


  • 中文名:王慶剛
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學
  • 性別:男



2004.09-2008.07 山東農業大學 林學系 本科 農學學士
2008.09-2014.07 中國科學院大學 中國科學院武漢植物園 生態學系 理學博士


2014.10-2017.04 北京大探笑府學 城市與環境學院 生態系 博士後
2017.05-2018.12 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 生態科學與工程系 講師
2019.01- 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 生態科學與工程系 副教授


1. 主要以森林群落為研究對象,研究森林群落裡面的樹木、草本和苔蘚植物的分布、動態和構建機制及其對環境變化的回響;天然和人工植被中物種多樣性與功能/服務的關係;
2. 結合多學科 (如生態學、植物地理學、進化生物學、生物膠廈疊多樣性信息學等) 手段探討境牛求生物多樣性大尺度格局的成因。



1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金 “亞熱帶森林群落的種內和種間競爭:格局、影響因素及其對物種多樣性的作用”(2016.01-2018.12);
2. 中國博士後科學基樂漏只訂金面上基金 “地形和土壤對湖南八大公山樣乘您棵地物種多樣性維持的套多作用”(2016.04-2017.04);
3. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目新教師科研啟動基金(2018-2020年);


1. Wang QG, Chi XL, Tang ZY, Jiang MX(*), 2019. Analysing tree neighborhood interactions in ecotones of montane evergreen and deciduous forests in China. Journal of Vegetation Sciences, doi: 10.1111jvs.12737.
2. Liu YP, Su XY, Shrestha Nawal, Xu XT, Wang SY, Li YQ, Wang QG, Sandanov Denis, Wang ZH(*), 2019.Effects of contemporary environment and Quaternary climate change on drylands plant diversity diff between growth forms, Ecography, 42(2): 334-345.
3. 池秀蓮,王慶剛(*),郭強,楊少芝記腿弦,唐志堯,2019.古田山常綠闊葉林不同演替群落的萌生特徵,生物多樣性,27(1):24-32. (《生物多樣性》雜誌錢江源國家公園專輯)
4. 鄒東廷,王慶剛,羅奧,王志恆(*),2019. 中國薔薇科資源植物多樣性格局及其保護現狀,植物生態學報,doi: 10.17521cjpe.2018.0091.
1. Wang QG(), Wu SD(), Su XY, Zhang LJ, Xu XT, Lyu LS, Cai HY, Shrestha Nawal, Liu YP, Wang W(*), Wang ZH(*), 2018. Niche conservatism and elevated diversification shape species diversity in drylands: evidence from Zygophyllaceae, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1890):20181742.
2. Shrestha Nawal, Wang ZH(*), Su XY, Xu XT, Lyu LS, Liu YP, Dimitrov Dimitar, Kennedy Jonathan, Wang QG, Tang ZY, Feng XJ, 2018. Global patterns of Rhododendron diversity: The role of evolutionary time and diversification rates, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(8): 913-924.
3. 宋曉彤,邵小明,孫宇,姜炎彬,宋閃閃,劉欣超,王慶剛(*). 2018. 北京東靈山苔蘚植物區系研究. 植物科學學報, 36(04), 80-87.
4. 張毓,王慶剛,田瑜,徐靖,闕靈,楊光,池秀蓮(*). 2018. 華北地區國家級自然保護區對藥用維管植物的保護狀況. 生物資源,40(3): 193-202. (雜誌邀請論文).
5. 向潔,王富強,郭寶光,王慶剛,余成群, 沈振西, 邵小明(*).2018. 西藏河谷區燕麥與箭筈豌豆混間作對產量和營養品質的影響. 浙江大學學報(農業與生命科學版), 44(05), 46-55.
1. Qinggang Wang,Xiangyan Su, Nawal Shrestha, Yunpeng Liu, Siyang Wang, Xiaoting Xu, Zhiheng Wang. 2017. Historical factors shaped species diversity and composition of Salix in eastern Asia. Scientific Reports, 7:42038.
2.Wang QG, Su XY, Shresha Nawal, Liu YP, Wang SY, Xu XT, Wang ZH(*), 2017. Historical factors shaped species diversity and composition of Salix in eastern Asia, Scientific Reports, 7: 42035.
3. Xiulian Chi, Zejin Zhang, Xiaoting Xu, Xiaobo Zhang, Zhiping Zhao, Yining Liu, Qinggang Wang, Hui Wang, Ying Li, Guang Yang, Lanping Guo, Zhiyao Tang, Luqi Huang. 2017. Threatened medicinal plants in China: Distribution and conservation priorities. 210 (2017).
4. Yunpeng Liu, Zehao Shen, Qinggang Wang, Xiangyan Su, Wanjun Zhang, Nawal Shrestha, Xiaoting Xu, Zhiheng Wang. 2017. Determinants of richness patterns differ between rare and common species: implications for Gesneriaceae conservation in China. Diversity and Distributions, 23: 235-246.
