



  • 中文名:王富強
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1983年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:動力工程及工程熱物理
  • 職稱:教授/博士生導師


2016/12至今: 哈爾濱工業大學(威海),教授/博導。


曾榮獲2011年“教育部博士研究生學術新人獎”,併入選哈爾濱工業大學青年拔尖人才計畫(教授,2016年),《Applied Energy》(IF=7.182)2016年度Awards of highly cited original papers(全年共 1643篇論文,僅15篇入選)。


  • 山東省青年科技創新協會會員;
  • SCI期刊《International Journal of Photoenergy》:Lead Guest Editor;
  • 印度理工學院(Indian Institute of Technology)博士學位論文通訊評審專家;
  • 《科學通報》、《東南大學學報》、《中國石油大學學報》等EI、核心期刊通訊審稿人;
  • 《Applied Energy》、《International Journal of Thermal Sciences》、《Solar Energy》、
    《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Optics Express》、《Renewable Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Energy&Fuels》、《ASME Journal of Heat Transfer》、 《Energy Conversion and Management》、《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》、《Scientific Reports》等20餘個SCI期刊通訊審稿人。





1) Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Xie Yin-Mo,Ma Lan-Xin,Xu Hui-Jin,Tan Jian-Yu,Bai Feng-Wu.Investigation of optical properties and radiative transfer of sea water-based nanofluids for photocatalysis with different salt concentrations.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2018,In Press(SCI、EI,IF=3.582,Top期刊)
2) Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Liu Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Tan He-Ping.Influence of microlens array manufacturing errors on light-field imaging.Optics Communications,2018,410:40–52(SCI、EI,IF=1.588)
3)Wang Fu-Qiang, Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu*,Yuan Yuan,Shuai Yong,Liu Lin-Hua.Progress in concentrated solar power technology with parabolic trough collector system: a comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2017,79:1314–1328(SCI、EI,IF=8.050,Top期刊)
4)Wang Fu-Qiang,Ma Lan-Xin,Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu*,Huang Xing,Liu Lin-Hua.Radiative heat transfer in solar thermochemical particle reactor: A comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2017,73:935–949(SCI、EI,IF=8.050,Top期刊)
5) Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Hu Sheng-Peng,Xiao Bing,Gong Xiang-Tao,Lin Bo,Li Xiang-Zheng,Cao Rui-Yang,Liang Wen,Liu Lin-Hua.Analyzing the effects of reaction temperature on photo-thermo chemical synergetic catalytic water splitting under full-spectrum solar irradiation: An experimental and thermodynamic investigation.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017,42:12133–12142(SCI、EI,IF=3.582,Top期刊)
6) Gong Xiang-Tao,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Wang Hai-Yan,Tan Jian-Yu,Lai Qing-Zhi,Han Huai-Zhi.Heat transfer enhancement analysis of tube receiver for parabolic trough solar collector with pin fin arrays inserting.Solar Energy,2017,144:185–202(SCI、EI,IF=4.018)
7)Wang Fu–Qiang,Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian–Yu*,Zhang Jia-Qi,Leng Yu,Liu Lin-Hua.Energy storage efficiency analyses of CO2reforming of methane in metal foam solar thermochemical reactor.Applied Thermal Engineering,2017,111:1091–1100(SCI、EI,IF=3.356)
8) Tan Jian–Yu,Xie Yin–Mo,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Jing Lin,Ma Lan–Xin.Investigation of optical properties and radiative transfer of TiO2nanofluids with the consideration of scattering effects.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017,115:1103–1112.(SCI、EI,IF=3.458,Top期刊)
9)Wang Fu–Qiang,Ma Lan-Xin,Tan Jian–Yu*, Guan Zhen–Nan,Liu Lin-Hua.Optical constant measurements of solar thermochemical reaction catalysts and optical window.Optik,2017,131:323–334(SCI、EI,IF=0.835)
10) Ma Lan–Xin,Tan Jian–Yu*,Zhao Jun–Ming*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Wang Cheng–An.Multiple and dependent scattering by densely packed discrete spheres: Comparison of radiative transfer and Maxwell theory.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2017,187:255–266(SCI、EI,IF=2.419)
11) Ma Lan–Xin,Tan Jian–Yu*,Zhao Jun–Ming*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Wang Cheng–An,Wang Yan–Yan.Dependent scattering and absorption by densely packed discrete spherical particles: Effects of complex refractive index.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2017,196:94–102(SCI、EI,IF=2.419)
12)Wang Fu–Qiang,Lai Qing–Zhi,Han Huai–Zhi,Tan Jian–Yu*.Parabolic trough receiver with corrugated tube for improving heat transfer and thermal deformation characteristics.Applied Energy,2016,164:411–424(SCI、EI,IF=7.182,SCI他引18次,入選ESI高引,Top期刊)
13)Wang Fu-Qiang,Tang Zhe-Xiang, Gong Xiang-Tao, Tan Jian-Yu*, Han Huai-Zhi, Li Bing-Xi.Heat transfer performance enhancement and thermal strain restrain of tube receiver for parabolic trough solar collector by using asymmetric outward convex corrugated tube.Energy,2016,114:275–292(SCI、EI,IF=4.520,SCI他引1次,Top期刊)
14)Wang Fu-Qiang,Guan Zhen-Nan, Tan Jian-Yu*, Ma Lan-Xin, Yan Zhen-Yu, Tan He-Ping.Transient thermal performance response characteristics of porous-medium receiver heated by multi-dish concentrator.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,75:36-41(SCI、EI,IF=3.718)
15) Sitian Qin, Yadong Liu, Xiaoping Xue*,Fuqiang Wang. A neurodynamic approach to convex optimization problems with general constraint.Neural Networks,2016,84:113-124(SCI、EI,IF=5.287)
16)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Jin Hui–Jian,Leng Yu.Thermochemical performance analysis of solar driven CO2methane reforming.Energy,2015,91:645–654(SCI、EI,IF=4.520Top期刊)
