



  • 中文名:王小璠
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:台灣
  • 畢業院校劍橋大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:作業研究,模糊數學,多目標決策分析
  • 職稱:教授


王小璠,中國台灣清華大學講座教授。她在1981年畢業於英國劍橋大學後,在同一所大學工業工程與工程管理系任教。她曾是清華大學工學院副院長,IEEM系主任, NTHU,中國模糊系統協會主席,國際模糊系統協會副會長和紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學Erskine研究員。此外,她還獲得台灣國家科學委員會頒發的傑出研究獎、國家研究委員會傑出契約研究員,清華大學工學院傑出教學獎。曾任中國工業工程協會學報主編;也是“中國模糊集與理論雜誌”主編,現在是幾個國際期刊的區域編輯。她的研究興趣在多指標決策,模糊集理論和綠色價值鏈管理。




2007-2008 清華大學工學院副院長
2006 紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學管理系訪問教授暨博士論文審查委員
2002年紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學Erskine Fellow
1981 - 1988年清華大學工業工程系副教授
英國Brian Colquhurn&Partners運輸規劃師




2010-2012特殊人才獎(3次,99 - 101年度國科會特殊優秀人才獎)


1. Hsiao-Fan Wang & Chia-Yu, Shen, 2016, Electricity Load Forecasting in a Smart Grid System, International Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, 20(5)
2.Hsiao-Fan Wang, Meng-Ping Sung, Hsin-Wei Hsu,2016, Complementarity and Substitution of Renewable Energy in Target Year Energy Supply-Mix Planning- In The Case of Taiwan, Energy Policy 90, 172-182.
3. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Ching-Min Chang, 2015, Facility Layout for an Automated Guided Vehicle System, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, pp. 52-61, Doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.007
4. Hsiao-Fan Wang , Hung-Shi Lin, 2014, A Periodical Production Plan for the Uncertain Orders in a Closed Loop Supply Chain System, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 4(12), p213-236. Dec..
5. Hsiao-Fan Wang , Hung-Shi Lin, 2014, Optimal Process/Reprocess Production Mix with Inseparable Orders in Multiple Periods, IE & Management
6. Hsiao-Fan Wang & Ching-Hsiang Chan, Multi-Objective Optimization of Automated Guided Dispatching and Vehicle Routing System, Accepted by Int. J. Modelling in Operations Management
7. Ching-Hsiang Chan, Hsiao-Fan Wang, Kuo-Hao Chang, Ching-Yi Kuo, An Intelligent Centralized Control System for Dispatching & Routing of The Automatic Guided Vehicles, Accepted by Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
8. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Ray Su, Procurement Strategy with Credit Risk, To appear at International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management
9. Ke Xing,; Hsiao-Fan Wang,; Wei Qian, 2013, “A Sustainability-Oriented Multi-Dimensional Value Assessment Model For Product-Service Development”, July, IJPR, 51(19), 5908-5933 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2013.810349.
10. Wang, H.F. & Ying-Yen Chen, “Fuzzy Credibility Approach to the Fuzzy Flexible Delivery and Pickup Problem with Time Windows”, Appear at Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems
11. Wang, H.F. & Du Lin, “Dynamic Industrial System Approach to the Industrial Sustainability Development Based on National Economy – With a Case of Taiwan”, To appear at Industrial Energy Efficiency: Techniques, Operations and Management, special issue of IJ of Industrial Engineering & Management http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2169-0316
12. Hsiao-Fan Wang, Two-level Stackelberg Game for Subsidy and Penalty Decisions on a Green Industry Sector, to appear at Procedia Computer Science, 2013
13. Wang, H.F., Ying-Yen Chen,, 2013, “A Coevolutionary Algorithm for the Flexible Delivery and Pickup Problem" ,Jan., IJPE, ,141(1), 4–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.04.011
14. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Yen-Shan Huang, 2013, “A Two-Stage Robust Programming Approach to Demand-Driven Disassembly Planning,” Intl. J of Production Research, International, 51(8), 2414–2432.. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00207543.2012.737940
15. Wang, H.F. & Wei-Liang Kao, 2012, Green Vendor Selection with Risk Analysis, International Journal of Operations Research, 9(2.)
