- 中文名:王天興
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1973年1月
- 職業:博士
- 畢業院校:中國科學院物理研究所
- 主要成就:光伏材料重點實驗
- 代表作品:銅銦鎵硒銅鋅錫硫等無機化合物薄膜電池材料與器件研究
王天興,男,1973年1月生,博士 ,2006年畢業於中國科學院物理研究所。
在中國科學院物理研究所取得博士學位之後在韓國高麗大學校材料科學與工程系,信息器件與材料實驗室做博士後工作。多年來一直從事於自旋電子學材料、多層膜、器件的研究工作。對於薄膜與器件製備、表征、半導體加工等有豐富的理論和實踐經驗。發表Appl.Phys. Lett, J. Appl. Phys, Phys. Lett. A 等等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文三十多篇。被SCI收錄二十多篇。主要參加過導師韓秀峰研究員主持的973項目:自旋電子材料、物理及器件研製、中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目、基金委面上基金項目以及科技部中愛國際合作項目、國家基金委中愛重大國際合作項目、中日國際合作項目、中日韓三邊國際合作項目等。
T. X. Wang, Y. Li, K. J. Lee, J. U. Cho, D. K. Kim, S. J. Noh and Y. K. Kim “Influence of interface state in Fe/MgO/Fe MTJ system: C modified interfaces-A first principle study”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 083714 (2011).
T. X. Wang, Y. Li, and Y. M. Liu, “The influence of Al content on impurity states in GaN/AlGaN asymmetrically coupled quantum dots”, Phys. Status Solidi B, 248(7), 1671-1675 (2011)/ DOI 10.1002/pssb.201046506
T. X. Wang, C. X. Xia, and S. Y. Wei, “Hydrostatic pressure effect on the donor impurity states in asymmetric multiple quantum wells”, Superlattices and Microstructures 49(4), 365-372 (2011)
Y. Li, T. X. Wang, H.Y. Liu, X. F. Dai, G. D. Liu, “Geometry effect on the magnetic ordering of geometrically frustrated rectangular and triangular magnets”, Physics Letters A 375, 1548–1551 (2011)
Ying Li, Tian-Xing Wang, “Magnetic dipolar ordering on geometrically frustrated brick-shaped lattices”, Physica A 390, 2388–2394 (2011)
Ying Li, TianXing Wang, and YangXian Li “The influence of dipolar interaction on magnetic properties in nanomagnets with different shapes”,Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 1237 (2010).
Y. Li, T. X. Wang, “A simulation study on the magnetic ordering in an artificial geometrically frustrated lattice”, Physics Letters A 374,4475–4478 (2010) .
Y. Li, T. X. Wang,“The role of dipolar interactions for the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic nanoring”, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 322, 2773 (2010).
S.H. Ma, Z.Y. Jiao, T. X. Wang, and Z.X. Yang “Density functional study of K and Na adsorbed on Co(0001)”, Eur. Phys. J. B 75, 469–474 (2010)
Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu-Hong, Wang Tian-Xing and Yang Ji-Fei, “Theoretical investigation of the elastic, electronic, thermodynamic and optical properties of the zinc-blende structure AlN under high pressure,” Molecular Physics 108, 1641–1648 (2010).
Xia, Congxin; Wang, Tianxing; Wei, Shuyi “Pressure effects on the donor binding energy in zinc-blende InGaN/GaN quantum dot”, Superlattices and Microstructures 46, 840 (2009).
Y. Li, T. X. Wang, H. Y. Liu, X. W. Xu, Z. M. Lu and Y. X. Li, “The study of spin ordering in FM/AFM bilayers with a mixed interface,” Eur. Phys. J. B 66, 369-373 (2008).
Cho, J. U. Kim, D. K. Wang, T. X. Isogami, S. Tsunoda, M. Takahashi, M. Kim, Y. K. “Magnetoresistance Variation of MagneticTunnel Junctions with NiFeSiB/CoFeB Free Layers Depending on MgO Tunnel Barrier Thickness,” IEEE 11, 2547-2550 (2008).
H. X. Wei, T. X. Wang, H. Wang, X. F. Han M. A. Bari and J. M. D. Coey, “An approach to fabricate pure metallic Ni-Ni and metallic oxide Ni-NiO-Ni nanocontacts by repeatable microfabrication method”, Int. J. Nanotechnology, 4, 21 (2007).
R. M. Langforda, M. J. Thorntona, T. X. Wang, W. Blauc, B. Lassagned and B. Raquet “Magnetoresistance and spin diffusion in multi-wall carbon nanotubes,” Microelectronic Engineering 84, 1593-1595 (2007).
T. X. Wang, H. X. Wei, Z. M. Zeng, and X. F. Han, Z. M. Hong and G. Q. Shi, “Magnetic/nonmagnetic/magnetic multilayers based on hybrid organic Langmuir-Blodgett-films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 242505 (2006).
T. X. Wang, H. X. Wei, X. F. Han, Cong Ren, E. Clifford, R. M. Langford, M. A. Bari, J. M. D. Coey, “A new method of fabrication for andreev reflection measurement”, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors. 4, 619 (2006).
T. X. Wang, H. X. Wei, X. F. Han, R. M. langford, Martin Thornton, M. A. Bari, J. M. D. Coey, “Spin transport in multi wall Carbon Nanotube with Co electrodes”, Chinese Physics Letter. 23, 2582 (2006).
H. X. Wei and T. X. Wang,, E. Clifford and R M. Langford, X. F. Han, J. M. D. Coey, “Magnetoresistance nickel nanocontacts fabricated by different methods,” J. Appl. Phys. 99,08C512 (2006).
H. X. Wei, T. X. Wang, Z. M. Zeng, X. Q. Zhang, J. Zhao, X. F. Han, “Controlled fabrication of nano-scale double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions using focused ion beam milling method,” J. Magn. Magn. Matter. 303, e208 (2006).
R. M. Langford, T.-X. Wang, M. Thornton1, A. Heidelberg, J. G. Sheridan, W. Blau, and R. Leahy,“Comparison of different methods to contact to nanowires,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 24, 2306 (2006).
太陽電池視窗層ZnO:Al薄膜光電特性研究 (省教育廳項目,No. 2011A140016)
2010年入選 能源環境新材料的設計與模擬研究(河南省創新性科技團隊)