17)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Ma Lan–Xin,Wang Cheng–Chao.Effects of glass cover on heat flux distribution for tube receiver with parabolic trough collector system.Energy Conversion and Management,2015,90:47–52(SCI、EI,IF=5.589入選ESI高引論文,Top期刊)
18)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Ma Lan–Xin,Leng Yu.Effects of key factors on solar aided methane steam reforming in porous medium thermochemical reactor.Energy Conversion and Management,2015,103:419–430(SCI、EI,IF=5.589Top期刊)
19) Ma Lan–Xin,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Wang Cheng–An,Wang Cheng–Chao,Tan Jian–Yu.Monte Carlo simulation of spectral reflectance and BRDF of the bubble layer in the upper ocean.Optics Express,2015,23(9):24274–24289(SCI、EI,IF=3.488)
20)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Gong Liang.Proposal of a shape layout of trapezoid cavity receiver to improve optical efficiency.Heat Transfer Research,2015,46(5),429–446(SCI、EI,IF=0.477)
21) Ma Lan–Xin,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Wang Cheng–An,Wang Cheng–Chao,Tan Jian–Yu.Investigation of the spectral reflectance and bidirectional reflectance distribution function of sea foam layer by the Monte Carlo method.Applied Optics,2015,54(33):9863–9874(SCI、EI,IF=1.784)
22)Wang Fu–Qiang,Guan Zhen–Nan,Tan Jian–Yu*,Yan Zhen–Yu,Leng Yu.Unsteady state thermochemical performance analyses of solar driven steam methane reforming in porous medium reactor.Solar Energy,2015,122:1180–1192(SCI、EI,IF=4.018)
23)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Wang Zhi–Qiang.Heat transfer analysis of porous media receiver with different transport and thermophysical models using mixture as feeding gas.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,83:159–166(SCI、EI,IF=5.589入選ESI高引論文、Research Front論文,Top期刊)
24)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Shuai Yong,Gong Liang,Tan He–Ping.Numerical analysis of hydrogen production via methane steam reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor using concentrated solar irradiation as heat source.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,87:956–964(SCI、EI,IF=5.589,Top期刊)
25)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Shuai Yong,Tan He–Ping,Leng Yu.Thermal performance analysis of porous medium solar receiver with quartz window to minimize heat flux gradient.Solar Energy,2014,108:348–359(SCI、EI,IF=4.018)
26)Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Chu Shuang–xia.Thermal performance analyses of porous media solar receiver with different irradiative transfer models.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2014,78:7–16(SCI、EI,IF=3.458Top期刊)
27)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Wang Zhi–Qiang,Leng Yu,Tan He–Ping.Thermal and chemical reaction performance analyses of steam methane reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014,39(2):718–730(SCI、EI,IF=3.582入選ESI高引、Research Front論文,Top期刊)
28)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Yu Chun–Liang.Thermal performance analysis of porous media receiver with concentrated solar irradiation.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,62:247–254(SCI、EI,IF=3.458,入選ESI高引、Research Front論文,Top期刊)
29)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Lin Ri–Yi,Cheng Peng.Researches on a new type of solar surface cladding reactor with concentration quartz window.Solar Energy,2013,94:177–181(SCI、EI,IF=4.018、)
30)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Zhang Xiao–Feng,Mao Qian–Jun.Heat transfer analyses of porous media receiver with multi–dish collector by coupling MCRT and FVM method.Solar Energy,2013,93:158–168(SCI、EI,IF=4.018、)
31)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Lin Ri–Yi,Liu Bin,Tan He–Ping,Shuai Yong*.Optical efficiency analysis of cylindrical cavity receiver with bottom surface convex.Solar Energy,2013,90:195–204(SCI、EI,IF=4.018)
32)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong,Yuan Yuan,Liu Bin.Effects of material selection on the thermal stresses of tube receiver under concentrated solar irradiation.Materials and Design,2012,33:284–291(SCI、EI,IF=4.364、)
33) Shuai Yong*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Xia Xin–Lin,Tan He–Ping*,Liang Ying–Chun.Radiative properties of a solar cavity receiver/reactor with quartz window.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2011,36(19):12148–12158(SCI、EI,IF=3.582、一作為博士副導師,Top期刊)
34)Wang Fu–Qiang,Shuai Yong,Yuan Yuan,Yang Guo,Tan He–Ping*.Thermal stress analysis of eccentric tube receiver using concentrated solar radiation.Solar Energy,2010,84:1809–1815(SCI、EI,IF=4.018)
35) Yuan Yuan,Yi Hong–Liang,Shuai Yong,Wang Fu–Qiang,Tan He–Ping*.Inverse problem for particle size distributions of atmospheric aerosols using stochastic particle swarm optimization.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2010,111(14):2106–2114(SCI、EI,IF=2.419)
36) Chen Zhichao,Li Zheng–Qi*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Jing Jian–Ping,Chen Li–Zhe,Wu Shao–Hua.Gas/particle flow characteristics of a centrally fuel rich swirl coal combustion burner.Fuel,2010,87(10),2102–2110(SCI、EI,IF=3.611)
37) Chen Zhi–Chao,Li Zheng–Qi*,Jing Jian–Ping,Wang Fu–Qiang, Chen Li–Zhe,Wu Shao–Hua.The influence of fuel bias in the primary air duct on the gas/particle flow characteristics near the swirl burner region.Fuel Processing Technology,2008,89(10),958–965(SCI、EI,IF=3.847)