1. Yaoqi Li, Zhiheng Wang, Xiaoting Xu, Wenxuan Han, Qinggang Wang , Dongting Zou. 2016. Leaf margin analysis of Chinese woody plants and the constrains in its application for paleoclimatic reconstruction, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 1401-1415.
1. Guo YL, Lu, ZJ, Wang QG, Lu JM, Xu YZ, Meng HJ, Liu HB, Zhang JX, Bao DC, Qiao XJ, Huang HD, Jiang MX (*). 2015. Detecting negative density dependence from spatial patterns in a heterogeneous subtropical forest of central China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45: 710-720.
2. Yaozhan Xu, Scott Franklin, Qinggang Wang, Zheng Shi, Yiqi Luo, Zhijun Lu, Jiaxin Zhang, Xiujuan Qiao, Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Topographic and biotic factors determine forest biomass spatial distribution in a subtropical mountain moist forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 357: 95–103.
3. Junmeng Lu, Daniel Johnson, Xiujuan Qiao, Zhijun Lu, Qinggang Wang, Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Density dependence and habitat preference shape seedling survival in a subtropical forest in central China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8:568-577.
4. Xiujuan Qiao, Qianxi Li, Qinghu Jiang, Junmeng Lu, Scott Franklin, Zhiyao Tang, Qinggang Wang, Jiaxin Zhang, Zhijun Lu, Dachuan Bao, Yili Guo, Haibo Liu, Yaozhan Xu, Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Beta diversity determinants in Badagonshan, a subtropical forest in central China. Scientific Report, 5: 17043.
1. Qinggang Wang , Dachuan Bao, Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Zhijun Lu, Yaozhan Xu, Kuihan Zhang, Haibo Liu, Hongjie Meng, Mingxi Jiang, Xiujuan Qiao, Handong Huang. 2014. Species associations in a species-rich subtropical forest were not well-explained by stochastic geometry of biodiversity. PLoS ONE , 9: e97300.
2. Qinggang Wang, Yaozhan Xu, Zhijun Lu, Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Kuihan Zhang, Haibo Liu, Hongjie Meng, Xiujuan Qiao, Handong Huang, Mingxi Jiang. 2014. Disentangling the effects of topography and space on the distributions of dominant species in a subtropical forest. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59:5113-5122.
3. 劉海波, 王慶剛, 路俊盟, 徐耀粘, 盧志軍, 江明喜. 2014. 八大公山常綠落葉闊葉混交林根萌能力. 科學通報, 59(35):3491-3498.
1. Dong He, Qinggang Wang, Scott Franklin, Mingxi Jiang. 2013. Transient and asymptotic demographics of the riparian species Euptelea pleiospermum in the Shennongjia area, central China. Biological Conservation, 161: 193-202.
2. Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Scott Franklin, Qinggang Wang , Yaozhan Xu, Kuihan Zhang, Dachuan Bao, Xiujuan Qiao. Handong Huang, Zhijun Lu, Mingxi Jiang. 2013. Spatial distribution of tree species in a species-rich subtropical mountain forest in central China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research , 43: 826-835.
3. 盧志軍, 鮑大川, 郭屹立, 路俊盟, 王慶剛, 何東,張奎漢,徐耀粘,劉海波,孟紅傑,黃漢東,魏新增,廖建雄,喬秀娟,江明喜,谷志容,廖春林. 2013. 八大公山中亞熱帶常綠落葉闊葉混交林物種組成與結構. 植物科學學報, 31(4): 336-344.


