
王友保,男,1974年12月生,安徽省肥西縣人,理學博士,安徽師範大學教授,博士生導師,安徽師範大學生態學本科專業、生態學碩士學位點負責人,安徽省高校優秀中青年骨幹教師,安徽省植物學會理事,教育部科技論文線上評審特聘專家,《環境科學與技術》雜誌理事。先後在《Acta Botanica Sinica》、《African Journal of Biotechnology 》、《Advanced Materials Research》、《Applied Mechanics and Materials》、《環境科學學報》、《生態學報》、《水土保持學報》、《套用生態學報》和《草業學報》等國內外刊物發表學術論文60餘篇;近年來先後主持或參加國家自然科學基金項目、教育部科學技術研究重點項目、安徽省高校自然科學基金重點項目及其它研究項目10餘項,主要從事植物生態學與污染生態學研究工作。


  • 中文名:王友保
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:安徽省肥西縣
  • 出生日期:1974年12月
  • 職業:教師







銅污染脅迫下白車軸草(Trifolium repens)與白車軸草單孢鏽菌(Uromyces trifolii-repentis)相互作用研究,國家自然科學基金項目(No.30470270);
高等師範院校《符姜漏生態學》課程標準與體系的研究,安徽師範大學教學研究項目(No. XJJY200511)。


2003年12月,以第一作者完成的論文“銅、砷及其複合污染對黃豆(Glycine max)影響的初步研究”獲得安徽省第四界自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎;


