王成,男,2015年6月在法國雷恩國立套用科學學院 (INSA-Rennes) 光電子物理學獲得博士學位。2016年4月加入上海科技大學信息科學與技術學院任助理教授。
- 中文名:王成
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:法國雷恩國立套用科學學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
[2] C. Wang, M. E. Chabi, H. M. Huang, D. Erasme, P. J. Poole, J. Even, and F. Grillot, “Linewidth enhancement factor in nanostructure semiconductor lasers subject to optical injection,” Opt. Express 23, 21761 (2015).
[3] C. Wang, M. Osiński, J. Even, and F. Grillot, “Phase-amplitude coupling characteristics in directly modulated quantum dot lasers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 221114 (2014).
[4] C. Wang, B. Lingnau, K. Lüdge, J. Even, and F. Grillot, “Enhanced dynamic performance of quantum dot semiconductor lasers operating on the excited state,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 50, 723 (2014).
[5] C. Wang, F. Grillot, F. Y. Lin, I. Aldaya, T. Batte, C. Gosset, E. Decerle, and J. Even, “Nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a dual-mode injection-locked InAs/InP(100) nanostructure laser,” IEEE Photon. J. 6, 1500408 (2014).
[6] C. Wang, F. Grillot,V. I. Kovanis, J. D. Bodyfelt, and J. Even, “Modulation properties of optically injection-locked quantum cascade lasers,” Opt. Lett. 38, 1975 (2013).
[7] C. Wang, F. Grillot, V. Kovanis, and J. Even, “Rate equation analysis of injection-locked quantum cascade lasers,” J. Appl. Phys. 113, 063104 (2013).
[8] C. Wang, F. Grillot, and J. Even, “Impacts of wetting layer and excited state on the modulation response of quantum-dot lasers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electon. 4, 1144 (2012).
[9] F. Grillot, C. Wang, N. A. Naderi, and J. Even, “Modulation properties of self-injected quantum-dot semiconductor diode lasers,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quantum Electron. 19, 1900812 (2013).
[10] X. Yu, C. Wang, F. Chen, R. P. Yan, Y. F. Ma, and X. D. Li, “Performance improvement of high repetition rate electro-optical cavity-dumping Nd:GdVO4 laser,” Appl. Phys. B 106, 309 (2012).