16. Yung-Shan Tsou & H.F. Wang, “Subsidy and penalty strategy for a green industry sector by bi-level mixed integer nonlinear programming “, Accepted by JCIIE, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10170669.2012.684408
17. Wang, H.F. & H. W. Hsu,2012, “A Possibilistic Approach to Modeling and Resolution of Uncertain Closed-loop Logistics”, Fuzzy Optimization & Decision Making, 11(2), 177-208
18. Wang, H.F., K.W. Zheng ,, “Application of Fuzzy Linear Programming to Global Production Plan of a Refinery Industry-Case of Taiwan CPC Corporation”, Accepted by International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
19. Wang, H.F., K.W. Zheng, 2012, “Application of Fuzzy Linear Programming to Aggregate Production Plan of a Refinery Industry in Taiwan”, Journal of Operational Research Society , 1-16.
20. Wang. H.F. & C.T. Wu, 2012,“A Strategy-Oriented Operation Module for Recommender Systems in E-Commerce” , Computers & OR. 39(8), 1837-1849.
21. Wang, H.F., Ying-Yen Chen, 2011, “A Genetic Algorithm for the Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup Problems with Time Window”, Computers & IE., appear on line Aug. 30, 2011.
22. Wang, H.F. & H. W. Hsu, 2010,“Resolution of an Uncertain Closed-loop Logistics Model: An Application to Fuzzy Linear Programs with Risk Analysis”, International Journal of Environmental Management, 91( 11), Nov., 2148-2162. (selected by Labome.Org
23. Wang, H.F., K.W. Zheng , 2010, “An Optimal Run-mode Scheduling for Oil Refinery Production-A Case Study on Taiwan CPC Corporation,” Production Planning & Control ,21(3), 301–318 (SCI)
24. Wang, H.F. & Hsin-Wei Hsu, 2010, A Closed-loop Logistic Model with a Spanning-Tree Based Genetic Algorithm, Computers & OR.,37(2), 376-389. (SCI)
25. Wang, H.F., C.T. Wu, 2009,“ A Mathematical Model for Product Selection Strategies in a Recommender System”, Expert Systems with Applications ,36, 7299-7308, (SCI)
Methodology Development
26. Wang, H.F.& Kai-Wen Zheng, 2014, “A Dynamic Local and Global Conjoint Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 25(1), 1-16.
27. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Yen-Yi Lee, 2014, “Two-stage Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Time Dependent Alternative Vehicle Routing Problem,” Applied & Computational Mathematics, 3(4), 1-9, 3: 170 doi:10.4172/2168-9679.1000170
28. Wang, H.F. & Wan-Yin Chang, ‘Fuzzy Data Construction Approach to Resolving Discrete Small Sample Problems”, Accepted by Journal of Mathematics and System Science
29. Wang, H.F. and R. C. Tsaur, 2011, “Forecasting in Fuzzy Systems", Information Technology and Decision Making, 10(2), March, 333-352.
30. Wang, H.F.; C.J. Huang, 2010, “A Multi-dimensional data construction method with its application to learning from small-sample-sets”, Intelligent Data Analysis , 14(1),121-141 (SCI)
31. C.J.Huang, H.J.Chiu, T.H.Lan, H.F. Wang, S.W.kuo, S.F Chen. Y.H.Yu, Y.R. Liu, T.M. Hu, Loh Ei-Wui, 2010, Significance of Morphological Features in Schizophrenia of a Chinese Population, J. of Psychiatric Research, (SCI), 44 (2), p.63-68, Jan.
32. Chun-Jung Huang, Hsiao-Fan Wang, Hsien-Jane Chiu, Tsuo-Hung Lan, Tsung-Ming Hu, El-Wui Loh, 2010, “Prediction of Time-points of Psychotic Episode in Individual Schizophrenics by Data Construction and Simulations” , Journal of Medical Systems (SCI), 34(5), 799-808.
