- 中文名:王為
- 畢業院校:波士頓大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:高能物理領域,以中微子物理研究為主
- 任職院校:中山大學
- 2014-現在,物理學院教授,中山大滲設白判學
- 2011-2014,物滲企棕理系研究員,大亞灣反應堆中微子實驗,PROSPECT實驗,College of Wiliam and Mary
- 2011-2012,Kellog實驗室訪問學者,大亞灣反應堆中微子實驗,加州理工學淚說精格院
- 2007-2011,物理駝戒漿系博士後,大凳霉臘亞灣反應堆中微子坑拒實驗,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校
- 2001-2007,物理系博士生,超級神岡中微子實驗和K2K長基線中微子實驗,波士頓大學
- 1999-2001,物理系碩士生,波士頓大學
- 1995-1998,物理系碩士生,哈爾濱工業大學
- 1991-1995,九系(金屬材料及工藝系)本科生,哈爾濱工業大學
- 大亞灣反應堆中微子實驗
- PandaX-III無中微子雙貝塔衰變實驗
- PROSPECT超短基頸烏擔線反應堆中微子實驗
- Statistical evaluation of experimental determinations of neutrino mass hierarchy, PRD86, 113011, X. Qian*, A. Tan*, W. Wang*, J.J. Ling, R.D. McKeown, C. Zhang
- Mass hierarchy resolution in reactor anti-neutrino experiments: Parameter degeneracies and detector energy response, PRD87, 033005, X. Qian*, D.A. Dwyer, R.D. McKeown, P. Vogel, W. Wang, C. Zhang
- Neutrino mass hierarchy determination and other physics potential of medium-baseline reactor neutrino oscillation experiments, Snowmass 2013, A.B. Balantekin, H. Band, R. Betts, J.J. Cherwinka, J.A. Detwiler, S. Dye, K.M. Heeger, R. Johnson, S.H. Kettell, K. Lau, J.G. Learned, C.J. Lin, J.J. Ling, B. Littlejohn, D.W. Liu, K.B. Luk, J. Maricic, K. McDonald, R.D. McKeown, J. Napolitano, J.C. Peng, X. Qian, N. Tolich, W. Wang*, C. White, M. Yeh, C. Zhang, T. Zhao
- Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay, PRL108, 171803, Daya Bay Collaboration
- Spectral measurement of electron antineutrino oscillation amplitude and frequency at Daya Bay, PRL112, 061801, Daya Bay collaboration
- Search for a Light Sterile Neutrino at Daya Bay, PRL2014, arXiv:1407.7259, Daya Bay collaboration
- Evidence for an oscillatory signature in atmospheric neutrino oscillation, PRL93, 101801, Super-K collaboration
- A Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters by SUPER-KAMIOKANDE I, PRD71, 112005, Super-K collaboration
- Atmospheric neutrino oscillation analysis with sub-leading effects in Super-Kamiokande I, II, and III, PRD81, 092004, Super-K collaboration
- An Improved search for nu(mu) ---> nu(e) oscillation in a long-baseline accelerator experiment, PRL
- Improved measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay, CPC37, 011001, Daya Bay collaboration
- A side-by-side comparison of Daya Bay antineutrino detectors, NIM, A685, P78-97, Daya Bay collaboration
- The hunt for θ13 at the Daya Bay nuclear power plant, AIP Conference proceedings, V1222, W. Wang* for Daya Bay collaboration
- Automated Calibration System for a High-Precision Measurement of Neutrino Mixing Angle θ13 with the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors, NIM A750,19-37, J. Liu*, B. Cai, R. Carr, D. A. Dwyer, W. Q. Gu, G. S. Li, X. Qian, R. D. McKeown, R. H. M. Tsang, W. Wang, F. F. Wu, C. Zhang
- Assembly and Installation of the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors, JINST 8 T11006, H.R. Band et. al.
- Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via Daya Bay Collaboration)
- Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via K2K Collaboration)
- Goldharber Prize 2001, Boston University
- 1996年哈爾濱工業大學首屆海王獎
- 1995年世界大學生數學建模競賽一等獎
- 江門地下中微子實驗PMT instrumentation系統二級負責人
- 江門地下中微子實驗PMT instrumentation系統二級負責人
- 大亞灣反應堆中微子實驗物理分析委員會委員
- 中國科學院高能物理所前沿卓越創新中心核心骨幹成員
- Visiting scholar of College of William and Mary
- Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via Daya Bay Collaboration)
- Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via K2K Collaboration)
- Goldharber Prize 2001, Boston University
- 1996年哈爾濱工業大學首屆海王獎
- 1995年世界大學生數學建模競賽一等獎
- 江門地下中微子實驗PMT instrumentation系統二級負責人
- 江門地下中微子實驗PMT instrumentation系統二級負責人
- 大亞灣反應堆中微子實驗物理分析委員會委員
- 中國科學院高能物理所前沿卓越創新中心核心骨幹成員
- Visiting scholar of College of William and Mary