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王文娟,女,1987年生,博士,2013年7月獲中國科學院動物研究所博士學位,南昌大學215人才工程”贛江青年學者”。主要從事鳥類生態學研究,研究方向為鄱陽湖水鳥越冬生態、譜系地理格局等。迄今已在Journal of Biogeography、Frontiers in Zoology等SCI源期刊上發表論文8篇。



  • 中文名:王文娟
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 主要成就:南昌大學215人才工程”贛江青年學者”
  • 工作單位:南昌大學生命科學研究院流域生態學研究所
  • 職稱:助理研究員








1、蘭乎樂想Wang WJ, FraserJD, Chen JK*.Wintering waterbirds in the middle and lower Yangtze River floodplain: changes in abundance and distribution, Bird Conservation International.201727(2):167-186
3、Liu BY,AlströmP, Olsson U,FjeldsåJ, Quan Q, Roselaar KC, Saitoh T, Yao CT, Hao Y,Wang WJ, Qu YH, Lei FM*.Explosive radiation and spatial expansion across the cold environments of the Old World in an avian family. Ecol Evol. 2017
4、Song G, Zhang RY, DuBay SG, Qu YH, Dong L,Wang WJ, Zhang YY, Lambert DM, Lei FM*.East Asian allopatry and north Eurasian sympatry inLong-tailed Tit lineages despite similar population dynamicsduring the late Pleistocene. Zool Scripta, 2016
5、Wang WJ,Dai CY,AlströmP, Zhang CL, Qu YH, Li S-H, Yang XJ, Zhao N, Song G, Lei FM*.Past hybridization between two East Asian long-tailed tits (Aegithalos bonvalotiandA. fuliginosus).Front Zool,201411:40
6、Wu YJ, Colwell RK, Han NJ, Zhang RY,Wang WJ, Quan Q, Zhang CL, Song G, Qu YH, Lei FM*.Understanding historical and current patterns of species richness of babblers along a 5000-m subtropical elevational gradient.Global Ecol Biogeogr.201423(11):1167-1176
7、Wang WJ,MckayBD, DaiCY, Zhao N, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Song G, Li S-H, Liang W, Yang XJ,PasquetE, Lei FM*.Glacial expansion and diversification of an East Asian montane bird, the green-backed tit (Parus monticolus).J Biogeogr.201340(6):1156-1169
8、Wang WJ, Dai CY, Mckay BD, Zhao N, Li S-H, Lei FM*.Microsatellites underestimate genetic divergence in the Green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus).Chinese Birds, 20134(2):144-154
9、Dai CY,Wang WJ, Lei FM*.Multilocus phylogeography (mitochondrial, autosomal and Z-chromosomal loci) and genetic consequence of long-distance male dispersal in Black-throated tits (Aegithalos concinnus).Heredity.2013110:457-465
10、Qu YH, Zhao HW, Han NJ, Zhou GY, Song G, Gao B, Tian SL, Zhang JB, Zhang RY, Meng XH, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhu XJ,Wang WJ, Lambert D, Ericson GP,SubramanianS,YeungC, Zhu HM, Jiang Z, Li RQ, Lei FM*.Ground tit genome reveals avian adaptation to living at high altitudes in the Tibetan plateau.Nat Commun.20134:2071
11、Liu HT,Wang WJ, Song G, Qu YH, Li S-H,FjeldsåJ, Lei FM*.Interpreting the process behind endemism in china by integrating the phylogeography and ecological niche modelsof theStachyridopsis ruficeps.PLoS ONE.2012
12、Zhao N, Dai CY,Wang WJ, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Song G, Chen K, Yang XJ, Zou FS, Lei FM*.Pleistocene climate changes shaped the divergence and demography of Asian populations of the great titParus major: evidence from phylogeographic analysis and ecological niche models.J Avian Biol.201243(4), 297-310
13、Dai CY, Zhao N,Wang WJ, Lin CT, Gao B, Yang XJ, Zhang ZW, Lei FM*.Profound climatic effects on two East Asian Black-throated tits (Aves: Aegithalidae), revealed by ecological niche models and phylogeographic analysis. PLoS ONE. 2011
5、Wang WJ,Dai CY,AlströmP, Zhang CL, Qu YH, Li S-H, Yang XJ, Zhao N, Song G, Lei FM*.Past hybridization between two East Asian long-tailed tits (Aegithalos bonvalotiandA. fuliginosus).Front Zool,201411:40
6、Wu YJ, Colwell RK, Han NJ, Zhang RY,Wang WJ, Quan Q, Zhang CL, Song G, Qu YH, Lei FM*.Understanding historical and current patterns of species richness of babblers along a 5000-m subtropical elevational gradient.Global Ecol Biogeogr.201423(11):1167-1176
7、Wang WJ,MckayBD, DaiCY, Zhao N, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Song G, Li S-H, Liang W, Yang XJ,PasquetE, Lei FM*.Glacial expansion and diversification of an East Asian montane bird, the green-backed tit (Parus monticolus).J Biogeogr.201340(6):1156-1169
8、Wang WJ, Dai CY, Mckay BD, Zhao N, Li S-H, Lei FM*.Microsatellites underestimate genetic divergence in the Green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus).Chinese Birds, 20134(2):144-154
9、Dai CY,Wang WJ, Lei FM*.Multilocus phylogeography (mitochondrial, autosomal and Z-chromosomal loci) and genetic consequence of long-distance male dispersal in Black-throated tits (Aegithalos concinnus).Heredity.2013110:457-465
10、Qu YH, Zhao HW, Han NJ, Zhou GY, Song G, Gao B, Tian SL, Zhang JB, Zhang RY, Meng XH, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhu XJ,Wang WJ, Lambert D, Ericson GP,SubramanianS,YeungC, Zhu HM, Jiang Z, Li RQ, Lei FM*.Ground tit genome reveals avian adaptation to living at high altitudes in the Tibetan plateau.Nat Commun.20134:2071
11、Liu HT,Wang WJ, Song G, Qu YH, Li S-H,FjeldsåJ, Lei FM*.Interpreting the process behind endemism in china by integrating the phylogeography and ecological niche modelsof theStachyridopsis ruficeps.PLoS ONE.2012
12、Zhao N, Dai CY,Wang WJ, Zhang RY, Qu YH, Song G, Chen K, Yang XJ, Zou FS, Lei FM*.Pleistocene climate changes shaped the divergence and demography of Asian populations of the great titParus major: evidence from phylogeographic analysis and ecological niche models.J Avian Biol.201243(4), 297-310
13、Dai CY, Zhao N,Wang WJ, Lin CT, Gao B, Yang XJ, Zhang ZW, Lei FM*.Profound climatic effects on two East Asian Black-throated tits (Aves: Aegithalidae), revealed by ecological niche models and phylogeographic analysis. PLoS ONE. 2011