33. Wang, H.F., F.C.Hsu, 2009, “An Integrated Operation Module for Individual Risk Management”,
EJOR, 198, 610-617. (SCI)
34. R.C. Tsao & Wang, H.F., 2009, “Analysis of Fuzzy Regression Equations using a Fuzzy Goal Programming Model,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, (SCI), 11(2) , June, 107-115
35. Wang, H.F., Huang, C.J.,2009, “Application of the Data Construction Method to Risk Assessment of Severe Earthquakes in Taiwan”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 16, 189-212,(SCI)
36. H.F.Wang, C.Y.Kuo, 2008, “Overview of Fuzzified Neural Networks with Comparison of Learning Mechanism”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 10(2), 71-83 (SCI).
37. Wang, H.F. and Z. W. Chan, 2008, “A Pruning Approach to Pattern Discovery”, Information Technology & Decision Making , 7(4), 1-16, (SCI)
38. Chen, Y.Y., Wang, H.F.,2008, “Apply a revised VAM to a multi-level capacitated facility location problem”, IEEE Xplore, ISBN-10: 1424415292, (EI Compendex)
39. Huang, C.J., Wang, H.F.,2008, “Data Construction Method for Basis Selection in RBF Networks”, IEEE Xplore, ISBN-10: 1424415292, (EI Compendex)
40. Wu, C.T., Wang, H.F.,2008, “Recent Development of Recommender Systems”, IEEE Xplore. ISBN-10: 1424415292, (EI Compendex)
41. Wang H.F. and W.K. Hong , 2007, ”An integrated Service Strategy by QFD Approach” International Journal of Management and Decision Making, Vol.8, Nos 2/3/4, pp. 251-26. (SCI)
42. Wang, H.F., C.Y.Kuo, 2006, “3-Parameter Fuzzy Arithmetic Approximation of L-R Fuzzy Number for Fuzzy Neural Networks”, International Journal of Uncertainty and Knowledge-based Systems, 14(2), April, 211-233. (SCI), IF=0.601
43. R.C. Tsaur, Wang, H.F., 2006, Solving Fuzzy Regression Equations by Using Fuzzy Goal Programming Model, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 9(5), 2033-2039. (EI)
44. Wang H.F. and W.K. Hong, 2006,“Managing Customer Profitability in a Competitive Market by Continuous Data Mining’ , Industrial Marketing Management Journal, 35, 715-723l.(SSCI)
45. W.K. Hong and Wang, H.F., 2005, ” Fuzzy QFD Approach to a Service Strategic Plan”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,7(3), 120-132. (EI)
46. Wang M.L., Wang H.F., Chi-Long Lin, 2005,“Ranking Fuzzy Number Based on Lexicographic Screening,” Information Technology and Decision Making , 4(4), 663-678.(SCI Expanded)
47. Wang H.F. and K.Y. Wu, 2005,“Preference Approach to Fuzzy Linear Inequalities and Optimizations,” Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making., 4, 7-23.
48. R.C. Tsau., Jia-Chi O Yang & Wang H.F, 2005, “Fuzzy Relation Analysis in Time Series Analysis,” International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Application, 49, 539-548.. (SCI)
49. Wang, H.F. & Ching-Yi, Guo, 2004, "Factor Analysis in Data Mining," International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 48, 1765-1778. (SCI)
50. Wang, H.F. & K.Y.Wu,2004, ”A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Permutation Property “, Computers & OR,, 31(14),2453-2471. (SCI)
51. Wang, H.F. & K.Y.Wu, 2003, “ Modeling and Analysis for Multi-period, Multi-product and Multi-resource Production Scheduling,” Intl. J. of Intelligent Manufacturing, 14, 297-309. (SCI)
