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  • 中文名:熊春榮
  • 國籍:中國 
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:美國德克薩斯大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


1998 年在復旦大學碩士研究生畢業後,在中國石化上海石油化工研究院工作,作為項目組長主持苯酚羥基化制鄰苯二酚與對苯二酚,及合成氣一步法合成二甲醚。
1)與深圳精美特特種玻璃有限公司、廣東中航特玻材料有限公司,建立了長期的合作,並帶領本科生、研究生到那裡參觀學習。同時,也會派研究生到這些單位做部分論文工作。2)2013~ 今,為海南中航特玻有限責任公司提供研發的技術諮詢;3)2018年~ 今,配合海南中航特玻科技有限責任公司在重慶產業化“高鋁矽觸控螢幕電子基板玻璃” 項目技術,總投資27億元。該項目生產的高端特種功能材料可廣泛套用於新型顯示觸控螢幕蓋板玻璃和航空、高鐵、新能源汽車風擋玻璃等領域,具有高強度、抗劃傷、抗衝擊等特點。產品打破了歐美的技術壁壘,將完全替代進口,有助於解決我國電子信息產業觸控蓋板玻璃長期依賴進口以及軍工級航空玻璃基礎材料受歐美限制的局面。


(1)椰殼活性炭共價負載生物酶、金屬絡合物、離、子液體等均相催化劑的製備與套用;(2) 玻璃表面減反增透、疏水、紫外截止、紅外反射、防藍光、隔熱等鍍膜改性;(3)氣相生長Sn、Fe、V、N、S、稀土等單摻雜或共摻TiO2納米線及其在可見光催化還原N2製備NH3、CO2製備甲醇的研究;(4)Ti、Fe摻雜SiO2氣凝膠的製備及催化氧化中的套用。


主要工作是介孔分子篩及納米催化劑材料的合成與套用。2007 年在加州大學MERCED 分校做博士後,與 Lawrence Livermore National Lab 合作,製備 MRI磁性納米粒子。 2008 年 8 月來海南大學工作,獲海南省科技進步獎2項,海南省教育廳高等教育優秀成果獎2項,各類競賽獎5項。


其中第一個項目達到工業中試水平,申請中國專利10 篇,2002 年這項技術被成功轉讓,同年榮獲上海石油化工研究院優秀青年研究工作者榮譽。2003 年元月去美國讀博,在讀學位期間,從事科研項目 10 餘項。


1.國家科技支撐計畫課題“生物燃氣淨化提純技術裝備及城市公交系統套用研究”(2012BAC18B02)2012-2014 主持
2.國家自然科學基金:椰殼活性炭固載金屬離子有機絡合物催化劑的製備與套用 (21063006) 2011-2013 主持
5 海南省自然科學基金,210012,椰殼活性炭固載金屬離子有機絡合物催化劑的套用研究,2011-2012,主持
6 教育部留學人員啟動基金:綠色工藝生產甲醇下游產品:碳酸二甲酯 2010-2012 ,主持
7 人事部留學人員擇優資助項目(優秀類):椰殼活性炭固載金屬離子有機絡合物催化劑的套用 2010-2012,主持


熊春榮,姜宏,王紅艷,馬艷平 一種玻璃基板和玻璃表面的鍍膜方法,(2019)ZL2016 1 0662629.1
熊春榮,姜宏,王磊,李長久 一種在固定床中沼氣淨化的方法(2016)CN103638970 B, ZL2013 1 0749805.1
熊春榮,姜宏,董雲兵,李長久 一種錫槽脫氧的方法(2016)CN103755127 B,ZL2014 1 0015897.5
熊春榮,姜宏,項雙龍,李長久一種固載化金屬離子有機絡合物催化劑的製備方法 (2016)CN103691486 B, ZL2013 1 0746265.1
熊春榮,姜宏,王磊,李長久 矽烷化活性炭的製備方法、固載化酶的製備方法(2016)CN103723725 B, ZL2013 1 0749707.8
熊春榮,姜宏, 董雲兵 銀摻雜的五氧化二釩納米線、其製備方法與電致變色器件的製備方法 (2017)CN105382268B , ZL 201510585379.1
熊春榮,姜宏, 邢帥 一種脫銷催化劑、其製備方法及套用 (2017)CN105170139B, ZL 201510592903.8 


