無國界愛心(Love Without Borders)是一個致力於幫扶弱勢群體,消除隔閡、歧視與不公,促進社會公平正義和可持續發展的人道主義機構(不以牟利為目的)。無國界愛心的前身是2000年千禧年一群對世界肩負責任、深受感召、熱心公益的中外青年組成的愛心國際志願者網路。2014年無國界愛心在中國合法註冊的為慈善基金會。目前機構成員主要在中國地區開展地區與國際間的合作項目。無國界愛心公益基金會標誌
無國界愛心Love Without Borders關注人們心靈意識的提升,希望人們通過觀念的改變,來引導公眾積極參與到社會公益活動中。無國界愛心希望每個公民、每個企業團體都能夠承擔起相應的社會責任。讓人們的愛心和力量凝聚到一起,消除人與人之間的隔膜,讓人們重視人與人之間、人與地球母親之間的聯繫,共同營造一個溫馨和諧的社會。
無國界愛心公益基金會(Love Without Borders Foundation-Beijing)是一個促進社會公平正義和可持續發展的人道主義公益機構(不以牟利為目的)。機構致力於消除隔離觀,促進理解與寬容,提高社會的容納度、多元化和多樣性,重在公眾心靈與精神意識的提升。以使人與人之間,人與動物、植物之間,人與孕育了整個生命的地球母親之間的關係重新回歸和諧狀態;期望通過努力改變公眾的不良觀念,改善公眾的生活習慣,凝聚愛心和力量,關愛社會、關愛生命、關愛地球母親,達成祥和世界的願景。
I hope someday you will join us, and the world will be us one
About LWB
Love without Borders Beijing was established in 2005. It is a non-profit organization which is dedicated to promoting the social justice and a sustainable development for humanism. With the hope of eliminating the isolation and binderies in people’s heart, its mission is to improve the social tolerance, understanding towards a diverse cultures and the inner development. We work on the way to emphasis on the relationship between human, and nature. We try to improve the social consciousness and help people to realize the love within and stimulate our inner love to care life and the world.
Presently, Love without Borders(Beijing)has carried out activates in Beijing and Tianjing. It also cooperates with NPOs and NGOs in the States, Taiwan, Australia to help the poor and the weak group to get their social rights, develop the youth education and improve the environment. Our team is made up by volunteers and finance is supported by personal and enterprises donation. Love without Borders is not sponsored by United Nations but relies on the help from volunteers and society.
To eliminate the concept of isolation,To diminish the desert in people’s heart, break the boundaries of different nations, colors, and religions politics. To walk together with people who care and love, and to face the injustice, poverty, environment problems together and to sustain the justice, respect, harmony and love.
To be hand in hand with people who care and love to make a world a better place where there is social justice, harmony, health, and love.
LWB's work
Any social problem doesn’t come alone. Love without Borders as a NPO in China aims to help the poor with their social rights, youth development and environment protection. Meanwhile we are active in projects as international cultural exchange, community development, volunteer service, CSR enterprises development.
Core work
Love Without Borders works on unity, encouragement , development of the society
Detailed work
To promote the future development of youth, children and volunteers
To make emphasis the improvement of mind and spirit.
To stimulate the passion from volunteers and the society.
Cultivate a sense of responsible Global citizenship.
LWB is independent from any political, religious, economic power. LWB is
a) Tianjin Mapmaker of Green Map System since 2007
b) Member of Clean Up the World since 2008
c) Local organizer of GYSD (Global Youth Service Day) since 2009
d) Project Development Partner of PANWAPA Sesame Workshop since 2009
e) Member of iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) since 2009
LWB also cooperate with a lot of local governments, NGO/ NPOs, media, foundations and people.