


  • 中文名:狼的嘴
  • 外文名:La bocca del lupo
  • 其他譯名:The Mouth of the Wolf
  • 類型:紀錄片/傳記
  • 導演皮耶特羅·馬切羅
  • 片長:68 分鐘
  • 上映時間:2009年11月16日
  • 對白語言:義大利語
  • 主要獎項:第60屆柏林國際電影節最佳紀錄片


Enzo returns to Genoa after a lengthy absence. He crosses the city in search of places he remembers from before but they have been inexorably changed by passing time. He finds Mary waiting for him at the small house in the ghetto of the old city. His life-long companion, she has been waiting for Enzo to return from the prison where he was serving time.
“I didn’t know Genoa well before making the film. My only memories of the city were stories that my father used to tell me. He was a sailor from southern Italy and he would make port calls there. Throughout his entire youth Genoa was his ideal city. He would always tell me how beautiful it was, about the places where he would eat tripe and about the sky. I saw a different Genoa that is full of blind alleys, where – like most of the cities in the North – the social fabric is disappearing and memory is impressed in the stones of Sottoripa. I tried to show the present situation around me, while the nostalgia for the twentieth century is represented by archive footage, clips from amateur and professional movies, made by the people of Genoa a long time ago.”


第60屆柏林國際電影節 泰迪熊獎 最佳紀錄片 皮耶特羅·馬切羅