52. Wang, H.F., 2003, Beyond Optimal Clustering, Newsletter, ORSNZ, 1-4.
53. Wang, H.F., 2002, How to Make Ants Work for Us?, Newsletter, ORSNZ, 1-3.
54. Wang, H.F. , Ruey-Chyn Tsaur & Jia-Chi O Yang, 2002, “Fuzzy Regression Analysis for Seasonal Time Series,” International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 1(1),165-175.(SCI)
55. Wang, H.F. & Y.B. Wen, 2002, “ Chinese Postman Problems with Time Window,” Computers & Mathematicswith Applications, 44, 375-387. (SCI)
56. Wang, H.F. & Zhi-Hau Huang,, 2002, ”Top-Down Fuzzy Decision Making with Partial Preference Information,”
Fuzzy Optimization & Decision Making, 1(2), 161-176 (EI)
57. M.L.Wang and H.F. Wang, 2001, “Interval Analysis of a Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Program,” International J. of Fuzzy Systems, 3(4), 558-568. (SCI, SSCI)
58. Wang, H.F. & Yi-Chun Liao,2001, “Fuzzy Non-Linear Program by Parametric Programming Approach,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 122(2), 245-252. (SCI, SSCI)
59. Long-Shuh Lin & Hsiao-Fan Wang, 2001, “Feature Investigation in a Learning Process,”, J. of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 18(5), 13-22. (EI)
60. Wang, H.F. & W.Y. Chang, 2001, "Fuzzy Scenario Analysis in Strategic Planning”, General Systems, 30(2), 193-207. (SCI, SSCI)
61. Wang H.F. & Wang M.L., 2001,“Decision Analysis of the Interval-valued Multiobjective Linear Programming Problems”, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 507, 210-218. (SCI, SSCI)
62. Wang, H.F,.2000, “Fuzzy Multiobjctive Decision Analysis-an Overview, “ International Journal on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 9, 61-83. (SCI)
63. Wang, H.F., 2000, “Resolution of Variational Inequality Problerms by Multiobjective Programming”, Lecture notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 487, 185-195. (SCI, SSCI)
64. Wang, H.F. & R.C. Tsaur,, 2000, “Resolution of Fuzzy Regression Model”, European Journal of Operational Research, 126(3), 637-650. (SCI, SSCI)(Impact factor 2006=0.918)
65. Wang, H.F. & R.C. Tsaur, 2000, “Bicriteria Variable Selection in a Fuzzy Regression Equation,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 40, 877-883.(SCI)
66. Wang, H.F. & R.C.Tsaur, 2000, "Insight of A Fuzzy Regression Model," Fuzzy Sets & Systems. ,112, 355-369. (SCI, SSCI)
67. Wang, H.F. & L.S.Lin,1999, "Factor Selections for a System Development Process," Cybernetics and Systems, 30(8), 747-760. (SCI)
68. Wang, H.F. & R.C. Tsaur, 1999, “Outliers in Fuzzy Regression Analysis,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 30(8), 113-119. (EI)
69. Wang, H.F. & C.H. Wang,1999, "A Fixed-Charge Model with Fuzzy Inequality Constraints Composed by Max-Product Operator", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 36(7), 23-29.(SCI)
70. S.C.Fang, C.F.Hu, H.F.Wang & S.Y.Wu, 1999, “Linear programs with Fuzzy Coefficient in Constraints,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 37(10), 63-76..(SCI)
71. Wang, H.F. & S.L.Liao,1999, "Variational Inequality with Fuzzy Convex Cone," J. of Global Optimization, 14(4),395-414. (SCI)
72. Wang, H.F. & S.L.Liao, 1999, "User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problem with Fuzzy N-A Incidence Matrix," Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 107(3).245-253. (SCI, SSCI)
73. Liu Da-Wei & H.F. Wang, 1998, “Fuzzy Clustering with Fuzzy Data,” Journal of the Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association, 4(2), 41-50.
