

2014年獲風沙領域專業期刊Aeolian Research“傑出審稿人”獎
  1. 2018-2020,指流的動力學機制及其在植物治沙中的套用(G2018-02-01),荒漠與綠洲生態國家重點實驗室開放課題,主持
  2. 2017-2021,風力因子變化過程,國家自然科學基金重點項目“土壤風蝕速率對影響因子動態變化的回響”(41630747)課題一,主持
  3. 2016-2017,祁連山西段高山湖泊中風成沉積物的識別與沉降機制研究,西部環境教育部重點實驗室開放課題,主持
  4. 2016-2019,巴丹吉林沙漠橫向風成床面系統的尺度效應 (41571006),國家自然科學基金面上項目,主持
  5. 2015-2016,風沙流中的湍流結構(2015-KF-05),地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室開放課題,主持
  6. 2014-2015,柴達木盆地鹽湖演化的古氣候要素模擬研究 — 以風速為例(KLSLRC-KF-13-DX-3),中國科學院鹽湖資源與化學重點實驗室開放課題,主持
  7. 2013-2014,風沙流的間歇性與不均勻性(2013-KF-03),地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室開放課題,主持
  8. 2010-2012,西北乾旱區典型黃土坡體結構無損探測與降雨導致滑坡研究(860311),教育部中央高校科研業務經費面上項目,主持
  9. 2007-2009,生物結皮的力學行為及其對風沙流輸運過程的影響(40601053),國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,主持
  10. 2015-2015,京津冀沙塵活動對城市大氣污染的影響(15001019),河北省科學院兩院合作項目,參加
  11. 2007-2009,庫姆塔格沙漠綜合科學考察(2006FY110800),科技部,參加
  12. 2000-2005,中國北方沙漠化過程及其防治研究(TG2000048700),科技部,參加
  1. T. Chen*, Z. Lai, S. Liu*, Y. Wang,Z.-T. Wang, X. Miao, F. An, L. Yu, F. Han, 2019, Luminescence chronology and palaeoenvironmental significance of limnic relics from the Badain Jaran Desert, northern China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 177: 240.
  2. W.-X. Ning, X.-Y. Liu,Z.-T. Wang*, 2019, An analytical model for the growth and migration of a transverse dune, The European Physical Journal E, 42: 42.
  3. 劉旭陽*,寧文曉,王振亭,2019,新月形沙丘脊線處的風沙流結構,中國沙漠,39(6): 76.
  4. 孟小楠,嚴平*,王振亭,董苗,王勇,2019,車輛碾壓作用下戈壁地表起塵濃度,中國沙漠,39: 80.
  5. Z.-T. Wang*, C.-L. Zhang, S.-B. Cen, 2018, Unsteady aeolian saltation, The European Physical Journal E, 41: 121.
  6. 寧文曉*,王振亭, 2018,巴丹吉林沙漠東南部典型高大沙丘形態參數分析, 福建農林大學學報(自然科學版),47: 755.
  7. 張春來*,宋長青,王振亭,鄒學勇,王雪松, 2018,土壤風蝕過程研究回顧與展望,地球科學進展,33: 27.
  8. 閆天龍,王振亭,賀建橋,黃小忠,夏敦勝,王宗禮*,2018,3500年來祁連山中段天鵝湖岩芯記錄的沉積環境變化,沉積學報,36: 521.
  9. Z.-T. Wang*, Z.-S. An, 2017, Theoretical modeling of thermal expansion mechanism of salt-bearing rocks, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10: 526.
  10. Z.-T. Wang*, C.-L. Zhang, H.-T. Wang, 2017, Coherent structures over flat sandy surfaces in aeolian environment, Catena, 159: 144.
  11. Z.-T. Wang*, Z.-P. Lai, J.-J. Qu, 2017, Inverted relief in the Kumtagh Desert of northwest China: a mechanism to estimate wind erosion rates, Geological Journal 52: 131.
  12. Z.-T. Wang*, Z.-S. An, 2016, A simple theoretical approach to the thermal expansion mechanism of salt weathering, Catena 147: 695.
  13. Z.-T. Wang*, T.-Y. Chen, S.-W. Liu, Z.-P. Lai, 2016, Aeolian origin of the interdune lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert, China, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(3): 1.
  14. Z.-T. Wang*, 2016, A theoretical interpretation of the ``giant" dust conundrum, Science of the Total Environment, 553: 673.
  15. Z.-T. Wang*, 2016, A theoretical note on aerodynamic lifting in dust devils, Icarus, 265: 79.
  16. Z.-T. Wang*, C.-L. Zhang*, H.-T. Wang, 2014, Intermittency of aeolian saltation, The European Physical Journal E, 37: 126.
