⒋ Yuan G,Ma J,Ye W,Bai Z,Wang J. Macroanatomy of coronary arteries in Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Vet Res Commun. 2009,Vol.33:366-377. (SCI收錄)
⒌ Chengjuan Gao,Baoping Shao,Jinghong Ma,Shiyuan Yu and Jianlin Wang. Anatomical and histochemical characteristics of the lacrimal glands in bactrian camels(Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.15,No 2:162-167,2008. (SCI收錄)
⒍ Xiaoyan Peng,Wenling Ye,Guoqiang Yuan,Huifang Zhang and Jianlin Wang. Morphology of the lingual papillae of bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.15,No 2:173-180,2008. (SCI收錄)
⒎ Chen J,Bai Z,Gao C,Wang J. Morphology of Rhinencephalon and Hippocampal formation of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) with their adaptive features. Vet Res Commun. 2008 Jul 5. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI收錄)
⒏ 高承娟,馬景紅,俞詩源,王建林. 雙峰駝淚腺的解剖學與組織化學特點,解剖學雜誌(Chinese Journal of Anatomy)2008,Vol.31⑹: 795-798
⒑ Wenling YE,Xiaoyan PENG,Zhongtian BAI,Guoqiang YUAN,and Jianlin WANG,Gross anatomical studies on the tongue of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.15,No 1:95-101,2008. (SCI收錄)
⒒ Lei ZHU,Chun YANG,Xie Zhao-Hui and Jianlin WANG. MORPHOLOGY AND MORPHOMETRY OF OVARIAN FOLLICLES OF THE ADULT BACTRIAN CAMEL (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.15,No 1:103-108,2008. (SCI收錄)
⒓ Jingchen Chen,Chengjuan Gao,Zhongtian Bai and Jianlin Wang. Morphology of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) foetus,Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.15,No 1:109-111,2008. (SCI收錄)
⒔ Zhao-Hui Xie and Jianlin Wang. Magnetic resonance of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.15,No 1:111-116,2008. (SCI收錄)
⒕ Shao BP,Ding YP,Yu SY,Wang JL,The arterial supply of the eye of the yak (Bos Grunniens). Res Vet Sci. 2008 Apr;84⑵:174-7.. (SCI收錄)
⒖ Qiu-Sheng SHE,Hai-Yan LI,Jian-Lin WANG and Zhong-Tian BAI. Topographic anatomy and morphometry of the metacarpus and phalanges in adult Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.14,No 2:143-149,2007. (SCI收錄)
⒗ Jingchen Chen,Chengjuan Gao,Zhongtian Bai and Jianlin Wang. Morphological comparisons of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) between a near term foetus and the adult,Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.14,No 2:139-142,2007. (SCI收錄)
⒙ Wen WD,Yuan F,Wang JL,Hou YP. Botulinum toxin therapy in the ovalbumin-sensitized rat. Neuroimmunomodulation. 14⑵:78-83. 2007.. (SCI收錄)
⒚ Yanping Ding,Baoping Shao and Jianlin Wang,The arterial supply to the brain of the yak (Bos grunniens),Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger,Volume 1891⑴,1 February 2007,31-38. (SCI收錄)
⒛ Baoping Shao,Yanping Ding,Zhaohui Xie and Jian-Lin Wang:The Cranial Cervical Ganglion and its Branches in the Yak (Bos Grunniens). The Veterinary Journal,Vol.173⑴:176-179,2007. (SCI收錄)
21. Zhao-Hui Xie,Hai-Yan Li and Jian-Lin Wang,Morphological study on the cerebrum of Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus) with particular reference to sulci. Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.13,No 1:61-66,2006. (SCI收錄)
22. Zhang X,Dai F,Weise C,Yusuf F,Bonafede A,Morosan-Puopolo G,Rehimi R,Wang J,Brand-Saberi B. Expression of the avian gene cNOC2 encoding nucleolar complex associated protein 2 during embryonic development. Anat Embryol (Berl). 2006 Nov;211⑹:649-57. (SCI收錄)
30. Wang-Hong Zhao,et al. and Jian-Lin.Wang:Architecture of pulmonary interstitial microvessels in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal. of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.12,No 1:13-16,2005(SCI收錄)
41. Shi-Yuan Yu,Jianlin Wang,et al :Architecture of subpleural microvessel in lung in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal. of Camel Practice and Research (Indian),Vol.11,No 1:27-34,2004(SCI收錄).
44. Jianlin Wang:The arterial supply to the eye of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,Vol.26⑺:445-453,2002.
45. 俞詩源; 司克媛; 王子仁; 王建林;紅腹錦雞和小白鼠腎小球微血管鑄型的掃描電鏡觀察,動物學雜誌,Chinese Journal of Zoology,Vol.37⑹:17-20,2002年 06期
47. Jianlin Wang,et al:Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),6th International congress of Vertebrate Morphology (Journal of Morphology),July 20-26,2001,Jena,Germany.
48. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the carpal joint in the bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,Vol.24⑵:75-84,2000(SCI收錄)
49. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the cubital joint in the bactrian camel,The Veterinary Research Communications,Vol.24 ⑴:1-9,2000(SCI收錄)
50. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply to the digits of the forelimb in the bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus),J. of Anatomy,Vol.196⑵:193-202; Februbry,2000(SCI收錄).
51. Jianlin Wang,et al:Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),J. of Morphology,Vol.244:349;March,2000(SCI收錄).
55. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint in the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,Vol.22:365-371,1998 (SCI收錄).
56. Cui Sheng,Jianlin Wang and Zhenming Xie:Gross anatomy of the cranial cervical ganlion and its branches in the bactrian camel. The Veterinary Research Communications,Vol.22:1-5,1998(SCI收錄).
