- 中文名:王偉
- 外文名:Wei Wang
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工程大學,西北大學,西安交通大學
- 主要成就:新能源轉化電化學,無機陶瓷薄膜材料
- 代表作品:WeiWang, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014,147: 198-203.
[1] Wei Wang, Guangya Hou, Boya Wang, Shunxi Deng. Preparation of biomorphic silicon carbide-mullite ceramics using molten salt synthesis. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 147: 198-203.
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[8] Wei Wang, Tao Xue, Zhihao Jin, et al. Preparation and characterization of morph-genetic aluminum nitride/carbon composites from filter paper. Materials Research bulletin, 2008. 43(4): 939-945 .
[9] Wei. Wang,Fengxing. Zhang, Jun. Li, et al. Two novel sandwich copper(II) complexes [CuLCl]2[CuCL4] and [CuLBR]2[CuBR4] (L = N,N'-bis(furandehyde)diethylenetriamine). Russian journal of coordination chemistry, 2009. 35(6): 429-432.
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[11] Wei. Wang,Fengxing. Zhang, Jun. Li, et al. New complex of manganese(II) with schiff base derived from furaldethyde and diethylenetriamine. Russian journal of coordination chemistry, 2010, 36(5): 378–380.
[12] Kunrong Lai, Wei Wang, Liping Wang. Preparation of mercury ions absorbent from filter paper by surface sol-gel process and functionalized monolayers treatment. Proceedings 2011 International Syposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011, 3193-3195.
[13] Tao Xue, Zhihao Jin, Wei Wang. Preparation of porous SiC ceramics from waste cotten linter by reactive liquid Si infiltration technique. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527: 7294-7298.
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[15] 王偉,薛濤,金志浩,喬冠軍。 一種新型多孔SiC的製備與性能研究. 無機材料學報,2008:23(1):109-113 .
[16] 王偉, 王繼平,喬冠軍,金志浩. 矽液相浸漬反應製備TiC/SiC和TiN/SiC復相陶瓷, 矽酸鹽學報, 2010,38(8),116-120.
[17] 王偉, 金志浩,關堂新.矽氣相浸漬反應製備SiC/C複合材料的研究, 材料導報, 2010, 24(6), 26-28.