- 中文名:牧箭逐星
- 發行日期:2022年1月18日
- 作曲:李科燁、黃海濱
- 作詞:歐陽留棟
習習的椰風 拂過臉龐
Wind mixed with coconut smell blows across faces.
尋路問天 凝視天上
Staring at space, we look for the way to the future.
金色的陽光 充滿著力量
The golden sun is full of power.
銅鼓嶺上 踐行著理想
The ideal is practiced on Tongguling.
讓我們握緊 萬裏海天第一棒
Let's hold the first wand of the great journey.
滿載信念衝破 雲霄的屏障
Let's break through all the barriers with strong faith.
聽那指令之後 傳來隆隆巨響
A loud boom is heard after the command.
牧箭逐星探秘蒼穹 夢種在文昌
Rockets launched to chase stars with the seed of space exploration dream planted in Wenchang.
熱血獻給祖國 誓言灌溉希望
Passion is devoted to to our motherland and hope is irrigated by oath.
中國航天世界之中 驕傲的綻放
China aerospace bloom proudly across the world.
層層的海浪 奔向遠方
Layers of waves rush to the distance
就像背後 揮舞翅膀
like wings waving behind.
浩瀚的宇宙 永不會忘記
The vast universe will never forget
我們青春 堅定的模樣
the firmness in our youth.
點火一起飛吧 閃耀璀璨的光芒
Light up and take off. Shine bright.
拼搏奮鬥創造 燦爛的輝煌
Work hard to create splendid glory.
聽那指令之後 傳來隆隆巨響
A loud boom is heard after the command.
牧箭逐星探秘蒼穹 夢種在文昌
Rockets launched to chase stars with the seed of space exploration dream planted in Wenchang.
熱血獻給祖國 誓言灌溉希望
Passion is devoted to to our motherland and hope is irrigated by oath.
中國航天世界之中 驕傲的綻放
China aerospace bloom proudly across the world.