




  • 中文名:王心美
  • 職業:副教授
  • 畢業院校:西北工業大學
  • 性別:女


出版專著一部(第一作者),發表學術論文29篇,其中第一作者16篇,第二作者10篇,第三作者3篇。國際期刊23篇,SCI索引18篇, EI索引23篇,SCI它引30餘次。作為主持人完成西北工業大學博士創新基金1項、博士後基金1項;正在主持國家自然科學基金1項、陝西省自然科學基金1項、西北工業大學翱翔之星計畫1項。獲得陝西省高校科學技術獎二等獎1項,排名第一。


1、王心美,岳珠峰,王亞芳,智友海,呂震宙,2009. NiTi合金的超彈性力學特性及其套用。科學出版社。
2、X.M. Wang, B.X. Xu, Z.F. Yue, 2008. Micromechanical modelling of the effect of plastic deformation on the mechanical behaviour in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys. International Journal of Plasticity, 24, 1307-1332. (SCI: 000256606400002,
3、Xinmei Wang, Baoxing Xu, Zhufeng Yue, et al, 2008. Fracture behavior of the compact tension specimens in NiTi shape memory alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 485,14-19. (SCI: 000256194300003,
4、X.M. Wang, B.X. Xu, Z.F. Yue, 2008. Phase transformation behavior of pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys under large strain. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 463, 417-422. (SCI: 000258697300073,
5、X.M. Wang, Z.Z. Lu, Z.F. Yue, et al, 2008. FEM analysis of localized deformation behaviour in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 39,816-821. (SCI: 000262184000017,
6、X.M. Wang, Z.F. Yue, 2007. FEM prediction of the pseudoelastic behavior of NiTi SMA at different temperatures with one temperature testing results. Computational Materials Science, 39, 697-704. (SCI: 000247056700026,
7、XM Wang, M. Frotscher, YF Wang, et al, 2007. Finite element analysis of pseudoelastic behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy with thin-wall tube under extension-torsion cyclic loading. Journal of Materials Science, 42, 2443-2449. (SCI: 000245125700034,
8、X.M. Wang, Z.F. Yue, 2006. Three-dimensional thermomechanical modeling of pseudoelasticity in shape memory alloys with different elastic properties between austenite and martensite. Materials Science and Engineering A, 425, 83-93. (SCI: 000241151500012)


