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  • 畢業院校:香港城市大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:行人交通動力學與多種場景下人員應急疏散建模等
  • 任職院校:上海海事大學物流研究中心


2005.09-2009.06 武漢大學,地理信息系統,本科;
2009.09-2011.06 武漢大學,地圖製圖學與地理信息工程,碩士;
2011.09-2015.02 香港城市大學,博士,主要研究方向為行人交通與人員疏散;
2013.01-2013.05 美國伊利諾州立大學香檳分校(uiuc),訪問學生。






現主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目一項、上海市浦江人才計畫項目一項以及上海市創新行動計畫項目一項,主持橫向課題兩項,參與兩項國家自然科學基金項目、省部級(重大、重點)項目、物流園區規劃等橫向課題十餘項。曾作為主要研究人員參與了多項香港政府研究基金(General Research Fund)項目,發表論文30餘篇。獲得上海市高等教育優秀教學成果二等獎1項,香港測量學會優秀學位論文獎。
(1) 王維莉. 人工智慧賦能智慧社區,上海科學技術出版社,2021.
(2) Wei-Li Wang*; Hai-Cheng Li; Jia-Yu Rong; Qin-Qin Fan; Xin Han; Bei-Hua Cong; A modified heuristics-based model for simulating realistic pedestrian movement behavior, Chinese Physics B, 2022, 10.1088/1674-1056/ac65f8. (SCI)
(3) Weili Wang*; Jiayu Rong; Qinqin Fan; Jingjing Zhang; Xin Han; Beihua Cong, Data-Driven Simulation of Pedestrian Movement with Artificial Neural Network, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021(6): 1-16. (SCI)
(4) Weili Wang*; Jingjing Zhang; Haicheng Li; Qimiao Xie; Experimental study on unidirectional pedestrian flows in a corridor with a fixed obstacle and a temporary obstacle, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 560: 125188. (SCI) (WoS統計被引5次)
(5) Wei-Li Wang*; Fang-Fang Wan; Siu-Ming Lo; Game theory model of exit selection in pedestrian evacuation considering visual range and choice firmness, Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(8): 084502. (SCI)
(6) W.L. Wang; K.L. Tsui*; S.M. Lo; S.B. Liu; Computational modeling and statistical analyses on individual contact rate and exposure to disease in complex and confined transportation hubs, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 490: 1461-1470. (SCI)
(7) W.L. Wang*; S.M. Lo; S.B. Liu; A cognitive pedestrian behavior model for exploratory navigation: Visibility graph based heuristics approach, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2017, 77: 350-366. (SCI)
(8) W.L. Wang; S.M. Lo*; S.B. Liu; Microscopic Modeling of Pedestrian Behavior: Interacting with Visual Attractors in Built Environment, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2014, 44: 21–33. (SCI)
(9) W.L. Wang; S.M. Lo*; S.B. Liu; Aggregated Metro Trip Patterns in Urban Area of Hong Kong: Evidence from Automatic Fare Collection Records, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2015, 141(3): 05014018. (SCI)
(10) Qinqin Fan*; Weili Wang; Xuefeng Yan; Differential evolution algorithm with strategy adaptation and knowledge-based control parameters, Artificial Intelligence Review, 2019, 51(2):1-35. (SCI)
(11) Qinqin Fan*, Weili Wang and Xuefeng Yan, Multi-Objective Differential Evolution with Performance-Metric-Based Self-Adaptive Mutation Operator for Chemical and Biochemical Dynamic Optimization Problems, Applied Soft Computing, 2017, 59: 33-44. (SCI)
(12) Qinqin Fan*, Yaochu Jin, Weili Wang, Xuefeng Yan. A performance-Driven Multi-Algorithm Selection Strategy for Energy Consumption Optimization of Sea-Rail Intermodal Transportation. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2018. doi:10.1016/j.swevo.2018.11.007. (SCI)