1)Changshui Tian, Wenlong Sheng, Heng Tan, Hong Jiang, Chunrong Xiong * Fabrication ofLattice-Doped TiO2 Nanofibers by Vapor-Phase Growth for Visible Light-Driven N Conversion toAmmonia. ACS Appl. Mater.Interfaces 2018,10,37453 − 37460
2)Tianlu Chen, Chunrong Xiong , * Yousheng Tao *,Enhanced Hydrolysisof CelluloseinIonicLiquid Using Mesoporous ZSM-5,Molecules 2018 , 23 ,529 -538
3)Hongyan Wang,Yilu Zhang,Feng Wen, Hong Jiang,Yanping Ma, Chunrong Xiong * Astrategy to coat a wavy 3D film on glass surface for enhancing the interface adhesion MaterialsLetters 215(2018)305–307
4)Sihan Chu, Guorui Cai, Ziting Tan, Daoping Xiang and Chunrong Xiong* SulfonatedOrganosilica Mesocellular Foam for Catalyzing Bulky Molecules. New Journal of Chemistry,2016, 40, 1957 - 1961
5)Yunbing Dong, Chunrong Xiong*, Yilu Zhang, Shuai Xing and Hong Jiang* Lithium-titanatenanotube-supported WO3 for enhancing transmittance contrast inElectrochromics Nanotechnology 27 (2016) 105704 (10pp)
6)Yilu Zhang, Yulian Zhang, Lei Wang, Hong Jiang, Chunrong Xiong* Coconut ShellActivated Carbon Supported Quaternary Ammonium for Continuous Cycloaddition of CO2 andBiogas Upgrading in a Packed Bed Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54 (22), 5894–5900
7)Yulian Zhang, Ziting Tan, Boliang Liu, Dongsen Mao, Chunrong Xiong,* Coconut shellactivated carbon tethered ionic liquids for continuous cycloaddition of CO2 to epichlorohydrin inpacked bed reactor Catalysis Communications 68 (2015) 73–76
8)Lei Wang, junling Zhang, Ziting Tan, Hong Jiang, Chunrong Xiong* Development of coconutshell activated carbon tethered ionic liquids for biogas upgrading in packed bed” EnergyTechnology, 2015, 3(5)509-517
9)Hongmei Liu,ab Hongbo Yu, Chunrong Xiong* and Shenghu Zhou* Architecture controlledPtNi@mSiO2 and Pt–NiO@mSiO2 mesoporous core–shell nanocatalysts for enhanced pchloronitrobenzene hydrogenation selectivity RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 20238–20247
10)Hongmei Liu,Kai Tao, Chunrong Xiong, Shenghu Zhou. Controlled synthesis of Pd–NiO@SiO2 mesoporous core–shell nanoparticles and their enhanced catalytic performance for pchloronitrobenzene hydrogenation with H2. Catal. Sci. Tech. 2015, 5, 405-414.
11) Tianlu Chen, Xiao Guo, Hong Jiang, Chunrong Xiong* Preparation of highly dispersed Pdamorphous nanoalloy on functionalized activated carbon for hydrogenation of nitroaromaticcompound,Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 259, 161-169 ,
12) Yulian Zhang, Shuanglong Xiang, Guoqing Wang, Hong Jiang, Chunrong Xiong* Preparation and application of coconut shell activated carbon immobilized palladium complexes CatalysisScience & Technology 2014, 4,1055-1063
13) Lei Wang, Sha Wang, Xiangyun Deng, Yucang Zhang, Chunrong Xiong* Development ofCoconut Shell Activated Carbon-Tethered Urease for Degradation of Urea in a Packed Bed ACSSustainable Chem. Eng. 2014, 2,433-439
14) Bin Hu, Huan Liu, Kai Tao, Chunrong Xiong,* Shenghu Zhou, * Highly Active DopedMesoporous KIT-6 Catalysts for Metathesis of 1-Butene and Ethene to Propene: The Influence ofNeighboring Environment of W Species J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 26385~26395
15) Yongming Zhang,Chunrong Xiong*,A new way to enhance the porosity and Y-faujasitepercentage of in situ crystallized FCC catalyst Catalysis Science & Technology 2012, 2, 606-612
16) Chunrong Xiong*,Xiangyun Deng, Jianbao Li. Preparation and photodegradation activity ofhigh aspect ratio rutile TiO2 single crystal nanorods Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 2010,94,234-240
