1. 王兆玉, 鄭家歡, 吳觀健, 吳岳濱, 黃潤祥, 鄭艷雁, 劉志霞. GC-MS分析金釵石斛花揮髮油成分. 中藥材,2016, 39(8): 1798-1800.
2. 王兆玉, 鄭家歡, 林敬明, 張明虹, 吳觀健, 吳岳濱. 九里香不同部位揮髮油成分GC-MS分析與比較. 中藥材,2016, 39(6): 1323-1326.
3. 王兆玉, 鄭家歡, 黎恩立, 林敬明, 張明虹. 三種芸香科植物果皮揮髮油成分GC-MS分析與比較. 中藥材,2016,39(5):1070-1074.
4. Zhao Yu Wang, Sheng Ying Shi, Shu Jie Li, Feng Chen, Huang Chen, Hai Zhen Lin, Jing Ming Lin. Efficacy and safety of duloxetine on osteoarthritis knee pain: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pain Medicine, 2015, 16: 1373–1385.
5. 王兆玉,鄭家歡,施勝英,羅志雄,倪舜宇,林敬明. 超臨界CO2萃取與水蒸氣蒸餾提取疏柔毛變種羅勒揮髮油成分的比較研究。中藥材,2015,38(11):2327-2330.
王兆玉*. 超臨界CO2萃取法與水蒸氣蒸餾法提取鳳尾草揮髮油化學成分的比較. 中藥材,2013,36(8):1270-1274.(*通訊作者)
7. 張生潭,王兆玉*,蘭新宇,張成豪,李發裕,張燕林,李宸旗,林敬明. 回響面法最佳化麻瘋樹葉總黃酮提取工藝及其抗菌活性研究. 中藥材,2013,36(2):308-311. (*通訊作者)
8. 鄭妮,王兆玉*,張帆,石勇,林敬明. 痰熱清注射液對哮喘急性發作患者炎性細胞及細胞因子的影響. 中藥材,2011,34(11):1811-1812. (*通訊作者)
9. Zhang Sheng-tan, Cheng Guo-hua, Lin Jingming, Wang Tie-shan, Zheng Ni, Zhaoyu Wang*. Optimization of Jatropha curcas for total flavonoids by response surface methodology and antibacterial activity.Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011, 5(14): 3329-3334. (SCI, *Corresponding author)
10. Tie-shan Wang#, Li-jing Chen#, Zhaoyu Wang#, Sheng-tan Zhang, Jingming Lin. Purified alkaloid extract of Scutellaria barbata inhibits proliferation of hepatoma HepG-2 cells by inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2011, 5(8): 1046-1053. (SCI, # Authors contributed equally to this work)
11. Tie-shan Wang#, Li-jing Chen, Zhaoyu Wang#, Sheng-tan Zhang, Jingming Lin. Isolation, characterization and crystal structure of ethyl 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy- benzoate from Scutellaria barbata. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011, 5(13): 2890-2895. (SCI, # Authors contributed equally to this work)
12. Tieshan Wang,Zhaoyu Wang, Lijing Chen, Shengtan Zhang, Jingming Lin. Isolation and characterization of (6S,9R) 6-hydroxy-4,4,7a-trimethyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-1-benzof uran-2(4H)-one from Scutellaria barbata. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011, 5(4): 613-625. (SCI)
13. Tie-shan Wang , Li-jing Chen , Sheng-tan Zhang , Jing-ming Lin,Zhaoyu Wang. Purified alkaloid extract of Scutellaria barbata inhibits proliferation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE-1 cells by inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at S phase.Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011, 5(16): 3687-3696.