(13) H.D. He*,C.Y. Zhang,W.L. Wang,Y.Y. Hao,Y. Ding, Feedback control scheme for traffic jam and energy consumption based on two-lane traffic flow model, Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment, 2018, 60: 76-84. (SCI)
(14) H.D. He*, M. Li, W.L. Wang, Z.Y. Wang, Y. Xue, Prediction of PM 2.5 concentration based on the similarity in air quality monitoring network, Building & Environment, 2018, 137:11-17. (SCI)
(15) S.B. Liu, S.M. Lo*, K.L. Tsui and W.L. Wang, Modeling Movement Direction Choice and Collision Avoidance in Agent-Based Model for Pedestrian Flow, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2015, 04015001. (SCI)
(16) S.B. Liu, S.M. Lo*, J. Ma and W.L. Wang, An Agent-Based Microscopic Pedestrian Flow Simulation Model for Pedestrian Traffic Problems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(3): 992-1001. (SCI)
(17) J. Ma, S.M. Lo, W.G. Song*, W.L. Wang, J. Zhang, G.X. Liao, Modeling pedestrian space in complex building for efficient pedestrian traffic simulation, Automation in Construction, 2013, 30: 25–36. (SCI)
(18) W.L. Wang, S.M. Lo*, S.B. Liu and J. Ma, on the use of a pedestrian simulation model with natural behavior representation in metro stations, Procedia Computer Science, 2015, 52(1):137-144. The 6th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, London, United Kingdom, 2015.6.2-6.5. (EI)
(19) W.L. Wang, S.B. Liu, S.M. Lo* and L.J. Gao, Passenger Ship Evacuation Simulation and Validation by Experimental Data Sets, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 71: 427-432. 2013 International Conference on Performance-based Fire and Fire Protection Engineering, Wuhan, P.R. China, 2013.11.16-11.17. (EI)
(20) W.L. Wang and T.Y. Jacqueline Lo*, A Simulation Study on Passenger Escape in Rail Tunnels, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 71: 552-557. 2013 International Conference on Performance-based Fire and Fire Protection Engineering, Wuhan, P.R. China, 2013.11.16-11.17. (EI)
(21) 王維莉*,盧曉磊,張旺,熊浩然,余冕. 基於改進社會力的單向流電動車電動腳踏車行為建模研究, 交通運輸系統工程與信息, 2022. (EI)
(22) 王維莉*, 王卓. 平災結合的避難設施選址與災民安置最佳化, 安全與環境學報, 2022.
(23) 周輝, 王維莉*. 基於無人機視頻的非機動車道交通衝突分析, 計算機工程與套用, 2022.
(24) 徐奕文, 王維莉*. 基於BP神經網路的客船疏散時間快速預測模型, 大連海事大學學報,2022.
(25) 王逸文, 王維莉*. 基於LSTM-RELM組合模型的電商GMV預測研究, 計算機工程與套用,2022.
(26) 耿琦, 王維莉*. 考慮小群體行為的建築疏散試驗研究, 中國安全科學學報, 2021, 31(08): 172-179.
(27) 張道宏, 王維莉*, 古華瑩, 胡志華. 考慮供應商風險偏好的供應鏈系統動力學分析, 計算機工程與套用, 2020, 56(03): 224-231.
(28) 韓雨烔, 王維莉*, 范勤勤, 胡志華. 遺傳算法與行人疏散模型結合的建築出口最佳化, 計算機工程與套用, 2020, 56(13): 254-261.
(29) 吳新傑, 王維莉*, 胡志華. 突發事件下人群恐慌情緒感染模型與干預方法, 計算機工程與套用, 2020, 56(12): 265-272.
(30) 余佳, 王維莉*, 韓新, 范勤勤, 胡志華. 考慮逆向物流的應急物資配置流程SPN建模分析, 中國安全生產科學技術, 2019, 15(04): 12-18. (知網統計被引10次)
(31) 陶政廣, 王維莉*, 胡志華, 張玉潔. 考慮分類人群行為的建築疏散模型研究, 計算機工程與套用, 2019, 55(07): 265-270.
(32) 楊琪, 王維莉*, 胡志華. 突發事件下郵輪應急疏散模擬及其驗證, 大連海事大學學報, 2018, 44(02): 27-32.
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,交通擁堵產生的超細顆粒物的動態分布及控制策略研究,2017/01-2020/12,結題,參加




