1、 Dejun Gu, Dongxiao Wang, Chunhui Li and Lixin Wu、 Analysis of interdecadal variation of tropical Pacific thermocline based on assimilated data, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2004, 23(1), 61-67
2、 Yan Du, Dongxiao Wang, Weidong Zhou, Weiqiang Wang, and Xiongbin Liu、 Intercomparison of three South China Sea circulation models, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2004, 23(1), 41
3、 Jilin Sun, Dongxiao Wang、 An alternative index for onset of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2004, 3(1), 17-22
4、 Dongxiao Wang, Qinyan Liu, Yun Liu, Ping Shi、 Connection between interannual variability of the western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans in the 1997-1998 El Ni?o event, Progress in Natural Science,2004,14(5),423-429
5、 Dongxiao Wang, Xiongbin Liu, Wenzhi Wang, Yan Du, Weidong Zhou、 Simulation of meridional overturning in the upper layer of the South China Sea with an idealized bottom topography, Chinese Science Bulletin,2004,49(7),740-747
9、 Fengying Sun, Kim Van Scoy, Boyin Huang, and Dongxiao Wang、 Water Exchange between the Subpolar and Subtropical North Pacific Ocean in an OGCM, Science in China,2004, D、 47(1),37-48
10、 LIN Ailan, LIANG Jianyin, GU Dejun,WANG Dongxiao、 On the relationship between convection intensity of South China Sea summer monsoon and air–sea temperature difference in the tropical oceans, Acta Oceanological Sinica, 2004, 23(2), 267-268
12、 WANG Dongxiao, Qin Zenghao, and SHI Pi、 Progress in Marine Meteorology Studies in China during 1999-2002、 Advance in Atmosphere Sciences, Advance in Atmosphere Sciences, 2004, 21(3), 485-496
14、 Xie, S、-P、, Q、 Xie, D、 X、Wang, and W、 T、 Liu.Summer upwelling in the South China Sea and its role in regional climate variations,J、 Geophys、 Res、(Top journal SCI),2003,108(8),3261
15、 Wang D、X、, Wang W、Q, Shi Ping, Guo P、F、 Establishment and adjustment of monsoon-driven circulation in the South China Sea、,Science in China (Series D) (SCI),2003,46(2),173
16、 Dongxiao Wang, Jia Wang, Lixin Wu、 Regime Shifts in the North Pacific Simulated by a COADS-driven Isopycnal Model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2003, 20(5), 743
17、 Dongxiao Wang, Jia Wang, Lixin Wu, Zhengyu Liu、 Relative importance of wind and buoyancy forcing for interdecadal regime shifts in the Pacific Ocean, Science in China (Series D), 2003, 46(5), 417
18、 Yan Du, Dongxiao Wang, Qiang Xie, John Church、 Harmonic analysis of sea surface temperature and wind stress in the vicinity of the maritime continent, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2003, 17, 226
19、 Wang Weiqiang,Wang Dongxiao,Xie Qiang、 Data Assimilation on seasonal cycle of sea surface height anomaly in the South China Sea, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2003, 17, 238