

【熊孩子相冊】 是一款幫助父母用手機輕鬆記錄整理孩子成長點滴的app套用軟體。辣媽酷爸們可以通過軟體整理歸類寶寶照片,簡單處理後生成只屬於你家寶寶的個性成長相冊;即刻生成,還能與家人好友們隨時分享寶寶萌態囧事,趣味十足。

Iittle Bear Album is an app application software, helping parents use phones to easily record every detail of their children growth. Through this software, fashionable parents—charming Mom & handsome Dad, can sort all baby photos, and generate your baby's personalized growth album after simple processing, which only belongs to your baby. Immediately generating makes sure that you can share your baby with cute face expression and embarrassing experience to family and friends at any time and any space. It would be very funny, wouldn’t it ?



熊孩子相冊】是由立馬耀網路科技有限公司通過對時下育兒需求進行大數據分析後,精心推出的一款操作簡便的寶寶相片處理的app軟體,用於幫助爸爸媽媽們記錄寶寶成長,分享萌娃趣事。其於14年10月於app store套用市場推出,產品在測試期即得到了用戶的肯定與鼓勵。
App Introduction
Iittle Bear Albumis a simple operation of the baby photo manipulation apps, which is meticulously launched by the Li-Ma-Yao network technology co., LTD. after analyzing current parenting requirements in abundance, to help parents record the baby growth, sharing funny things of lovely kids. It is launched in October, 2014 in the app store market, quickly achieving user's affirmation and encouragement in the test period.


1,採用 "成長時間軸+相冊" 的方式整理照片,讓寶寶成長過程一目了然,同時也能輕鬆的把萌寶的歡樂瞬間歸集成冊並分享。


App Function
1. Adopt the method of “ Growth Time Axis+Album” to arrange photos, easily browsing every precious period of baby growth. Collect an album easily, sharing happy moments of sweet kids.
2. If not cute enough, you could also use only One key to Beautify and Add Decoration. Your baby photos would look more vivacious and cute immediately, impressing people at once to appreciate them in detail.
3. This album also offers various pretty Personalized Subject Scene. It is capable of self appreciation of baby under different scenes. More attractively, it is also allowable to share photos to your families and friends via QQ Zone, Wechat, and Twitter.