74. Wang, H.F. & C.C.Fu,1998, "Fuzzy Resource Allocations in Project Management," International J. of Operations & Quantitative Management,4(3), 187-197. (SCI)
75. Wang, H.F. & C.S.Wang, 1998, "An Optimal Competence Set Expansion by Fuzzy Relation Equation," International Transactions in Operational Research, 5(5),413-424. (SCI)
76. Wang, H.F. & Y.C.Liao,1998, "A Hybrid Approach to Resolving a Differentiable Integer Program," Computers & Operations Research, 25(6), 505-517. (SCI)
77. Wang, H.F. & S.L.Liao,1998, "Fuzzy Resolution on the Infeasibility of Variational Inequality," European J. of Operations Research, 106, 198-203. (SCI, SSCI)
78. Wang, H.F. & L.S.Lin,1998, "-Complete Information in Factor Space", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 6(4), 553-562. (SCI)
79. Wang, H.F. & C.C.Fu,1997, "A Generalization of Fuzzy Goal Programming with Preemptive Structure," Computers & O.R., 24(9), 819-828. (SCI)
80. Wang, H.F. & L.S.Lin, 1998, "A Multicriteria Analysis of Factor Selection in a Uncertain System," J. of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 15(2). (SCI)
81. Wang, H.F. & S.L.Liao,1999, "Variational Inequality with Fuzzy Convex Cone," J. of Global Optimization, 14(4), 395-414. (SCI)
82. Wang, H.F. & M.L.Wang, 1997, "A Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming", Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 86(1), 61-73. (SCI, SSCI)
83. Wang, H.F. & M.L.Wang, 1996, "A Decision Making Procedure for Fuzzy MOLP Problems,", J. of The Chinese Institue of Industrial Engineers, 13(1), 1-10. (SCI)
84. Wang, H.F. & S.L. Liao, 1996, "Variational Inequalities with Fuzzy Function" Fuzzy Mathematics, 4(1), 149-169. (SCI)
85. Wang, H.F. & S.L. Liao, 1996, "Application of Variational Inerqualities to User Equilibrium Problem in Traffic Assignment with Fuzzy Cost and Demand Function," J. of Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association, 2(2),39-47. (EI)
86. Wang, H.F. & Jyh-Shing Horng, 1996, "Structural Approach to Parametric Analysis of an IP", European J. of O.R., 92, 148-156. (SCI, SSCI)
87. Wang, H.F. & Jyh-Shing Horng, 1996, "Directed Purturbation Analysis of an IP", J. of Mathematics Analysis & Applications, 201, 447-460. (SCI, SSCI)
88. Wang, H.F. & C.C.Fu, 1996, "Operation Strategies for Scheduling Problems in Project Management," J. of Chinese Institute of Engineers, 515-521. (SCI)
89. Wang, H.F. & C.C.Fu, 1996, "Fuzzy Project Scheduling Models under Inflation Condition," Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 4(6), 497-514. (SCI)
90. Wang, H.F., 1995, "Multiobjective Mathematical Programming Problems with Fuzzy Relation Constraints", Intl. J. of MCDA, 4, 23-35. (SCI)
91. Wang, C., H.F.Wang & G.Y. Wu, 1995, "A Fuzzy Taxonomic System of Taiwan Ganoderma", Cybernetics and Systems, 26(3), 315-341. (SCI)
92. Wang, H.F., 1995,"Insignts into the Mixed Chinese Postman Problems", Chinese Institute of Engineering, 18.5, 683-689. (SCI)
93. Wang, H.F., C. Wang & G.Y. Wu, 1994, "Multicriteria Fuzzy C-Means Analysis", Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 64, 311-319. (SCI, SSCI)
94. Wang, H.F.& Miao-Ling Wang, 1993,"Interparametric Tolerance Analysis in an MOLP", The Intl. J. of Mathe. Analysis and Applications, 179.1, 275-396. (SCI, SSCI)
95. Wang, H.F., 1993, "Numerical Analysis of Fuzzy Relation Equations with Different Operators", Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 53.3, 155-166. (SCI, SSCI)
96. Wang,H.F. & C.S.Huang, 1993, "Multi-Parametric Analysis of the Maximal Tolerance in a Linear Programming Problem", European J. of O.R., 67, 75-87. (SCI, SSCI).
97. Wang, H.F. & H.L.Liao, 1993, "A Methodology for Supporting Long-Term Nuclear Energy Development Decisions", IEEE on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 23.1, 248-256. (SCI)
98. Wang, H.F., et al.,1993, "Fuzzy Markov Analysis on Follow-up Care of Gastric-Cancer Patients", Intl. J. of Heuristics on the special issue of "Knowledge Engineering in Medicine", 6.2, 1-13.
