- 中文名:焦麗穎
- 國籍:中國
- 性別:女
- 職稱:清華大學化學系副教授
1999-2003 山東大學,化學與化工學院,學士
2003-2008 北京大學,化學與分子工程學院,博士
2008-2012 美國史丹福大學化學系,博士後
2012-現在 清華大學化學系,副教授
[1] X. Zhang, O.V. Yazyev, J. Feng, L. Xie, C. Tao, Y.-C. Chen, L. Jiao, Z. Pedramrazi, A. Zettl, S.G. Louie, H. Dai, M.F. Crommie, Experimentally Engineering the Edge Termination of Graphene Nanoribbons, ACS nano, 7 (2013) 198-202.
[2] J. Wu, L. Jiao, A. Antaris, C.L. Choi, L. Xie, Y. Wu, S. Diao, C. Chen, Y. Chen, H. Dai, Self-Assembly of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into Dense, Aligned Rafts, Small, 9 (2013) 4142-4148.
[3] X. Wang, L. Jiao, K. Sheng, C. Li, L. Dai, G. Shi, Solution-processable graphene nanomeshes with controlled pore structures, Sci Rep-Uk, 3 (2013).
[4] X. Wang, H. Feng, Y. Wu, L. Jiao, Controlled Synthesis of Highly Crystalline MoS2 Flakes by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (2013) 5304-5307.
[5] L. Jiao, L. Xie, H. Dai, Densely aligned graphene nanoribbons at similar to 35 nm pitch, Nano Res, 5 (2012) 292-296.
[6] S. Diao, G. Hong, J.T. Robinson, L. Jiao, A.L. Antaris, J.Z. Wu, C.L. Choi, H. Dai, Chirality Enriched (12,1) and (11,3) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Biological Imaging, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (2012) 16971-16974.
[7] L. Xie, H. Wang, C. Jin, X. Wang, L. Jiao, K. Suenaga, H. Dai, Graphene Nanoribbons from Unzipped Carbon Nanotubes: Atomic Structures, Raman Spectroscopy, and Electrical Properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (2011) 10394-10397.
[8] X. Xian, L. Jiao, T. Xue, Z. Wu, Z. Liu, Nanoveneers: An Electrochemical Approach to Synthesizing Conductive Layered Nanostructures, ACS nano, 5 (2011) 4000-4006.
[9] X. Wang, Y. Ouyang, L. Jiao, H. Wang, L. Xie, J. Wu, J. Guo, H. Dai, Graphene nanoribbons with smooth edges behave as quantum wires, Nature nanotechnology, 6 (2011) 563-567.
[10] C. Tao, L. Jiao, O.V. Yazyev, Y.-C. Chen, J. Feng, X. Zhang, R.B. Capaz, J.M. Tour, A. Zettl, S.G. Louie, H. Dai, M.F. Crommie, Spatially resolving edge states of chiral graphene nanoribbons, Nat Phys, 7 (2011) 616-620.
[11] T. Kato, L. Jiao, X. Wang, H. Wang, X. Li, L. Zhang, R. Hatakeyama, H. Dai, Room-Temperature Edge Functionalization and Doping of Graphene by Mild Plasma, Small, 7 (2011) 574-577.
[12] L. Jiao, X. Wang, G. Diankov, H. Wang, H. Dai, Facile synthesis of high-quality graphene nanoribbons (vol 5, pg 321, 2010), Nature nanotechnology, 6 (2011) 132-132.
[13] R. Bhowmick, S. Rajasekaran, D. Friebel, C. Beasley, L. Jiao, H. Ogasawara, H. Dai, B. Clemens, A. Nilsson, Hydrogen Spillover in Pt-Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites: Formation of Stable C-H Bonds, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (2011) 5580-5586.
[14] L. Xie, L. Jiao, H. Dai, Selective Etching of Graphene Edges by Hydrogen Plasma, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (2010) 14751-14753.
[15] Z. Liu, L. Jiao, Y. Yao, X. Xian, J. Zhang, Aligned, Ultralong Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: From Synthesis, Sorting, to Electronic Devices, Advanced materials, 22 (2010) 2285-2310.
[16] L. Jiao, L. Zhang, L. Ding, J. Liu, H. Dai, Aligned graphene nanoribbons and crossbars from unzipped carbon nanotubes, Nano Res, 3 (2010) 387-394.
[17] L. Jiao, X. Wang, G. Diankov, H. Wang, H. Dai, Facile synthesis of high-quality graphene nanoribbons, Nature nanotechnology, 5 (2010) 321-325.
[18] X. Xian, K. Yan, W. Zhou, L. Jiao, Z. Wu, Z. Liu, Unipolar p-type single-walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistors using TTF-TCNQ as the contact material, Nanotechnology, 20 (2009).
[19] X. Xian, L. Jiao, Z. Wu, Z. Liu, Electrochemical identification of metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes using the water gate effect, Chem Commun, (2009) 2550-2552.
[20] L. Jiao, L. Zhang, X. Wang, G. Diankov, H. Dai, Narrow graphene nanoribbons from carbon nanotubes, Nature, 458 (2009) 877-880.
[21] L. Jiao, X. Xian, Z. Wu, J. Zhang, Z. Liu, Selective Positioning and Integration of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Nano letters, 9 (2009) 205-209.
[22] W. Zhou, L. Ren, F. Lin, L. Jiao, T. Xue, X. Xian, Z. Liu, An electrical switch based on Ag-tetracyanoquinodimethane sandwiched by crossed carbon nanotube electrodes, Appl Phys Lett, 93 (2008).
[23] H. Zeng, L. Jiao, X. Xian, X. Qin, Z. Liu, X. Cui, Reflectance spectra of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 19 (2008).
[24] A. Reina, H. Son, L. Jiao, B. Fan, M.S. Dresselhaus, Z. Liu, J. Kong, Transferring and Identification of Single- and Few-Layer Graphene on Arbitrary Substrates, J Phys Chem C, 112 (2008) 17741-17744.
[25] L. Jiao, X. Xian, Z. Liu, Manipulation of ultralong single-walled carbon nanotubes at macroscale, J Phys Chem C, 112 (2008) 9963-9965.
[26] L. Jiao, X. Xian, B. Fan, Z. Wu, J. Zhang, Z. Liu, Fabrication of carbon nanotube diode with atomic force microscopy manipulation, J Phys Chem C, 112 (2008) 7544-7546.
[27] L. Jiao, B. Fan, X. Xian, Z. Wu, J. Zhang, Z. Liu, Creation of nanostructures with poly(methyl methacrylate)-mediated nanotransfer printing, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (2008) 12612-+.
[28] Y. Yao, R. Liu, J. Zhang, L. Jiao, Z. Liu, Raman spectral measuring of the growth rate of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes, J Phys Chem C, 111 (2007) 8407-8409.
[29] Y. Yao, Q. Li, J. Zhang, R. Liu, L. Jiao, Y.T. Zhu, Z. Liu, Temperature-mediated growth of single-walled carbon-nanotube intramolecular junctions, Nature materials, 6 (2007) 283-286.
[30] L. Xie, C. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L. Jiao, L. Jiang, L. Dai, Z. Liu, Photoluminescence recovery from single-walled carbon nanotubes on substrates, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (2007) 12382