1. Jinwen Yang, Huiying Zhao, Zongshan Li, Yuandong Zhang,Xiaochun Wang*. Climate-growth relationship for different directions ofPinus pumilaradial growth at treeline of Xiaobai Mountain, northern Daxing’an Mountains, China.Trees, 2018, 32: 311-322. (SCI二區, IF=1.842).
2. Qichao Yao, Peter M. Brown, Shirong Liu, Monique E. Rocca, Valerie Trouet, Ben Zheng, Haonan Chen, Yinchao Li, Duanyang Liu,Xiaochun Wang*. Pacific-Atlantic Ocean influence on wildfires in northeast China (1774 to 2010).Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, 44, 1025-1033.(SCI一區, IF=4.253, Top期刊)
3.Xiaochun Wang, Minghua Zhang, Ying Ji, Zongshan Li, Mu Li, Yuandong Zhang*. Temperature signals in tree-ring width and divergent growth of Korean pine response to recent climate warming in northeast Asia.Trees, 2017, 31(2): 415-427. (SCI二區, IF=1.842).
4. Liangjun Zhu, Zongshan Li, Yuandong Zhang,Xiaochun Wang*. A 211-year growing season temperature reconstruction using tree-ring width in Zhangguangcai Mountains, Northeast China: linkages to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.International Journal of Climatology, 2017, 37, 3145-3153. (SCI二區, IF=3.760).
5. Shanna Lyu,Xiaochun Wang*, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li. Different response of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and Mongolia oak (Quercus mongolica) growth to the recent warming in northeast China.Dendrochronologia, 2017, 45, 113-122. (SCI二區, IF=2.259)
6. Shanna Lyu, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li,Xiaochun Wang*. A 414-year tree-ring-based April–July minimum temperature reconstruction and its implications for the extreme climate events, northeast China.Climate of the Past, 2016, 12: 1879-1888. (SCI二區, IF=3.543).
7. Liangjun Zhu, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li,Binde Guo,Xiaochun Wang*. A 368-year maximum temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring data in the northwestern Sichuan Plateau (NWSP), China.Climate of the Past, 2016, 12: 1485-1498. (SCI二區, IF=3.543).
8.Wang, Xiaochun*, Peter M. Brown, Yanni Zhang, Laiping Song. Imprint of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on Tree-Ring Widths in Northeastern Asian since 1568.PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(7): E22740. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022740. (SCI三區區, IF=2.806)
9.Wang, Xiaochun*, Yuandong Zhang, Douglas J. McRae. Spatial and age-dependent tree-ring growth responses ofLarix gmeliniito climate in northeastern China.Trees, 2009, 23: 875-885(SCI二區, IF= 1.842)
10.Wang, Xiaochun, Qi-bin Zhang*, Ke-ping Ma, Sheng-Chun Xiao. A tree-ring record of 500-year dry-wet changes in northern Tibet, China.The Holocene, 2008, 18(4): 579-588. (SCI三區, IF=2.324)