99. Wang, H.F. & H.M.Hsu, 1992,"An Alternative Approach to the Resolution of Fuzzy Relation
Equations ", Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 45.2, 203-213. (SCI, SSCI)
100. Wang, H.F., 1992, "Comparative Studies on Fuzzy T-Norm Operators", Intl. J. of BUSFEL, 50, 16-24.
101. Wang, H.F., et al., 1992,"Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer by Fuzzy Pattern Recognition", Intl. J. of Systems Engineering, 2, 151-163. (SCI)
102. Wang, H.F. & C.S.Huang, 1992,"The Maximal Tolerance Analysis on the Constraint Matrix in Linear Programming", The Chinese Institute of Engineers, 15.5, 507-517. (SCI)
103. Wang, H.F. & C.S.Huang, 1992, "Inconsistent Structures of Linear Systems", General Systems, 21, 65-81. (SCI)
104. Wang, H.F. & Y.C.Chang, 1991,"Resolution of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relation Equations", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 42.2, 227-240. (SCI, SSCI)
105. Hsu,H.M. & H.F. Wang, 1991, "An Alternative Approach to the Resolution of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relation Equations", J. of The Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 8.2, 41-47. (SCI)
106. Wang, H.F. & H.M.Hsu, 1991,"Sensitivity Analysis on Fuzzy Relation Equations", General Systems, 19.2, 155-169. (SCI)
107. Hsu, H.M. & H.F.Wang,1990,"Sensitivity Analysis on the Generalized Fuzzy Fuzzy Relation Equations", Proceedings of ISUMA '90, Dec. 3-5, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 312-317.
108. Wang, H.F. & S.Y.Shen,1989,"Group Decision Making with MOLP Applications" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 19.1, 143-153. (SCI)
109. Wang, H.F. 1989, "Comments on "A Multiobjective Programming Model for Transportation and Resources Use", J. of Management Sci., 6.1, 41-42. (SCI)
110. Wang, H.F. & Y.C.Chung, 1987, "An Input-Output Model for Energy Policy Evaluation", Energy Systems and Policy, 11, 21-38. (SCI)
111. Wang H.F., 1987, "Application of Iterative Scaling Method to Calibrate a Combined Trip Distribution and Mode Choice Model", Logistics and Transportation Review, 23.3, 281-294. (SCI)
112. Wang, H.F., 1985, "A Study on Spatial Distribution of Transportation- An Alternative Approach and Evaluation", Chinese Institute of Engineering, 8.3, 223-230. (SCI)
113. Wang, H.F., 1985, "Energy Demand Analysis of Taiwan", Energy & Economy Global Interdependences, 7, IAEE, 121-140.
114. Wang, H.F., 1984, "A Behavioural Approach to Travel Demand Analysis", J. of Management Sci., 2, 45-59. (SCI)
115. Wang, H.F., 1983, "A Supply Model for Municipal Waste Collection", Transp. Plan. Quartely, 12.4, 523-537.
116. Wang, H.F., 1982, "A Method to Simplify a Capacitated Network in Transportation Planning", Transp. Plan. Quartely, 11.1, 67-74.
117. Wang,H.F., 1982, "A Behavioural Approach to a Traffic Assignment Model", Transp. Plan. Quartely, 11.4, 565-579.
118. Wang, H.F. 1979, "Aggregation in Transportation Planning: Networks, Zones & Transportation Models", Transactions of the Martin Center for Architectural & Urban Studies, 4, 207-229.
Submitted Paper
119. Wang, H.F. and C-C Shen, “Pricing Strategy for Sealed-bid Auction”, Cybernetics and Systems
120. Wang, H.F. and C-C Shen, “Pricing Strategy for Sealed-bid Auction”, Cybernetics and Systems
121. Wang, H.F., Kuo, C.Y., “Pattern Recovery from Small Data Set with Back-propagation Neural networks”, J. CIIE,(Jul. 2007)
122. Wang, H.F. & Chao-Jen Lai, “Optimal Pricing Policy for The Recyclable Short Life-Cycle Products in A Duopoly Market”, International Journal of Production Economics
123. Wang, H.F. & C. T. Wu, “Resolution of a Sparse User-item Matrix in the Recommender Systems by E-RPCA”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.
