



  • 軟體名稱:狡猾狡猾
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體版本:iOS4.0及以上
  • 軟體大小:13.69MB
喔,是的,我們做到了!無需掏了出來,排解電線和灰塵的老遊戲系統,以獲得一個良好的喜愛和懷舊的間諜遊戲一樣間諜對間諜的修復! 小白色和黑色的傢伙回來了,一個新的轉折和復仇!加強與現代化升級,房間和陷阱看好的單人或多人遊戲時的負載!並要求一個問題的答案...你組隊白?或團隊黑? 選擇你的白色或黑色狡猾的化身,在瀏覽一個定時任務桌子底下尋找戰利品大使館,沙發墊之間,以及背後的畫作,而試圖避免你的對手設定的陷阱。留意門上,炸彈,火法工藝,或氣體被困房一桶水陷阱!計數器陷阱如雨傘,防毒面具在整個隱藏起來,所以留意,因為一趟珍珠門的成本你至關重要秒,讓你的對手一笑道誘發的優勢。關鍵是要找到所有的任務物品,走出你的對手之前! 在慵懶的周日早晨在工作或學校的課間休息時玩對電腦玩家,在等候室,和也。 這場比賽的偉大工程與Thumbies ,附加到您的設備螢幕的遊戲按鍵。也就是說,與經典的遊戲控制布局組合會送你繅絲回到上世紀80年代,但希望對您的拇指出水泡。 版本0.5提供: 針對計算機玩家單人遊戲 - 支持視網膜 適用於iPhone , iTouch的& iPad版3.2 支持 未來的版本將提供: - 兩個玩家遊戲 -A精簡版,免費版 - 在遊戲中的語音和文字聊天 - 在遊戲中購買特殊的陷阱與反陷阱 Launch sale of $0.99 for a limited time! Oh yes we did! No need to dig out, untangle wires, and dust off the old game system to get a fix of a well loved and nostalgic espionage game like Spy vs Spy! The little white and black guys are back with a new twist and vengeance! Enhanced with a load of modern upgrades, rooms, and traps promising hours of single or multiplayer game play! And demanding an answer to the question... are you team White Or team Black Choose your white or black sly avatar and navigate the Embassy on a timed mission searching for loot under desks, between couch cushions, and behind paintings while trying to avoid traps set by your opponent. Watch out for a water bucket traps on doors, bombs, pyro techniques, or gas trapped rooms! Counter traps such as umbrellas and gas masks are hidden throughout, so keep an eye out because a trip to the pearly gates costs you crucial seconds and gives your opponent a chuckle induced advantage. The key is to find all mission items and get out before your opponent! Play against a computer player during that break at work or school, in waiting rooms, and also during lazy Sunday mornings. This game works great with Thumbies, those gaming buttons that attach to your device screen. That, in combination with the classic game control layout will send you reeling back into the 80s, but hopefully with out blisters on your thumbs. Version 0.5 offers: -Single player gaming against a computer -Retina support -Support for iPhone, iTouch & iPad version 3.2 Future versions will offer: -Two player gaming -A lite, free version -In-game voice and text chat -In-game purchases for special traps and counter traps


