2014年5月,從聖路易斯華盛頓大學能源環境化學工程專業畢業,獲得博士學位,導師為普拉蒂姆·比斯瓦斯(Pratim Biswas)院士。
2014年6月—2018年8月,擔任加州大學聖地亞哥分校博士後、助理項目研究科學家,合作導師為Kimberly Prather院士。
王笑非先後發表第一、通訊作者文章17篇,其中包括了發表於美國科學院院刊(PNAS)、ACS Cent. Sci. (IF=13)、Proc. Comb. Inst.、Energy & Fuels、Fuel、Environ. Sci. Technol.和Atmos. Chem. Phys.等國際期刊的多篇文章。代表性論文如下:
Jiang, X.†; Rotily, L.; Villermaux, E.†; Wang, X.†*, Submicron Drops from Flapping Bursting Bubbles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022 In press.
Wang, X.; Wang, H.; Jing, H.; Wang, W. N; Cui, W.; Williams, B. J.; Biswas, P., Formation of Nitrogen-Containing Organic Aerosol during Combustion of High Sulfur Content Coal. Energy & Fuels. 2017 31, 14161–14168.
Wang, X.†; Grant, D. B.†; Moore, K. A.; Ryder, O. S.; Stokes, M. D.; Beall, C. M.; Collins, D. B.; Santander, M. V.; Burrows, S. M.; Sultana, C. M.; Prather, K. A., The role of jet and film drops in controlling the mixing state of submicron sea spray aerosol particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017 114, 6978–6983.
Wang, X.; He, J.; Dhungel, B.; Wang, W. N.; Kumfer, B. M.; Axelbaum, R. L.; Biswas, P., Characterization of Organic and Black Carbon Aerosol Formation during Coal Combustion: An Experimental Study in a 1MW Pilot Scale Coal Combustor. Fuel 2016 180, 653-658.
Wang, X. †; Sultana, C. M. †; Trueblood, J.; Hill, T. C. J.; Malfatti, F.; Lee, C.; Laskina, O.; Moore, K. A.; Beall, C. M.; McCluskey, C. S.; Cornwell, G. C.; Zhou, Y.; Cox, J. L.; Pendergraft, M. A.; Santander, M. V.; Bertram, T. H.; Cappa, C. D.; Azam, F.; DeMott, P. J.; Grassian, V. H.; Prather, K. A., Microbial Control of Sea Spray Aerosol Composition: A Tale of Two Blooms. ACS Central Science 2015 1, 124–131.
Wang, X.; Cotter, E.; Iyer, K. N.; Fang, J.; Williams, B. J.; Biswas, P., Relationship between Pyrolysis Products and Organic Aerosols Formed during Coal Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2015 35, 2347-2354.
Wang, X.; Daukoru, S. M.; Torkamani, S.; Wang, W. N.; Biswas, P., Role of Exhaust Gas Recycle on Submicrometer Particle Formation during Oxy-coal Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2013, 34, 3479-3487.
Wang, X.; Williams, B. J.; Wang, X.; Tang, Y.; Huang, Y.; Kong, L.; Yang, X.; Biswas, P., Characterization of Organic Aerosol Produced during Pulverized Coal Combustion in a Drop Tube Furnace. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013, 13, 10919-10932.
Wang, X.; Gao, S.; Yang, X.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.; Zhuang, G.; Surratt, J. D.; Chan, M. N.; Seinfeld, J. H., Evidence for High Molecular Weight Nitrogen-Containing Organic Salts in Urban Aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44, 4441-4446.
Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, H.; Yang, X.; Chen, J.; Geng, F., Particulate Nitrate Formation in a Highly Polluted Urban Area: A Case Study by Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry in Shanghai. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43, 3061-3066.
項目時間 | 項目名稱 | 項目來源 |
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| 有機污染物在海鹽氣溶膠中的富集及在水—氣界面的傳輸 | |
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榮譽表彰 | 授予單位 |
Dave Benferado Scholarship for Air Pollution Control and Waste Minimization Research | Air & Waste Management Association |
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| Washington University in St. Louis |
Peabody Energy Corporate Fellow | Washington University in St. Louis |