


  • 中文名:王玉娟
  • 畢業院校:香港大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:重慶大學自動化學院博士生導師






l2017-今:擔任IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control(控制領域A類)審稿人
l2014-今:擔任IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics(SCI 1區)審稿人
l2012-今:擔任IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(SCI 1區)審稿人
l2012-今:擔任IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems(SCI 2區)審稿人
l2012-今:擔任Optimal Control, Applications and Methods(SCI 2區)審稿人




[1] Yongduan Song*,Yujuan Wang, & Changyun Wen. Adaptive fault-tolerant PI tracking control with guaranteed transient and steady-state performance,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 481- 487, 2016.
[2]Yujuan Wang,Yongduan Song*, Miroslav Krstic, & Changyun Wen. Fault-tolerant finite time consensus for multiple uncertain nonlinear mechanical systems under single-way directed communication interactions and actuation failures,Automatica, vol. 63, pp. 374-383, 2016.
[3] Yongduan Song*,Yujuan Wang, John Holloway, & Miroslav Krstic. Time-varying feedback for regulation of normal-form nonlinear systems in prescribed finite time,Automatica,vol. 83, pp. 243-251, 2017.
[4]Yujuan Wang,Yongduan Song*. Leader-follower consensus of high-order multi-agent systems under directed graphs: an arbitrary and uniform finite time approach,Automatica, vol. 87, pp. 113-120, 2018.
[5]Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, & Miroslav Krstic. Collectively rotating formation and containment deployment of multi-agent systems: a polar coordinate based finite time approach,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,vol.47, no.8, pp.2161-2172, 2017.
[6]Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song, David J. Hill, Miroslav Krstic, Prescribed-time consensus and containment control of networked multi-agent systems,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2017.2788874.
[7]Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, & Frank L. Lewis. Robust adaptive fault-tolerant control of multi-agent systems with uncertain non-identical dynamics and undetectable actuation failures,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 3978-3988, 2015.
[8]Yujuan Wang,Yongduan Song*. Fraction Dynamic Surface based Neuroadaptive Finite Time Containment Control of Multi-agent Systems in Non-affine Pure-feedback Form,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 678- 689, 2016.
[9]Yujuan Wang,Yongduan Song*, & Wei Ren. Distributed adaptive finite time approach for formation-containment control of networked nonlinear systems under directed topology,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2017.2714187.
[10]Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, Hui Gao, Frank L. Lewis. Distributed fault-tolerant control of virtually and physically interconnected systems with application to high speed trains under traction/braking failures,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.17, no.2, pp.535-545, 2016.
[11]Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, Miroslav Krstic, & Changyun Wen. Adaptive finite time coordinated consensus for high-order multi-agent systems: adjustable fraction power feedback approach,Information sciences, vol. 372, pp.392-406, 2016.
[12] Ruizhen Gao,Yujuan Wang*, Junfeng Lai, & Hui Gao. Neuro-adaptive fault-tolerant control of high speed trains under traction-braking failures using self-structuring neural networks,Information sciences, vol. 367-368, pp. 449–462, 2016.