124. Wang, H.F. & Ting-Yu Lin, “Investigation on the Energy Complexity of Parallel Algorithms”, C&OR.
125. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Ting-Yang Kuo, Fuzzy Inference for Scenario Generation– A Case of Production System, Intelligent Data Analysis
126. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Ching-Min Chang, Facility Layout for an Automated Guided Vehicle System, Operations and Production Management.
127. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Meng-Chen Lin, A Systematic Approach to the Community Empowerment by a Social Enterprise , Social Enterprise Journal.
128. Ying-Yen Chen and Hsiao-Fan Wang, A Heuristic Method to A Multi-Level Capacitated Facility Location Problem, special issue on Intelligent Optimization for Green Logistics Operation, The World Scientific Journal.
129. Chia-Yu Shen, Hsiao-Fan Wang, Electricity Load Forecasting in a Smart Grid System, Intelligent Data Analysis.
130. Jiun-Han Lin, Hsiao-Fan Wang, A Personalized Tele-homecare System for Supporting Emergency Management, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.
Book Chapter
131. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Chang-Fu Hsu, Optimal Reutilization of Durable Components of the Leased Products, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia
132. Wang, H.F. & C.Y. Fu, “Batch Production Plan for Periodic Demands with Uncertain Recycling Rate in a Closed-Loop Supply System” Chapter 16, 376-393, in Supply Chain Management Under Fuzziness , Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 313, (editors: Cengiz Kahraman and Ba?ar Oztay?i) , Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2014. ISBN: 978-3-642-53938-1, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-53939-8_16. http://www.springer.com/engineering/computational+intelligence+and+complexity/book/978-3-642-53938-1
133. Y.Y. Chen & H.F. Wang, “Delivery and Pickup Problems with Time Windows: Strategy and Modeling” in Reverse Supply Chains: Issues and Analysis (edit. M. Gupta), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Chap. 14, Jan., 2013. ISBN13: 9781439899021
134.Wang, H.F. & C.J. Huang, “Possibility Approach to Small Sample Analysis”, in the Book in memory of Dr. Stanley Li., 2013
135.Wang, H.F. & C.Y. Kuo, “Fuzzy Clustering with the Determination of Cluster Number”, in Fuzzy Methodologies and Their Applications.
136.Wang, H.F. & Y.C. Chiu, 2009, “A Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Model for a Distribution Centre”, Web-Based Green Products Life Cycle Management Systems : Reverse Supply Chain Utilization, Information Science Reference, Hershey ‧ New York, USA, ISBN-13: 978-1-60566-114-8 (hardcover), SBN-13: 978-1-60566-115-5 (e-book); Chap.XIV.
137. H. W. Hsu & Wang, H.F., 2009, ?Modeling of Green Supply Chain Logistics“, Web-Based Green Products Life Cycle Management Systems : Reverse Supply Chain Utilization, Information Science Reference, Hershey ‧ New York, USA, ISBN-13: 978-1-60566-114-8 (hardcover), SBN-13: 978-1-60566-115-5 (e-book); Chap.XII.
138. C.J. Huang & Wang, H.F., 2008, “Virtual Sampling with Data construction Analysis” Intelligent Data Analysis : Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery, Information Science Reference, Hershey ‧ New York, USA, July 2008. ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-982-3(hardcover), SBN-13: 978-1-59904-983-0 (e-book), Chap XVIII, 298-306.
139.F.C. Hsu & Wang, H.F.,2008, “Analysis of Individual Risk Attitude for Risk Management Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory”, Intelligent Data Analysis : Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery, Information Science Reference, Hershey ‧ New York, USA, 2008. ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-982-3(hardcover), SBN-13: 978-1-59904-983-0 (e-book), Chap XV, 252-268.
140. Wang M.L. & H.F. Wang,2006, “Web Mining System for Mobile Phone Marketing,”, Business Applications and Computational Intelligence ,K.Voges & N. Popes, (eds), Idea Group Inc.,Chap.VII, 113-129.
