After the events of Lament of the Dark Dragon, Kouga and Kaoru married and started a family. Kaoru gave birth to the successor of Garo: Raiga Saejima. Unknown to everyone, Raiga's birth also marked the return of Barago. Although he was devoured by Messiah, a remnant of Barago survived and lingered in the darkness for some time. However, the birth cries of Raiga awakened him and he wanted revenge upon the Saejima family. Too weak to be a threat, Barago traveled corpse to corpse, wandering between the darkness and dead to find Raiga. In between his quest for revenge, Barago somehow acquired Shiroku to be his herald and dispatched him to do his bidding until it was time for his return.
- 冴島雷牙 / 黃金騎士Garo演員:中山麻聖從父親那裡繼承了魔戒騎士最高位’GARO‘稱號,被稱為兼具溫柔與堅強的最強黃金騎士。有為了封印古代魔獸愛麗絲,和麻由里與吼狼一起戰鬥的經歷。
- 小黑庫洛 / 幻影騎士吼狼演員:水石亞飛夢潛於影,生於影的隱秘魔戒騎士。鎧甲的背上有翅膀可以飛行,但是時間很短。在與雷牙、麻由里一起封印魔獸愛麗絲的戰鬥中建立了信賴關係。
- 麻由里(マユリ)演員:石橋菜津美擁有能夠封印Horror的能力,與雷牙和吼狼一起為了打倒魔獸愛麗絲而戰鬥。經過戰鬥後失去了封印Horror的能力,現在和雷牙、魂座一起生活,一邊養花~
- 倉橋魂座演員:螢雪次朗侍奉守護冴島家世世代代的執事。對麻由里的信賴也很深,對冴島家來說更是不可缺少的存在。
- 白孔演員:松田悟志突然出現在雷牙面前,將麻由里引誘至黑之列車,戴著白色面具的神秘男子。
- 巴德爾(バデル)演員:佐藤大志 Hiroyuki Sato在追著麻由里上車的黑之列車上,幫助雷牙的神秘少年。
エンディング主題曲:JAM Project「雷牙−月虹ノ旅人−」