



  • 中文名:王婧
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:瑞典于默奧大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向:群體基因組學 
  • 職務:四川大學博士生導師
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:特聘研究員 
  • 研究方向:物種形成的群體遺傳學 


2019-至今 四川大學生命科學學院,特聘研究員




·2017年 瑞典研究理事會(Vetenskapsrådet)基金項目獲得者(315萬瑞典克朗)
·2013年 瑞典Stifteisen JC Kempes Minnes Stipendiefond基金項目獲得者(2萬瑞典克朗)
·2008年 教育部國家獎學金獲得者


《Molecular Biology and Evolution》,《Molecular Ecology》,《New Phytologist》,《Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B》,《G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics》等進化遺傳學、植物學和生態學主流期刊審稿人


  • 四川大學人才引進科研啟動項目(2019-2022),主持


  1. Lin YC#,Wang J#, Delhomme N#,Schiffthaler B, Sundström G, Zuccolo A, Nystedt B, Hvidsten TR, de la Torre A, Cossu R, Hoppner M, Lantz H, Scofield DG, Zamani N, Johansson A, Mannapperuma C, Robinson KM, Mähler N, Leitch I, Pellicer J, Park EJ, Montagu MV, Van der Peer V, Grabherr M, Jansson S, Ingvarsson K, Street NR (2018).Functional and evolutionary genomic inferences inPopulusthrough genome and population sequencing of American and European aspen.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.115 (46): E10970-E10978. (#co-first author) (IF2019=9.580)
  2. Wang J, Ding J, Tan B, Robinson KM, Michelson IH, Johansson A, Nystedt B, Scofield DG, Nilsson O, Jansson S, Street NR, Ingvarsson PK (2018).A major locus controls local adaptation and adaptive life history variation in a perennial plant.Genome Biology. 19: 72 (IF2019=14.028)
  3. Ingvarsson PK,Wang J(2017).Small and large-scale heterogeneity in genetic variation across the collard flycatcher genome: implications for estimating genetic diversity in non-model organisms.Molecular Ecology Resources. 17 (4): 583-585. (IF2019=7.049)
  4. Mähler N,Wang J, Terebieniec BK, Ingvarsson PK, Street NR, Hvidsten TR (2017).Gene co-expression network connectivity is an important determinant of selective constraint.PLoS Genetics. 13 (4): e1006402. (IF2019=5.224)
  5. Wang J, Street NR, Scofield D, Ingvarsson PK (2016).Variation in linked selection and recombination drive genomic divergence during allopatric speciation of European and American aspens.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33:1754-1767. (IF2019=14.797)
  6. Wang J, Street NR, Scofield D, Ingvarsson PK (2016).Natural selection and recombination rate variation shape nucleotide polymorphism across the genomes of three relatedPopulusspecies.Genetics. 202: 1185-1200. (IF2019=3.564)
  7. Wang J, Scofield D, Street NR, Ingvarsson PK (2015).Variant calling using NGS data in European aspen (Populus tremula). Book chapter for “Advances in the Understanding of Biological Sciences using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Approaches”. Ed. by Sablok, G., Kumar, S., Ueno, S., Kuo, J., Varotto, C.Springer,IBSN: 978-3-319-17156-2. Pp 43-61.
  8. Peng YL, Tian B, Tian XM,Wang J, Hensen I, Liu JQ (2015).Range expansion during the Pleistocene drove morphological radiation of the fir genus (Abies, Pinaceae) in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Himalayas.Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 179: 444-453. (IF2019=3.057)
  9. Wang J, Abbott RJ, Ingvarsson PK, Liu JQ (2014).Increased genetic divergence between two closely related fir species in areas of range overlap.Ecology and Evolution4: 1019-1029. (IF2019=2.415)
  10. Lockwood JD, Aleksić JM, Zou JB,Wang J, Liu JQ, Renner SS (2013).A new phylogeny for the genusPiceafrom plastid, mitochondrial, and nuclear sequences.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution69: 717-727. (IF2019=3.992)
  11. Peng YL, Yin SM,Wang J, Tian B, Ren GP, Guo QH, Liu JQ (2012).Phylogeographic analysis of the fir species in southern China suggests complex origin and genetic admixture.Annals of Forest Science69: 409-416. (IF2019=2.663)
  12. Wang J, Abbott RJ, Peng YL, Du FK, Liu JQ (2011).Species delimitation and biogeography of two fir species (Abies) in central China: cytoplasmic DNA variation.Heredity107: 362-370. (IF2019=3.179)


