



  • 軟體名稱:狗營養計算器小狗和狗訓練食品健康指南
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:4.35MB


SALE! 50%OFF!立即下載! 這個程式是為狗愛好者誰想要儘可能最好的方式照顧他們的狗的好朋友! 狗營養計算器可以幫助你估算適當的份量為您的寵物。它是基於科學的研究後,一個受人尊敬獸醫研究所出版。 您還可以估算每日或每月的成本為您的寵物的基本食品。 找出什麼標準理想的成年體重為您的特定品種的狗。 找出什麼蛋白質,碳水化合物,脂肪比例是適合你的狗的營養需求。 給你的狗最好的朋友的愛心和關懷他應得的 - 正確的方式!了解如何滋養你的狗,並得到最好的證明狗訓練技巧和指導! 偉大的“食物”的思想! 喜歡這個應用程式,所以將我的小狗。 Nvq41m ? 最好的狗營養上的應用程式商店! 只有一個我見過這個級別的詳細信息。我使用它現在所有的時間。 Rachelnp 很高興用這個工具! 你的狗(S)的青睞。 timbletots 抓住狗的營養應用程式的副本今天!SALE! 50% OFF! DOWNLOAD NOW! This App is for dog lovers who want the best possible way to take care of their canine pals! The Dog Nutrition Calculator can help you estimate the proper serving size for your pet. It's based upon a scientific study published by a respected veterinary research institute. You can also estimate the daily or monthly cost for basic food for your pet. Find out what the standard ideal adult weight is for your particular dog breed. Find out what Protein, Carb, Fat ratio is suitable to your dogs nutritional needs. Give your canine best friend the love and caring he deserves - the right way! Find out how to nourish your dog and get the best proven dog training tips and guide! Great "food" for thought! Love this app and so will my puppy. by Nvq41m Best dog nutrition app on the store! Only one I've seen with this level of detailed information. I am using it all the time now. by Rachelnp Very happy with this tool! Do your dog(s) a favour. by timbletots Grab your copy of the Dog Nutrition app today!