62. Jianlin Wang and zhenming Xie. (1994):Arterial supply of the shoulder joint in bactrian camel. J. of Camel Practice and Research(Indian),Vol.2,No 2,1994. (SCI收錄)
63. Jianlin Wang and Shengcheng Jiang. (1994):Anatomy of Ulnar,median and radial nerves of Tianzhu white yak.The first International Congress on Yak,8,1994:263-266,Lanzhou,China.
64. Shengcheng Jiang and Jianlin Wang. (1994):Anatomy of genital organs of female Tianzhu white yak. The first International Congress on Yak,8,1994:243-249,Lanzhou,China.
2008年10月20-23日由中德中心資助赴上海參加中德發育生物學家學術研討會(Sino-German Workshop Signaling mechanisms in development and diseases),在會議上以牆報的形式展示的論文是“Study On Effect Of Different Concentration Of Trichostatin A On Chicken Wing Bud Development”。
2008年8月28-31日由蘭州大學西北資源環境與生態科技創新平台(Ⅰ類)985國際合作與交流專項資助赴希臘雅典參加希臘農業研究國際會議(International Symposium on Agricultural Research),在會議上所做大會發言的論文是“Feeding Behavior of Captive Wild Bactrian Camels”。
2007年7月16-22日由蘭州大學西北資源環境與生態科技創新平台(Ⅰ類)985國際合作與交流專項資助赴法國巴黎參加在皮埃爾與瑪麗學院(Institut Pierre & Marie Cury)召開的第八屆國際脊椎動物形態學會議(ICVM-8,巴黎),會議上以牆報(Poster)展示的論文是“Histone deacetylase inhibitor,Trichostatin A,affects gene expression patterns during morphogenesis of chick limb buds in vivo”。
2006年10月由“保護大戈壁及其庇護的物種項目”和甘肅省野生動物管理局資助參加在蒙古烏蘭巴托召開的“2006年野駱駝保護和管理國際研討會”,並對位於蒙古國的野生雙峰駝的保護區進行為期10天的實地考察。在會上作了題為“Activity Rhythm and Behavioral Observation on Wild Bactrian Camel(Camelus bactrianus ferus) in Captivity”的大會發言。
2005年8、9月由德意志學術交流中心(DAAD)獎學金資助,赴德國弗萊堡大學解剖與細胞生物學研究所Beate Brand–Saberi教授實驗室做為期2個月的訪問研究學者,期間,還訪問了海德堡大學(2005年9月20日)解剖學與細胞生物學研究所(Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology Ⅲ,University of Heidelberg),拜訪了Klaus Unsicker 教授(他的論文主要發表在Nature Neuroscience、Development、Journal of Neuroscience、Journal of Cell Biology等雜誌)和海德堡大學人類遺傳學研究所發育遺傳學研究組(section Developmental Genetics,Institute of Human Genetics,University of Heidelberg) Herbert Steinbeisser教授,他的論文主要發表在Development、International Journal,Development Biology、EMBO J.、Mech Dev.、Cell、Nature、Science、Dev Suppl.等)。
2001年7月20-26日赴德國耶那席勒大學參加第六屆國際脊椎動物形態學會議,在會議上報告的論文是“Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)”。
2008年10月16-19日,邀請韓國首爾大學博士生導師Byeong-Chun Lee教授對蘭州大學進行了學術訪問。Byeong-Chun Lee教授分別在2008年10月17日上午9:00點(榆中校區B區502教室)和2008年10月17日下午3:00點(盤旋路校區生物樓309教室)為本科生和研究生、青年教師做了題為“Clone dogs as a Bio-resource(生物資源-克隆狗)”和“Current status and future prospects of dog cloning(狗克隆的最新進展及其前景展望)”的學術報告。
2006年9月,邀請我校兼職教授,德國弗萊堡大學解剖學與細胞生物學博士生導師Beate Brand-Saberi教授和上海交通大學微納米研究院博士生導師崔大祥教授分別在我校榆中校區C區301教室和盤旋路校區信息樓報告廳為廣大本科生和研究生做了題為“Embryogenesis meets tumorigenesis: Common mechanisms in development and disease (Prof. Beate Brand-Saberi)”和“生物納米科技的進展及前景”(崔大祥教授)的學術報告,受到同學們的熱烈歡迎。
2005年6月邀請德國弗萊堡大學解剖學與細胞生物學研究所Beate Brand–Saberi教授和Fangping Dai博士到蘭州大學進行學術訪問,報告的題目有“Principles of embryonic development (Prof. Beate)(胚胎髮育原理)”、“The molecular control of differentiation: Lessons from chick embryos (Prof. Beate).(分化的分子調控:雞胚操作規程)”、“RNA interference and target gene clone (Dr. Fang-Ping Dai)(RNA干預與目標基因克隆)”、“Gene,chromosome abnormality and human disease (Dr. Fang-Ping Dai)(基因、染色體異常與人類疾病)”。
2004年12月22日,邀請美國德克薩斯州休斯頓人口研究所和Tomball地區醫院試管受精(ⅣF)實驗室主任王維華博士、研究員來蘭進行學術交流,報告的題目是“人工輔助生殖(試管嬰兒):基該方法與新技術”。(Human assisted reproduction (test-tube babies): general knowledge and new technologies (this talk includes general information about human infertility,how to make test-tube babies in the lab and other new technologies,such as sperm microinjection,preimplantation genetic diagnosis,sex selection,stem cell research,therapeautic cloning and so on)和“哺乳動物卵母細胞減數分裂期的紡錘體與紡錘體檢測”(Meiotic spindle and spindle checkpoint in mammalian oocytes. (this talk is based on basic