  1. Wang Youbao, Yan Aolei, Dai Jie, et al. Accumulation and tolerance characteristics of cadmium in Chlorophytum comosum: a popular ornamental plant and potential Cd hyperaccumulator. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(2): 929-937
  2. Wang Youbao, Yan Aolei, Wu Tingting, et al. Accumulation and remediation of cadmium-polluted soil by a potential cadmium-hyperaccumulator Chlorophytum comosum. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2012,34:1523–1533
  3. Wang Youbao, Tao Jiemin, Dai Jie. Lead tolerance and detoxification mechanism of Chlorophytum comosum. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10 (65):14516-14521
  4. Wang Youbao, Zhang Li, Huang Yongjie, et al. Transformation of copper fractions in rhizosphere soil of two dominant plants in a deserted land of copper tailings. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 82:454-459
  5. Wang Youbao, Zhang Li, Yao Jing, et al. Accumulation and resistance to copper of two biotypes of Cynodon dactylon. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 82:468-472
  6. Wang Y B, Liu D, Zhang L, et al. Patterns of vegetation succession in the process of ecological restoration on the deserted land of Shizishan copper tailings in Tongling City. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2004,46(7):780-787
  7. Wang Y B, Wang N N, Hu S. Copper accumulation and tolerance of Chlorophytum comosum. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 233-235: 707-711
  8. Wang Y B, Wang N N, Wu D. Research on effect of copper on Chlorophytum comosum-soil system. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 255-260: 2727-2730
  9. Wang Youbao, Wu Dan, Wang Nannan, et al Effect of Chlorophytum comosum growth on soil enzymatic activities of lead-contaminated soil. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2011,10: 709 -714
  10. Wang Y B, Wu T T. Effect of lanthanum on absorption-desorption of copper in soil. International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 2010, 7:841-844
  11. Tao J M, Wang Y B, Dai J. Accumulation and Tolerance of Zinc in Ornamental Plant Chlorophytum comosum. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011,66-68: 524-527
  12. Wu T T, Wang Y B. Distribution and forms of copper in copper tailings as influenced by lanthanum and Lolium perenne. IEEE International Conference: Environmental Pollution and Public Health, 2010,6.
  13. Wang Y B, Yao J. Distribution of different forms of copper in soils as ifluenced by the growth of Cynodon dactylon from two sources. IEEE International Conference: Environmental Pollution and Public Health, 2008,5
  14. Wang Y B, Wu T T, An L, et al. Effects of lanthanum on activities of soil enzyme in Shajiang Black soil. International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science. 2008,5: 135-141
  15. Wang Y B, Yan A L, Zhang X Q, et al. Fractions of heavy metals in rhizosphere soil of Paeonia ostii in copper tailings yard in Tongling City, China. International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science. 2008,5: 793-798
  16. 汪楠楠, 胡珊, 吳丹, 等. 檸檬酸和EDTA對銅污染土壤環境中吊蘭生長的影響. 生態學報, 2013, 33(2): 631-639
  17. 王友保, 吳亭亭, 燕傲蕾, 等. 鑭對銅尾礦區黑麥草銅耐性與積累特性的影響, 土壤通報, 2012, 43(3): 731-736
  18. 吳丹, 王友保, 李偉, 等. 鎘脅迫對吊蘭生長與土壤酶活性的影響, 環境化學, 2012, 31(10):1562-1568
  19. 代傑, 王友保, 韋晶晶. 水芹對鉛耐性和積累的研究, 光譜實驗室, 2012,29(3):1513-1517
  20. 燕傲蕾, 吳亭亭, 王友保, 等. 三種觀賞植物對重金屬鎘的耐性與積累特性, 生態學報, 2010, 30(9): 2491-2498
  21. 王友保, 燕傲蕾, 張旭情,等. 吊蘭生長對土壤鎘形態分布與含量的影響. 水土保持學報, 2010,24(6):163-166,172
  22. 王友保, 安雷, 蔣田華, 等. 草坪草生長對銅尾礦廢棄地土壤酶活性的影響. 中國礦業大學學報, 2009,38(4):595-600
  23. 姚婧, 王友保, 安雷, 等. Cu 污染對高羊茅與黑麥草種子萌發及幼苗生長的影響. 土壤通報, 2009,40(2):410-414
  24. 姚婧, 陳雪梅, 王友保. Pb污染土壤對高羊茅種子萌發及幼苗生長的影響. 上海交通大學學報, 2008,26(2):61-65
  25. 陳雪梅,王友保, 姚婧, 等. 磷、銅及其相互作用對三葉草種子萌發與幼苗生長的影響. 生態學雜誌, 2008, 27(6):956-961
  26. 王友保, 黃永傑, 甄泉, 等. 銅尾礦庫區狗牙根根際土壤Cu的形態變化. 套用生態學報, 2007,18 (6 ): 1341- 1345.
  27. 王友保, 張莉, 劉惠,等. 銅對狗牙根生長及活性氧清除系統的影響. 草業學報, 2007, 16(1): 52-57.
  28. 王友保, 黃永傑, 嚴密, 等. 銅污染對高羊茅生長及活性氧代謝影響的研究. 水土保持學報, 2006, 20(6): 167-170,191.
  29. 王友保, 張鳳美, 王興明, 等. 蕪湖市工業區土壤重金屬污染狀況研究.土壤, 2006, 38 (2):196-199.
  30. 王友保, 張 莉,張鳳美, 等. 大型銅尾礦庫區節節草(Hippochaete ramosissimum)根際土壤重金屬形態分布與影響因素研究. 環境科學學報, 2006,26(1):76-84.


