1990.9~1997.7 東北師大生命科學學院學士和碩士
1997.7~1999.9 東北師大城市與環境科學學院助教
1999.9~2002.6 東北師大草地研究所博士研究生
2003.10~2005.9 日本筑波大學生物農林學系博士後
2005.10~2007.10 北京大學城市與環境學院生態學系博士後
2007.10~至今 北京大學城市與環境學院生態學系副教授
(2)國家自然科學基金面上項目“我國溫帶地區土壤微生物冬季氮固持對植物養分吸收的貢獻”, 2013-2016, 項目負責人
(3)國家自然科學基金面上項目“塞罕壩人工林外生菌根真菌呼吸對土壤呼吸的貢獻”, 2011-2013, 項目負責人
(4)國家重點基礎研究發展計畫重大科學研究計畫“中國典型草地關鍵生態環境要素的時空格局”, 2013-2017, 子課題負責人
(5)國家重點基礎研究發展計畫全球氣候變化重大研究計畫“中國陸地生態系統碳源匯特徵及其全球意義”, 2009-2014, 子課題負責人
(6)國家自然科學基金創新研究群體“中國陸地植被的時空格局與生態功能”,2011-2013, 學術骨幹
(7)中央在京高校共建項目“環首都生態圈典型人工林生態環境效應評估及生態服務功能建設研究” , 2011-2013, 項目負責人
(8)國家自然科學基金國際合作與交流項目“東亞地區陸地生態系統碳匯的計量與預測”, 2008-2011, 項目骨幹
(9)國家自然科學基金重點項目“我國北方草地碳源/匯的時空格局及其影響機制”, 2008-2011, 項目骨幹
(10)國家自然科學基金面上項目“我國北方溫帶不同林齡的人工林土壤呼吸及其影響機制”, 2007-2009, 項目負責人
(11)國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“羊草草地土壤根與微生物呼吸對大氣CO2貢獻量研究”, 2005-2007, 項目負責人
(12)中國科學院大氣物理所開放課題“我國北方溫帶不同植被土壤呼吸以及影響因素”, 2007-2008, 項目負責人
(13)吉林省傑出青年科學研究計畫“羊草草地土壤呼吸對溫度的敏感性及其影響機制”, 2006-2008, 項目負責人
(14)歸國人員科研啟動基金“羊草草地土壤呼吸的時空變化及其影響因素”, 2006-2007, 項目負責人
1. Zhang XY, Wang W*, Chen WL, Zeng H. 2014. Comparison of seasonal soil microbial process in snow-covered temperate ecosystems of northern China. Plos one
2. Du Z, Wang W*, Zeng W, Zeng H. 2014. Nitrogen deposition enhances carbon sequestration by plantations in northern China. Plos One, 9: e87975. doi: 10. 1371/journal. pone.0087975
3. Wang W*, Zhang XY, Nao N, Ao D, Zeng H. 2013. Effects of litter types, microsite and root diameter on litter decomposition in Pinus sylvestris plantations of northern China. Plant Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-013-1902-y.
4. Wang W*, Zeng WJ, Chen WL, Zeng H, Fang JY. 2013. Soil respiration and organic carbon dynamics with grassland conversions to woodlands in temperate China. Plos One, 8, e71986.
5. Wang W*, Zeng WJ, Chen WL, Yang YH, Zeng H. 2013. Effects of forest age on soil autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration differ between evergreen and deciduous forests. Plos One, 8, e80937.
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7. Wang W*, Peng SH, Fang JY. 2010. Root respiration and its relation to nutrient contents in soil and root and EVI among 8 ecosystems, northern China. Plant & Soil, 10. 1007 / s11104–010 0354-x
8. Wang W*, Peng SH, Wang T, Fang JY. 2010. Winter soil CO2 efflux and its contribution to annual soil respiration in different ecosystems of a forest-steppe ecotone, north China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 42, 451-458.
9. Wang W*, Fang JY. 2009. Soil respiration and human effects on global grasslands. Global & Planetary Change 67, 20-28.
10. Wang W*, Feng J, Oikawa T. 2009. Contribution of root and microbial respiration to soil CO2 efflux and their environmental controls in a humid temperate grassland of Japan. Pedosphere 19, 31-39.
11. Wang W*, Guo JX, Oikawa T. 2007. Contribution of root to soil respiration and carbon balance in disturbed and undisturbed grassland communities, northeast China. Journal of Biosciences 32, 375-384.
12. Wang W*, Guo JX. 2006a. The contribution of root respiration to soil CO2 efflux in Puccinellia tenuiflora dominated community in a semi-arid meadow steppe. Chinese Science Bulletin 51: 697-703
13. Wang W*, Guo JX, Feng J, Oikawa T. 2006b. Contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a Leymus chinensis grassland of northeast China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48: 409-414
14. Wang W*, Ohse K, Liu JJ, Mo WH, Oikawa T. 2005. Contribution of root respiration to soil respiration in a C3/C4 mixed grassland. Journal of Biosciences 30: 507-514
15. Wang W*,Guo JX. 2002. Energy flow between litter of Puccinellia tenuiflora community and soil microorganisms in the Songnen Grassland in Northeast China. Progress in Natural Science, 12: 149-152
合作作者的SCI論文,* 為通訊作者
1. Yang YH, Fang JY*, Ma WH, Smith P, Mohammat A,Wang SP, Wang W. 2010 Soil carbon stock and its changes in northern china’s grasslands from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02123.x
2. Yang YH, Fang JY*, Ma WH, Wang W. 2008. Relationship between variability in aboveground net primary production and precipitation in global grasslands. Geophysical Research Letter 35, L23710, doi:10.1029/2008GLO35408
3. Guo YY, Wang JJ, Kong DL, Wang W, Guo DL, Wang YB, Xie QL, Liu YS, Zeng H*. 2013. Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals. Environ. Sci. Technol., 47: 11465-11472
4. Du Enzai, Zhang Zhou, Peng Li, Xueyang Hu, Yuecun Ma, Wei Wang, Chengyang Zheng, Jianxiao Zhu, Jin-Sheng He, Jingyun
Fang*. 2013. NEECF: a project of nutrient enrichment experiments in China’s forests. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 428-435