  17. Z.-T. Wang*, Z.-P. Lai, 2014, A theoretical model on the relation between wind speed and grain size in dust transportation and its paleoclimatic implications, Aeolian Research, 13: 105.
  18. X.-Z. Ren, X.-P. Yang*,Z.-T. Wang, B-Q. Zhu, D.-G. Zhang, P. Rioual, 2014, Geochemical evidence of the sources of aeolian sands and their transport pathways in the Minqin Oasis, northwestern China, Quaternary International 334-335, 165.
  19. Z.-T. Wang*, C.-L. Zhang*, H.-T. Wang, 2013, Forces on a saltating grain in air, The European Physical Journal E, 36: 112.
  20. Z.-T. Wang*, H.-T. Wang, Q.-H. Niu, Z.-B. Dong and T. Wang, 2011, Abrasion of Yardangs, Physical Review E, 84(3): 031304.
  21. Z.-T. Wang*, Q.-H. Zhang, Z.-B. Dong and T. Wang, 2011, Upper limit of height-spacing ratio for transverse aeolian bedforms, EPL, 93(2): 29001.
  22. Z.-T. Wang*, Q.-H. Zhang, Z.-B. Dong, 2011, A wind tunnel investigation on the transverse motion of aeolian sand, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 3(1): 13.
  23. 任孝宗*, 劉陶,王振亭, 2010, 河西沙區新月形沙丘形態參數觀測, 水土保持研究, 17(1): 163.
  24. 任孝宗*,王振亭, 2010, 民勤綠洲沙源分析, 寧夏大學學報, 31(1): 88.
  25. Z.-T. Wang*, X.-J. Zheng, F.-H. Chen and T. Wang, 2009, Creep behavior of microbiotic crust, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 1(4): 356.
  26. 李孝澤*,王振亭, 陳發虎,N. Lancaster, 李志剛, 李國強, 任孝宗, 董光榮, 2009, 巴丹吉林沙漠橫向沙山沉積的GPR雷達探測研究,第四紀研究 29(4): 797.
  27. Z.-T. Wang*, Q.-F. Sun, X.-Z. Ren, T. Wang and F.-H. Chen, 2009, Pseudo-feathery dunes in the Kumtagh desert reclassified as linear dunes and zibars, Aeolian Research, 1(1-2): 87.
  28. Z.-T. Wang*, H. Zhao, K.-C. Zhang, X.-Z. Ren, F.-H. Chen and T. Wang, 2009, Barchans of Minqin: quantifying migration rate of a barchan, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 1(2): 151.
  29. Z.-T. Wang*, J.-W. Zhang, Q.-H. Zhang, M.-R. Qiang, F.-H. Chen and Y.-Q. Ling, 2008, Barchans of Minqin: sediment transport, Geomorphology 96(1-2): 233.
  30. Z.-T. Wang*, S.-C. Tao, Y.-W. Xie and G.-H. Dong, 2007, Barchans of Minqin: morphometry, Geomorphology, 89(3-4): 405.
  31. Z.-T. Wang*, Y.-H. Zhou and X.-J. Zheng, 2006, Tensile test of natural microbiotic crust, Catena 67(2): 139.
  32. Z.-T. Wang*, 2006, Influence of moisture on the entrainment of sand by wind, Powder Technology 164(2): 89.
  33. 王振亭*, 鄭曉靜, 2005, 關於躍移沙破壞生物結皮時的臨界速度的理論分析, 力學學報 37(3): 313.
  34. 王振亭*, 鄭曉靜, 周又和,2004, 關於小波在力學計算中套用的幾個例子,現代數學和力學MMM-IX:302.
  35. Z.-T. Wang*, 2004, A note on the velocity of granular flow down a bumpy inclined plane, Granular Matter 6: 67.
  36. Z.-T. Wang*and X.-J. Zheng, 2004, Theoretical prediction of creep flux in aeolian sand transport, Powder Technology 139: 123.
  37. X.-J. Zheng,Z.-T. Wang*and Z.-G. Qiu, 2004, Impact craters in loose granular media, The European Physical Journal E 13: 321.
  38. Z.-T. Wang*and X.-J. Zheng, 2003, A numerical simulation of fluid flowing through windbreak, Key Engineering Materials 243-244: 607.
  39. 王振亭*, 鄭曉靜, 2002, 草方格沙障尺寸分析的簡單模型, 中國沙漠 22(3): 229.
  40. 張建平*, 王記增,王振亭, 2001, 矩形薄板渦電流問題的兩種求解方法, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版) 37(2): 41