  1. Wang Youbao, Yan Aolei, Dai Jie, et al. Accumulation and tolerance characteristics of cadmium in Chlorophytum comosum: a popular ornamental plant and potential Cd hyperaccumulator. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(2): 929-937
  2. Wang Youbao, Yan Aolei, Wu Tingting, et al. Accumulation and remediation of cadmium-polluted soil by a potential cadmium-hyperaccumulator Chlorophytum comosum. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2012,34:1523–1533
  3. Wang Youbao, Tao Jiemin, Dai Jie. Lead tolerance and detoxification mechanism of Chlorophytum comosum. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10 (65):14516-14521
  4. Wang Youbao, Zhang Li, Huang Yongjie, et al. Transformation of copper fractions in rhizosphere soil of two dominant plants in a deserted land of copper tailings. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 82:454-459
  5. Wang Youbao, Zhang Li, Yao Jing, et al. Accumulation and resistance to copper of two biotypes of Cynodon dactylon. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, 82:468-472
  6. Wang Y B, Liu D, Zhang L, et al. Patterns of vegetation succession in the process of ecological restoration on the deserted land of Shizishan copper tailings in Tongling City. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2004,46(7):780-787
  7. Wang Y B, Wang N N, Hu S. Copper accumulation and tolerance of Chlorophytum comosum. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 233-235: 707-711
  8. Wang Y B, Wang N N, Wu D. Research on effect of copper on Chlorophytum comosum-soil system. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 255-260: 2727-2730
  9. Wang Youbao, Wu Dan, Wang Nannan, et al Effect of Chlorophytum comosum growth on soil enzymatic activities of lead-contaminated soil. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2011,10: 709 -714
  10. Wang Y B, Wu T T. Effect of lanthanum on absorption-desorption of copper in soil. International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 2010, 7:841-844
  11. Tao J M, Wang Y B, Dai J. Accumulation and Tolerance of Zinc in Ornamental Plant Chlorophytum comosum. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011,66-68: 524-527
  12. Wu T T, Wang Y B. Distribution and forms of copper in copper tailings as influenced by lanthanum and Lolium perenne. IEEE International Conference: Environmental Pollution and Public Health, 2010,6.
  13. Wang Y B, Yao J. Distribution of different forms of copper in soils as ifluenced by the growth of Cynodon dactylon from two sources. IEEE International Conference: Environmental Pollution and Public Health, 2008,5
  14. Wang Y B, Wu T T, An L, et al. Effects of lanthanum on activities of soil enzyme in Shajiang Black soil. International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science. 2008,5: 135-141
  15. Wang Y B, Yan A L, Zhang X Q, et al. Fractions of heavy metals in rhizosphere soil of Paeonia ostii in copper tailings yard in Tongling City, China. International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science. 2008,5: 793-798
  16. 汪楠楠, 胡珊, 吳丹, 等. 檸檬酸和EDTA對銅污染土壤環境中吊蘭生長的影響. 生態學報, 2013, 33(2): 631-639
  17. 王友保, 吳亭亭, 燕傲蕾, 等. 鑭對銅尾礦區黑麥草銅耐性與積累特性的影響, 土壤通報, 2012, 43(3): 731-736
  18. 吳丹, 王友保, 李偉, 等. 鎘脅迫對吊蘭生長與土壤酶活性的影響, 環境化學, 2012, 31(10):1562-1568
  19. 代傑, 王友保, 韋晶晶. 水芹對鉛耐性和積累的研究, 光譜實驗室, 2012,29(3):1513-1517
  20. 燕傲蕾, 吳亭亭, 王友保, 等. 三種觀賞植物對重金屬鎘的耐性與積累特性, 生態學報, 2010, 30(9): 2491-2498
  21. 王友保, 燕傲蕾, 張旭情,等. 吊蘭生長對土壤鎘形態分布與含量的影響. 水土保持學報, 2010,24(6):163-166,172
  22. 王友保, 安雷, 蔣田華, 等. 草坪草生長對銅尾礦廢棄地土壤酶活性的影響. 中國礦業大學學報, 2009,38(4):595-600
  23. 姚婧, 王友保, 安雷, 等. Cu 污染對高羊茅與黑麥草種子萌發及幼苗生長的影響. 土壤通報, 2009,40(2):410-414
  24. 姚婧, 陳雪梅, 王友保. Pb污染土壤對高羊茅種子萌發及幼苗生長的影響. 上海交通大學學報, 2008,26(2):61-65
  25. 陳雪梅,王友保, 姚婧, 等. 磷、銅及其相互作用對三葉草種子萌發與幼苗生長的影響. 生態學雜誌, 2008, 27(6):956-961
  26. 王友保, 黃永傑, 甄泉, 等. 銅尾礦庫區狗牙根根際土壤Cu的形態變化. 套用生態學報, 2007,18 (6 ): 1341- 1345.
  27. 王友保, 張莉, 劉惠,等. 銅對狗牙根生長及活性氧清除系統的影響. 草業學報, 2007, 16(1): 52-57.
  28. 王友保, 黃永傑, 嚴密, 等. 銅污染對高羊茅生長及活性氧代謝影響的研究. 水土保持學報, 2006, 20(6): 167-170,191.
  29. 王友保, 張鳳美, 王興明, 等. 蕪湖市工業區土壤重金屬污染狀況研究.土壤, 2006, 38 (2):196-199.
  30. 王友保, 張 莉,張鳳美, 等. 大型銅尾礦庫區節節草(Hippochaete ramosissimum)根際土壤重金屬形態分布與影響因素研究. 環境科學學報, 2006,26(1):76-84.