141. Wang, H.F & K.Y.Wu, 2005, “Pattern-based Heuristics for Master Production Scheduling with a Continuous Manner,” Chapt.6, Robotics and Intelligent Systems Research ,J.X.Liu, (ed.) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 149-180..
142. Wang, H.F. & Ching-Yi Kuo, 2001,“ Hierarchical Factor Analysis,” Advances in Signal Processing And computer Technologies, G. Antoniou et al. (eds.), WSES Press, 61-66.
143. Hsiao-Fan Wang & Miao-Ling Wang, 2001,”Decision Analysis of the Interval-Valued Multiobjective Linear Programming Problems,” Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium, M.Koksalan & S. Zionts (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 210-218.
144. Miao-Ling Wang & Hsiao-Fan Wang, 2001,”Intra-parametric Analysis of a Fuzzy MOLP”, Advances in Scientific Computing, Computational intelligence and Applications, N.Mastorakis, et al, (eds.), WSES Press, 320-325.
145. Wang, H.F.,2000, “Resolution of Variational Inequality Problems by Multiobjctive Programming,” in Research an Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision Making , Y.Y.Haimes & R.E.Steuer (Eds), Springer, 185-195
146. Hsiao-Fan Wang and Ching-Min Chang, 2015, Facility Layout for an Automated Guided Vehicle System, LAP LAMBERT, ISBN (978-3-659-78416-3), https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/?shva=1#sent/15029ed80112435f?projector=1
147. Kok Lay Teo, Hsiao-Fan Wang, and Changzhi Wu,2014, Optimization in Industrial Systems, Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/contents/ (IF 1.082) http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2014/824539/
148. 王小璠, 劉瑞華, 清大的藝術家朋友, 國立清華大學出版社, 12.2012, ISBN 978-986-6116-33-9, GPN 1010102537
149. Wang H.F. & Gupta, S.M. Green Supply Chain Management: Product Life Cycle Approach, McGraw Hill, USA, August, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-07-162283-7 (Book of the Month in the November 2011 issue of the Industrial Engineer magazine)
150. Hsiao-Fan Wang & Wei-Kuo Hong , Managing Customer Profitability in a Saturated and Competitive Market- A Systematic Approach , AV Academikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG., Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8443-0739-9, 2011.
151. Wang H.F. & C. J. Huang, Data Construction Method to Small Sample Sets: Theory and Applications, AV Academikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG., Germany, ISBN:978-3-8383-9837-2, 2010
152. Wang H.F. Web-Based Green Products Life Cycle Management Systems : Reverse Supply Chain Utilization, Information Science Reference, Hershey ‧ New York, USA, ISBN-13: 978-1-60566-114-8 (hardcover), SBN-13: 978-1-60566-115-5 (e-book); 2009.
153. Wang, H.F. Intelligent Data Analysis: Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery, Information Science Reference, Hershey ‧ New York, USA, ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-982-3, 366 (hardcover), SBN-13: 978-1-59904-983-0 (e-book); July 2008.
154. 王小璠, 多準則決策分析, 滄海書局, 2005.ISBN 986-7287-03-7.
155. Wang, H.F., Multicriteria Decision Analysis –From Certainty to Uncertainty, ISBN 986-7777-55-7, Ting Lung Book Co., 2004. (Springer Book Archives 2012, ISBN 978-0-387-94297-1)
156. 李允中,王小璠,蘇木春, 模糊理論及其套用, 全華科技, 2003, 2005, 2010(3rd ed), ISBN 957-21-3870-7.
157. Y.C. Lee & H.F.Wang, (eds), Soft Computing, Fuji Technology Press, 2003.
158. Wang, H.F.& Y.C. Lee,(eds), Special issue on Approximate Reasoning with Words, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 127(1), North Holland, 2002.
159. Wang, H.F., (ed), Trend in Fuzzy Systems , Gordon & Breach Publishers, 2001.
160. Wang, H.F. (Guest ed.) International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1(1), CFSAt, 1999.
161. Tzeng,G.H., H.F.Wang, U.P.Wen and P.L.Yu (eds.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Springer-Verlag. Amsterdan. 1994.


