporate governance mechanisms in Chinese listed firms, 全英博士論壇,英國倫敦,2010.10.09,分會報告;
(7)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Agency costs and corporate governance mechanisms in Chinese listed firms,國際財務管理協會亞洲年會,新加坡,2010.07.14-16,分會報告;
(8)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Agency costs and corporate governance mechanisms in Chinese listed firms,法國金融學會國際年會,法國聖馬洛,2010.05.11-12,分會報告;
(9)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Agency costs and corporate governance mechanisms: Empirical results for Chinese listed firms, LSM-KUL金融學術研討會,比利時布魯塞爾,2010.01.08,大會報告;
(10)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Institutions, ownership structure and financing decisions: Evidence from Chinese listed firms,JCF新興市場公司金融與治理主題會議,中國北京,2009.08.23-25,分會報告;
(11)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Institutions, ownership structure and financing decisions: Evidence from Chinese listed firms,中國經濟學會年會(歐洲),愛爾蘭都柏林,2009.07.22-23,分會報告;
(12)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Institutions, ownership structure and financing decisions: Evidence from Chinese listed firms,中國國際金融年會,中國廣州,2009.07.07-10,分會報告;
(13)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Ownership structure, institutions and financing decisions: Empirical results for Chinese listed firms,公司金融日,荷蘭鹿特丹,2008.09.19,分會報告;
(14)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, The co-movement of stock markets in East Asia. Did the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis really strengthen stock market integration?,中國經濟學會年會(歐洲),英國劍橋,2008.04.01-02,分會報告。
(1)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Agency problems and corporate governance mechanisms in Chinese listed firms,國際財務管理協會FMA,CFA Institute和CFA Research Foundation,亞洲投資管理科研獎,2010;
(2)Huyghebaert, N. & Wang, L.H.*, Agency problems and corporate governance mechanisms in Chinese listed firms,全英博士論壇CSSA–UK,最佳論文獎,2010。


2006-2011:SBA博士獎學金項目, 比利時魯汶大學 & 復旦大學
2005-2006:第五批研究生創新基金——創業種子資助項目,復旦大學 & 教育部


(1)王荔紅,項目主持人,中央高校基本科研業務費“董事政府關聯、股權結構和制度環境:中國上市企業公司治理分析”(項目編號:2011221051), 2011年9月~2014年8月;