17) Wei Xiong, Wentao Xu, Youfu Zhou, Decai Huang, Maochun Hong, ChunrongXiong* Ionothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a luminescent bipyridine bridged Zn(II)complex Journal of Molecular Structure 1060 (2014) 75–79
18) Zhongliang Sun,Yongming Zhang,Xiangyun Deng,Jianbao Li, Chunrong Xiong*,Fabrication and application of silicalite-1 and TS-1 hollow fibers with polyethylene imine (PEI)fibers as substrates Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2012, 18, 92-97;
19)王紅燕 , 張 浩 , 姜 宏 , 汪國慶 , 熊春榮 * 高可見光透過、高紫外截止鍍膜玻璃的製備 ,無機材料學報 ,32(2017)758-764 (SCI)
20)柯銀環;曾敏;姜宏;熊春榮 * N 摻雜 TiO2 納米纖維高可見光催化 CO2 合成甲醇 無機材料學報 ,33(2018)839-844 (SCI)20)Xiong,Chunrong,Ali E Aliev, Bruce Gnade, Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr. Fabrication of Ag0.35V2O5 (SVO) and V2O5 nanowires for electrochromics. ACS Nano 2008, 2(2) 283-301
21)Ratanatawanate,Xiong, Chunrong; Balkus, Kenneth J., Jr. PbS quantum dot doped TiO2nanotubes,ACS Nano 2008, 2(8) 1682-1688
22)Xiong, Chunrong; Balkus, Kenneth J., Jr. mesoporous molecular sieve derived TiO2Nanofibers doped with SnO2. Journal of physical Chemistry C 2007, 10359-10367.
23)Xiong, Chunrong; Kim, Moon J.; Balkus, Kenneth J., Jr. TiO2 nanofibers and core-shellstructures prepared using mesoporous molecular sieves as templates. Small (2006), 2(1), 52-55.
24 ) Xiong, Chunrong; Balkus, Kenneth J., Jr. Fabrication of TiO2 Nanofibers from aMesoporous Silica Film. Chemistry of Materials (2005), 17(20), 5136-5140.
25)Xiong, Chunrong; Coutinho, Decio; Balkus, Kenneth J., Jr. Fabrication of hollow spherescomposed of nanosized ZSM-5 crystals via laser ablation. Microporous and MesoporousMaterials (2005), 86(1-3), 14-22.
26)Lei Wang, Sha Wang, Di Xiong, Chunrong Xiong* Treatment of urea waste water overcoconut shell activated carbon tethered Urease Applied Mechanics and Materials 295-298 (2013)1359-1363
27)Xiong, Chunrong; Minedys Macías, Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr. A novel pathway to TiO2, TiO2-SnO2 nanofibers and core shell structures from mesoporous molecular sieves Surface scienceand catalysis letter 2007, 1514-1521
28)Xiong, Chunrong; Chen, Qingling; Lu, Weiran; Gao, Huanxin; Lu, Wenkui; Gao, Zi. NovelFe-based complex oxide catalysts for hydroxylation of phenol. Catalysis Letters (2000),69(3,4), 231-236.
29)Xiong, Chunrong; Chen, Qingling. A new way to prepare TS-2 with silica sol as siliconsource. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters (2001), 73(1), 39-45.
30) Wanping Guo, Chunrong Xiong , Limin Huangand Quanzhi Li* Synthesis andcharacterization of composite molecular sievescomprising zeolite Beta with MCM-41 structuresJ. Mater. Chem., 2001, 11, 1886–1890
31)Bin Hu, Chunrong Xiong,Kai Tao,Shenghu Zhou* Metathesis of 1-butene and ethene topropene over mesoporous W-KIT-6 catalysts: the influence of Si/W ratio J Porous Mater (2015)22:613–620
32)S Xu,C Xiong,W Tan,Y Zhang Microstructural, Thermal, and Tensile Characterizationof Banana Pseudo-stem Fibers Obtained with Mechanical, Chemical, and Enzyme ExtractionBioresources, 2015, 10(2)
33)Shuying Xu, Ziting Tan, Guorui Cai, Chunrong Xiong, Wei Tan, Yucang Zhang Sulfonicacid catalyst based on silica foam supported copolymer for hydrolysis of cellulose CatalysisCommunications, 2015, 71:56-60


1.海南省高新技術產業發展戰略研究,獲海南科技進步三等獎(2010年)2.椰殼活性炭負載型催化劑的研究,獲海南科技進步三等獎(2016年)3.新型多孔減反增透玻璃,先後獲得獲得首屆中航工業聯創杯大賽二等獎;由科技部、財政部、教育部和全國工商聯共同舉辦的第五屆中國創新創業大賽中獲得優秀團隊獎4椰殼活性炭化學負載催化劑的研究與套用,第五屆海南省高等學校優秀科研成果,三等獎,2016年5.Preparation and photodegradation activity of high aspect ratio rutile TiO2 singlecrystal nanorods,第三屆海南省高等學校優秀科研成果,三等獎,2016年6、第九屆海南省青年科技獎 (2011年)