14. Ming Luo#, Zhaoyu Wang#, Huapeng Li, Kuaifei Xia, Yinpeng Cai, Zengfu Xu.
Overexpression of a weed (Solanum americanum) proteinase inhibitor in transgenic tobacco results in increased glandular trichome density and enhanced resistance to Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2009, 10: 1896-1910. (SCI, # These authors contributed equally to this work)
15. Zhaoyu Wang, Feilong Chen, Wenfeng Liang, Yang Wang, Jiayi Jin, Xiaobin Xie, Jingming Lin. GC-MS analysis of the petroleum ether extracts of J. curcas leaf. Jorunal of Chinese Medicinal Materials, 2009, 32 (7): 1077-1079. (In Chinese with English abstract)
16. Zhaoyu Wang, Yanqi Du, Yuezhu Cen, Jifeng Chen, Zimin Quan.Molluscicidal activity of methanol extracts of Jatropha curcas leaves against Ampullaria gigas. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2009, 29 (6): 1235-1237. (In Chinese with English abstract)
17. Zhaoyu Wang, Feilong Chen, Jingming Lin, Shulin Huang. GC-MS analysis of the components of Jatropha curcas leaf extracts prepared by the supercritical fluid CO2 extraction technique. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2009, 29 (5): 1002-1003,1007. (In Chinese with English abstract)
18. Zhaoyu Wang, Jingming Lin, Li Luo, Zeng-Fu Xu. A study on the sensitivity of Jatropha curcas seeds from different locations to Co-γ radiation and their medial lethal doses in radiation breeding. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2009, 29 (3): 506-508. (In Chinese with English abstract)
19. Ling-Wen Ding, Qiao-Yang Sun, Zhaoyu Wang, Yong-Bin Sun, Zeng-Fu Xu. Using silica particles to isolate total RNA from plant tissues recalcitrant to extraction in guanidine thiocyanate. Analytical Biochemistry, 2008, 374: 426-428. (SCI)
20. Zhaoyu Wang, Jingming Lin, Xiaodong Li, Shulin Huang. Study on the ultrasonic extraction of seed oil from the important energy and herbal plant Jatropha curcas. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2008, 28 (9): 1712-1713. (In Chinese with English abstract)
21. Zhaoyu Wang, Jingming Lin, Zeng-Fu Xu. Oil contents and fatty acid compositions in the Jatropha curcas seeds from different locations. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2008, 28 (6): 1045-1046. (In Chinese with English abstract)
22. Zhaoyu Wang, Jingming Lin, Zengfu Xu. Efficient and rapid non-test tube cloning of Jatropha curcas. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2007, 27 (8): 1285-1286. (In Chinese with English abstract)
23. Zhaoyu Wang, Jingming Lin, Zengfu Xu. A suggestion of using the term “Xiao You Tong” as the standard Chinese name of the important herbal and energy plant Jatropha curcas. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2007, 27 (12): 1937-1938. (In Chinese with English abstract)
24. Zhaoyu Wang, Jingming Lin, Zengfu Xu. Research progress in the study of bio-active composition and medical value of Jatropha curcas. Jorunal of Chinese Medicinal Materials, 2007, 30 (10): 1332-1336. (In Chinese)
25. Zhen-Yu Wang, Ling-Wen Ding, Zhi-Juan Ge, Zhaoyu Wang, Fanghai Wang, Ning Li, Zeng-Fu Xu. Purification and characterization of native and recombinant SaPIN2a, a plant sieve element-localized proteinase inhibitor. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2007, 45 (10-11) : 757-766. (SCI)
26. Zhaoyu Wang, Xiaofen Sun, Fei Wang, Kexuan Tang, Juren Zhang. Enhanced resistance of snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis L. agglutinin) -expressing Maize to Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2005, 47(7): 873-880. (SCI)
27. Zhaoyu Wang, Kewei Zhang, Xiaofen Sun, Kexuan Tang, Juren Zhang. Enhancement of resistance to aphids by introducing the snowdrop lectin gene gna into maize plants. Journal of Biosciences, 2005, 30: 627-638. (SCI)
28. 王兆玉,林敬明. 踐行科學發展觀構建高校教師工作量達標考核科學標準. 文教資料,2009,(4):167-168.
29. 王兆玉,楊立見,孟姝君. 研究生就業心理危機及預防與干預策略謅議. 哈爾濱工業大學學報(社會科學版),2014,16增(1):28-30.
30. 王兆玉.在社會主義核心價值觀指引下構建高校學生評教科學體系. 文教資料,2016,(6):148-149.
(1) 王兆玉,徐增富,廖文波,羅莉. 非試管快速繁殖小油桐幼苗的方法. 公開號:101057557,授權公告號:101057557B(已授權)
(2) 林敬明,王兆玉,張生潭,汪鐵山,張帆,鄭妮,李苗霞. 春砂仁揮髮油在製備治療真菌感染的皮膚癬的藥物中的套用. 公開號:101879292A,授權公告號:101879292B(已授權)
(3) 王兆玉,林敬明,羅志雄,陳淑明,黃麗玲. 一種利用小桐子果殼和小桐子種皮製作的靈芝栽培用培養基. 公開號:201410096703.9(已授權)
(1) 題目:繁薪生物能源科技有限公司。 第七屆“挑戰杯”廣東大學生創業計畫競賽,省級金獎,第一指導教師。2010年5月。
(2) 題目:繁薪生物能源科技有限公司。 第七屆“挑戰杯”中國大學生創業計畫競賽,國家級銅獎,第一指導教師。2011年3月。
(3) 題目:半枝蓮生物鹼單體對肝癌Hep-G2細胞凋亡和VEGF表達的影響。廣東省藥學會醫院藥學科學技術獎一等獎,排名第2。2012年12月。
(4) 廣州市義務工作者聯合會優秀義工導師獎。2015年12月。