1. Wang QG(), Wu SD(), Su XY, Zhang LJ, Xu XT, Lyu LS, Cai HY, Shrestha Nawal, Liu YP, Wang W(*), Wang ZH(*), 2018. Niche conservatism and elevated diversification shape species diversity in drylands: evidence from Zygophyllaceae, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1890):20181742.
2. Shrestha Nawal, Wang ZH(*), Su XY, Xu XT, Lyu LS, Liu YP, Dimitrov Dimitar, Kennedy Jonathan, Wang QG, Tang ZY, Feng XJ, 2018. Global patterns of Rhododendron diversity: The role of evolutionary time and diversification rates, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(8): 913-924.
3. 宋曉彤,邵小明,孫宇,姜炎彬,宋閃閃,劉欣超,王慶剛(*). 2018. 北京東靈山苔蘚植物區系研究. 植物科學學報, 36(04), 80-87.
4. 張毓,王慶剛,田瑜,徐靖,闕靈,楊光,池秀蓮(*). 2018. 華北地區國家級自然保護區對藥用維管植物的保護狀況. 生物資源,40(3): 193-202. (雜誌邀請論文).
5. 向潔,王富強,郭寶光,王慶剛,余成群, 沈振西, 邵小明(*).2018. 西藏河谷區燕麥與箭筈豌豆混間作對產量和營養品質的影響. 浙江大學學報(農業與生命科學版), 44(05), 46-55.
1. Qinggang Wang,Xiangyan Su, Nawal Shrestha, Yunpeng Liu, Siyang Wang, Xiaoting Xu, Zhiheng Wang. 2017. Historical factors shaped species diversity and composition of Salix in eastern Asia. Scientific Reports, 7:42038.
2.Wang QG, Su XY, Shresha Nawal, Liu YP, Wang SY, Xu XT, Wang ZH(*), 2017. Historical factors shaped species diversity and composition of Salix in eastern Asia, Scientific Reports, 7: 42035.
3. Xiulian Chi, Zejin Zhang, Xiaoting Xu, Xiaobo Zhang, Zhiping Zhao, Yining Liu, Qinggang Wang, Hui Wang, Ying Li, Guang Yang, Lanping Guo, Zhiyao Tang, Luqi Huang. 2017. Threatened medicinal plants in China: Distribution and conservation priorities. 210 (2017).
4. Yunpeng Liu, Zehao Shen, Qinggang Wang, Xiangyan Su, Wanjun Zhang, Nawal Shrestha, Xiaoting Xu, Zhiheng Wang. 2017. Determinants of richness patterns differ between rare and common species: implications for Gesneriaceae conservation in China. Diversity and Distributions, 23: 235-246.
1. Yaoqi Li, Zhiheng Wang, Xiaoting Xu, Wenxuan Han, Qinggang Wang , Dongting Zou. 2016. Leaf margin analysis of Chinese woody plants and the constrains in its application for paleoclimatic reconstruction, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 1401-1415.
1. Guo YL, Lu, ZJ, Wang QG, Lu JM, Xu YZ, Meng HJ, Liu HB, Zhang JX, Bao DC, Qiao XJ, Huang HD, Jiang MX (*). 2015. Detecting negative density dependence from spatial patterns in a heterogeneous subtropical forest of central China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45: 710-720.
2. Yaozhan Xu, Scott Franklin, Qinggang Wang, Zheng Shi, Yiqi Luo, Zhijun Lu, Jiaxin Zhang, Xiujuan Qiao, Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Topographic and biotic factors determine forest biomass spatial distribution in a subtropical mountain moist forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 357: 95–103.
3. Junmeng Lu, Daniel Johnson, Xiujuan Qiao, Zhijun Lu, Qinggang Wang, Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Density dependence and habitat preference shape seedling survival in a subtropical forest in central China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8:568-577.
4. Xiujuan Qiao, Qianxi Li, Qinghu Jiang, Junmeng Lu, Scott Franklin, Zhiyao Tang, Qinggang Wang, Jiaxin Zhang, Zhijun Lu, Dachuan Bao, Yili Guo, Haibo Liu, Yaozhan Xu, Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Beta diversity determinants in Badagonshan, a subtropical forest in central China. Scientific Report, 5: 17043.
1. Qinggang Wang , Dachuan Bao, Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Zhijun Lu, Yaozhan Xu, Kuihan Zhang, Haibo Liu, Hongjie Meng, Mingxi Jiang, Xiujuan Qiao, Handong Huang. 2014. Species associations in a species-rich subtropical forest were not well-explained by stochastic geometry of biodiversity. PLoS ONE , 9: e97300.
2. Qinggang Wang, Yaozhan Xu, Zhijun Lu, Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Kuihan Zhang, Haibo Liu, Hongjie Meng, Xiujuan Qiao, Handong Huang, Mingxi Jiang. 2014. Disentangling the effects of topography and space on the distributions of dominant species in a subtropical forest. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59:5113-5122.
3. 劉海波, 王慶剛, 路俊盟, 徐耀粘, 盧志軍, 江明喜. 2014. 八大公山常綠落葉闊葉混交林根萌能力. 科學通報, 59(35):3491-3498.
1. Dong He, Qinggang Wang, Scott Franklin, Mingxi Jiang. 2013. Transient and asymptotic demographics of the riparian species Euptelea pleiospermum in the Shennongjia area, central China. Biological Conservation, 161: 193-202.
2. Yili Guo, Junmeng Lu, Scott Franklin, Qinggang Wang , Yaozhan Xu, Kuihan Zhang, Dachuan Bao, Xiujuan Qiao. Handong Huang, Zhijun Lu, Mingxi Jiang. 2013. Spatial distribution of tree species in a species-rich subtropical mountain forest in central China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research , 43: 826-835.
3. 盧志軍, 鮑大川, 郭屹立, 路俊盟, 王慶剛, 何東,張奎漢,徐耀粘,劉海波,孟紅傑,黃漢東,魏新增,廖建雄,喬秀娟,江明喜,谷志容,廖春林. 2013. 八大公山中亞熱帶常綠落葉闊葉混交林物種組成與結構. 植物科學學報, 31(4): 336-344.




