2018.12-2019.05,四川農業大學管理學院 教授
2016.11-2017.11,加拿大戴爾豪斯大學Rowe商學院 訪問學者
2014.01-2018.11,四旬仔川農業大學管理學院 副教授
2007.06-2009.12,四川農業大學經濟管理學院 助教
[1]Chong Wang, Jing Chen, Xu Chen. The impact of customer returns and bidirectional option contract on refund price and order decisions [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 274(1): 267-279.(SSCI 1區檔尋恥乎期刊)
[2]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Joint order and pricing decisions for fresh produce with put option contracts[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2018, 69(3): 474-484.(SSCI 3區期刊)
[3]Chong Wang, Jing Chen, Xu Chen. Pricing and order decisions with option contracts in the presence of customer returns [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 193(1): 422-436.(SSCI 1區期刊)
[4]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Option pricing and coordination in the fresh produce supply chain with portfolio contracts[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2017, 248(1): 471-491.(SSCI 2區期刊)和店端墊
[5]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Optimal ordering policy for a price-setting newsvendor with option contracts under demand uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(20): 6279-6293.(SSCI 1區期刊)
[6]Jiarong Luo, Xiaolin Zhang, Chong Wang. Using put option contracts in supply chains to manage demand and supply uncertainty[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(7): 1477-1497.(SSCI 2區期刊)肯婆凝
[7]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Option contracts in fresh produce supply chain with circulation loss[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2013, 6(1): 104-112.(EI)
[8]Chong Wang, Lili Wang. Fresh produce retailer’s optimal ordering policies with bidirectional options[J]. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2013, 5(10): 397-405.
[9] Chong Wang, Jie Liu, Yan Qi, Jiarong Luo. Evaluation on the quality competitiveness of kiwi fruit industry based on supply chain[C]. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Economics System and Industrial Security Engineering, 1-6, 2018.8.3-2018.8.6.
[10] Chong Wang, Yan Qi, Yunqiang Liu, Fang Wang. Performance evaluation of government crisis management based on balanced scorecard under informatization[C]. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 567-578, 2018.8.1-2018.8.4.
[11] Yunqiang Liu, Quan Quan, Fang Wang, Chong Wang, Zhiyi Meng. Evaluation and Space-Temporal Evolution Analysis of Comprehensive Carrying Capacity in Chengdu Urban Agglomeration[C]. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 1205-1221, 2018.8.1-2018.8.4.
[12] Zhiyi Meng, Lai Xue, Fengming Yang, Chong Wang, Yunqiang Liu. Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision-Making Theory to the Allocation of Poverty Alleviation Project Funds[C]. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 79-86, 2018.8.1-2018.8.4.
[13] 唐曼萍, 余小龍, 孫晨益, 王沖. 高管背景特徵對投資者保護水平的影響研究——基於農業上市公司的經驗證據[J]. 軟科學, 2018, 32(6): 92-102.(CSSCI)
[14] 張妍, 王沖. 基於供應鏈視角的農產品對外貿易企業融資探討——以四川省為例[J]. 時代經貿, 2017, (9): 24-28.
[15]王沖, 唐曼萍, 王莉莉. 基於Stackelberg博弈的生鮮農產品供應鏈決策研究[J]. 軟科學, 2013, 27(4): 99-101+105.(CSSCI)
[16]王沖, 陳旭. 考慮期權契約的生鮮農產品供應鏈定價和協調[J]. 預測, 2013, 32(3): 76-80+75.(CSSCI)
[17]王沖, 肖洪安, 王燕. 我國農產品流通體系建設的政策體系構建[J]. 農村經濟, 2012(11): 94-95. (CSSCI擴展版)
[18]蔣遠勝, 陳文寬, 鐘秀玲, 胡杰, 王沖. 農林院校經管類本科創新人才培養體系構建與成效[J]. 高等農業教育, 2012, 7(7): 40-42.
[19]王沖, 陳旭. 農產品價格上漲的原因與流通改革的思路探討[J]. 中國軟科學, 2012(4): 11-17.(CSSCI)
[20]明輝, 王沖. 基於面板數據的促進農民增收途徑實證研究[J].
中國農機化, 2011(3): 23-27+13.
