
王世騏,博士,1998.9-2002.7 清華大學土木工程繫結構專業,獲學士學位。


  • 中文名:王世騏
  • 國籍:中國
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:副研究員


學 歷:
通訊地址: 北京市西直門外大街142號


2002.9-2008.6 中國科學院力學研究所,獲博士學位
2008.9-2010.8 中國科學院古脊椎動物與古人類研究所,博士後
2010.9-今 中國科學院古脊椎動物與古人類研究所,副研究員




王世騏, 王多慶, 史勤勤, 2012. 甘肅秦安安灣的托氏原互棱齒象(Protanancus tobieni)化石及其剖面. 地球科學前沿
鄧濤, 王世騏, 頡光普, 李強, 侯素寬, 孫博陽, 2011, 藏北倫坡拉盆地丁青組哺乳動物化石對時代和古高度的指示. 科學通報
唐陶, 王世騏, 裘鈞, 莊茁, 2009. 心肌細胞大變形粘彈性模型及在實驗中的套用. 力學學
賈瀟凌, 王世騏, 陳娟, 龍勉, 2009. IL-8刺激L-選擇素水解斷裂對細胞膜拓撲結構和剛度的影響. 醫用生物力學
Wang, S.-Q., W. He, S.-Q. Chen, and L.-P. Dong, 2013. A discussion of “Mastodon grandincisivus” based on new findings from the Late Miocene of the Linxia Basin, China. In: J. Reitner, Q. Yang, Y.-D. Wang, and M. Reich (eds). Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History. Göttingen, Universitätsdrucke Göttingen. Göttingen: Universitätsdrucke Göttingen.
Wang, S.-Q., T. Deng, W. He, S.-Q. Chen, and J. Duangkrayom, 2013. Gomphotheriidae and Mammutidae (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Miocene of the Linxia Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica
Wang, S.-Q., W. He, and S.-Q. Chen, 2013. Gomphotheriid mammal Platybelodon from the Middle Miocene of Linxia Basin, Gansu, China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Deng, T., S.-Q. Wang, and S.-K. Hou, 2013. A bizarre tandem-horned elasmothere rhino from the Late Miocene of northwestern China and origin of the true elasmothere. Chinese Science Bulletin
Wang, S.-Q., S.-P. Liu, G.-P. Xie, J. Liu, T.-J. Peng, and S.-K. Hou, 2013. Gomphotherium wimani from Wushan County, China, and its implications for the Miocene stratigraphy of the Tianshui Area. Vertebrata PalAsiatica
Wang, S.-Q., W.-M. Xiao, S.-C. Shan, C.-S. Jiang, M. Chen, Y. Zhang, S.-Q. Lü, J. Chen, C.-M. Zhang, Q. Chen, and M. Long, 2012. Multi-patterned dynamics of mitochondrial fission and fusion in a living cell. PLoS One
Deng, T., Q. Li, Z.J. Tseng, G.T. Takeuchi, Y. Wang, G.-P. Xie, S.-Q. Wang, S.-K. Hou, and X.-m. Wang, 2012. Locomotive implication of a Pliocene three-toed horse skeleton from Tibet and its paleo-altimetry significance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Deng, T., S.-Q. Wang, G.-P. Xie, Q. Li, S.-K. Hou, and B.-Y. Sun, 2012. A mammalian fossil from the Dingqing Formation in the Lunpola Basin, northern Tibet, and its relevance to age and Paleo-altimetry. Chinese Science Bulletin
Wang, S.-Q. and T. Deng, 2011. The fossil gomphotheres (Proboscidea, Mammalia) discovered from the Early Miocene of Linxia Basin, China. World Conference on Paleontology and Stratigraphy
Wang, S.-Q. and T. Deng, 2011. Some evolutionary trends of Equus eisenmannae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) in the stratigraphic sequence of Longdan, China, in comparison to modern Equus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,
Wang, S.-Q. and T. Deng, 2011. The first Choerolophodon (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) skull from China. Science China: Earth Sciences
Deng, T., Z. Liang, S.-Q. Wang, S.-K. Hou, and Q. Li, 2011. Discovery of a Late Miocene mammalian fauna from Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, and its paleozoogeographical significance. Chinese Science Bulletin
Wang, S.-Q. and T. Deng, 2010. Recovering the missing data of defective fossil samples using linear regression method. Vertebrata PalAsiatica
Wang, S.-Q. 2010. The variations of limb bones in the male and the female Equus hemionus. In: W. Dong (ed). Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
Wang, S.-Q., C.-L. Fu, Y. Zhang, Q. Chen, and M. Long, 2010. Dynamics of morphological changes for mitochondrial fission and fusion. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
Wang, S.-Q., C.-S. Jiang, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, B. Wang, Q. Chen, and M. Long, 2008. Membrane deformability and membrane tension of single isolated mitochondria. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
Tang, T., S.-Q. Wang, and Zhuang Z, 2006. Development of model cell based on the myocardial cell experiments and simulations. Key Engineering Materials


中國科學院古脊椎動物與古人類研究所十二五重點部署項目:寧夏同心丁家二溝地點扁齒象亞科(Amebelodontinae)一新類群的族群及其生存環境研究, 2012,10萬元 (主持人)
中國科學院脊椎動物進化系統學重點實驗室開放基金項目:臨夏盆地中新世乳齒象類(Mastodontoidea)的發育和演化研究, 2009-2010,3.5萬元,(主持人)