[21]王沖, 張文秀, 司秀林. 藏族牧區新農村建設中的非生產性問題與對策研究[J]. 湖北農業科學, 2011, 50(3): 610-614.
[22]張文秀, 王沖. 西部少數民族牧區新農村建設中生活寬裕的影響因素分析——基於川甘青8縣牧民的問卷調查[J]. 軟科學,2009(11): 79-82.(CSSCI)
International Journal of Production Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Transactions in Operational Research, Industrial Management & Data Systems等學術期刊審稿人.
[4]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Option pricing and coordination in the fresh produce supply chain with portfolio contracts[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2017, 248(1): 471-491.(SSCI 2區期刊)
[5]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Optimal ordering policy for a price-setting newsvendor with option contracts under demand uncertainty[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(20): 6279-6293.(SSCI 1區期刊)
[6]Jiarong Luo, Xiaolin Zhang, Chong Wang. Using put option contracts in supply chains to manage demand and supply uncertainty[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(7): 1477-1497.(SSCI 2區期刊)
[7]Chong Wang, Xu Chen. Option contracts in fresh produce supply chain with circulation loss[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2013, 6(1): 104-112.(EI)
[8]Chong Wang, Lili Wang. Fresh produce retailer’s optimal ordering policies with bidirectional options[J]. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2013, 5(10): 397-405.
[9] Chong Wang, Jie Liu, Yan Qi, Jiarong Luo. Evaluation on the quality competitiveness of kiwi fruit industry based on supply chain[C]. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Economics System and Industrial Security Engineering, 1-6, 2018.8.3-2018.8.6.
[10] Chong Wang, Yan Qi, Yunqiang Liu, Fang Wang. Performance evaluation of government crisis management based on balanced scorecard under informatization[C]. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 567-578, 2018.8.1-2018.8.4.
[11] Yunqiang Liu, Quan Quan, Fang Wang, Chong Wang, Zhiyi Meng. Evaluation and Space-Temporal Evolution Analysis of Comprehensive Carrying Capacity in Chengdu Urban Agglomeration[C]. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 1205-1221, 2018.8.1-2018.8.4.
[12] Zhiyi Meng, Lai Xue, Fengming Yang, Chong Wang, Yunqiang Liu. Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision-Making Theory to the Allocation of Poverty Alleviation Project Funds[C]. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 79-86, 2018.8.1-2018.8.4.
[13] 唐曼萍, 余小龍, 孫晨益, 王沖. 高管背景特徵對投資者保護水平的影響研究——基於農業上市公司的經驗證據[J]. 軟科學, 2018, 32(6): 92-102.(CSSCI)
[14] 張妍, 王沖. 基於供應鏈視角的農產品對外貿易企業融資探討——以四川省為例[J]. 時代經貿, 2017, (9): 24-28.
[15]王沖, 唐曼萍, 王莉莉. 基於Stackelberg博弈的生鮮農產品供應鏈決策研究[J]. 軟科學, 2013, 27(4): 99-101+105.(CSSCI)
[16]王沖, 陳旭. 考慮期權契約的生鮮農產品供應鏈定價和協調[J]. 預測, 2013, 32(3): 76-80+75.(CSSCI)
[17]王沖, 肖洪安, 王燕. 我國農產品流通體系建設的政策體系構建[J]. 農村經濟, 2012(11): 94-95. (CSSCI擴展版)
[18]蔣遠勝, 陳文寬, 鐘秀玲, 胡杰, 王沖. 農林院校經管類本科創新人才培養體系構建與成效[J]. 高等農業教育, 2012, 7(7): 40-42.
[19]王沖, 陳旭. 農產品價格上漲的原因與流通改革的思路探討[J]. 中國軟科學, 2012(4): 11-17.(CSSCI)
[20]明輝, 王沖. 基於面板數據的促進農民增收途徑實證研究[J].
中國農機化, 2011(3): 23-27+13.
[21]王沖, 張文秀, 司秀林. 藏族牧區新農村建設中的非生產性問題與對策研究[J]. 湖北農業科學, 2011, 50(3): 610-614.
[22]張文秀, 王沖. 西部少數民族牧區新農村建設中生活寬裕的影響因素分析——基於川甘青8縣牧民的問卷調查[J]. 軟科學,2009(11): 79-82.(CSSCI)