2000年12月-2001年06月和2003年3月-2003年6月,先後在美國University of California Riverside進行合作研究“Quantitative and qualitative assessment of soil organic carbon in native and irrigated cropland soils in California”. 主要學術活動領域為土壤與地球表層環境過程,學術專長為生命元素土壤生物地球化學。著有《地球表層系統土壤學》。分別發表在Global Change Biology(2004), Biogeochemistry(2005), Journal of Environmental Sciences(2005),第四紀研究(2004)和地球科學進展(2003,2005)等雜誌上。2003年組織和主持召開“International Workshop on C Storage and Dynamics of Agricultural Soils“(Nanjing, China, October, 23-28, 2003,世界土壤學聯合會土壤化學專業委員會,中國土壤學會主辦,南京農業大學承辦,國家自然科學基金資助)。2004年發起並主持第256次香山會議“我國農田土壤碳庫演變及其趨勢”,2005年發起組織申報科技部973計畫“農田土壤固碳潛力、機制及調控途徑的基礎研究”,2006年主持國家自然科學基金委員會地球科學部“我國農田土壤碳氮循環與全球變化領域前沿戰略研討會”。2005年2-9月參與編寫IPCC緩解氣候變化潛力的第四次評估報告中農業部分,是IPCC第三工作組的合作成員。
目前主要進行土壤碳生物地球化學與碳庫變化研究,指導博士生10名。主要承擔項目是”中國主要水稻土有機碳的固定機制、穩定性與碳匯效應(國家自然科學基金重點項目,40231016,2003-2006,140萬元)”和“土壤升溫對水稻土移動性碳的影響及其環境反饋(國家自然科學基金, 2002- 2004,29.0萬元)、Pb/Cd污染下水稻土土壤呼吸與CO2排放的變化及其影響機理的研究(國家自然科學基金項目, 2006.1-2008.12)。2007年申請的教育部重大項目“我國農田土壤有機碳庫演變及其調控機制研究”和國家自然科學基金委員會國際合作重大項目“中國水稻土固碳容量及其機理的研究多尺度統計和地下部微觀過程”均已通過評審立項,受邀參與方精雲院士主持的國家自然科學基金委員會 “中日韓A3前瞻計畫”國際合作項目“東亞區域碳匯動態(2007-2009)”,其指導研究發表的論文“Effect of long-term fertilization on C mineralization and production of CH4 and CO2 under anaerobic incubation from bulk samples and particle size fractions of a typical paddy soil.”作為中國科學研究重大進展被Nature China收錄和評述。
1. Du YX, Pan GX, Li LQ, Hu ZL,Wang XZ. Leaf N/Pratio and nutrient reuse between dominant species and stands: predicting phosphorus deficiencies in Karst ecosystems, southwestern China. EnvironmentalEarthSciences, 2011, 64(2): 299-309.下載附屬檔案!2. Cheng K,Pan GX, Smith P,Luo T, Li LQ, et al. Carbon footprint of China's crop production-An estimation using agro-statistics data over 1993-2007. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 2011, 142(3-4): 231-237.下載附屬檔案!
3. Pan G, Zhou P, Li Zh, et al. Combined inorganic/organic fertilization enhances N efficiency and increases rice productivity through organic carbon accumulation in a rice paddy from the TaiLake region,China. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 2009, 131:274-280. 下載附屬檔案!
4. Pan G, Smith P, Pan W. The role of soil organic matter in maintaining the productivity and yield stability of cereals in china. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 2009, 129:344-348. 下載附屬檔案!
5. Shi J, LI L, Pan G. Variation of grain Cd and Zn concentrations of 110 hybrid rice cultivars grown in a low-Cd paddy soil. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21:168-172. 下載附屬檔案!
6. Liao Q, Zhang X, Li Zh, Pan G, Smith P, Jin Y, Wu X. Increase in soil organic carbon stock over the last two decades in China's JiangsuProvince. Global Change Biology, 2009, 15:861-875. 下載附屬檔案!
7. Pan G,Wu L, ea tl. Organic carbon stratification and size distribution of three typical paddy soils from TaihuLake region, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20: 456–463. 下載附屬檔案!
8. Ban F, Pan G, Zhu J, et al. Temporal and spatial variations in the discharge and dissolved or ganic carbon of drip waters in Beijing Shihua Cave, China. Hydrological Processes, 2008, 22:3749-3758. 下載附屬檔案!
9. Li L, Zhang X, Zhang P, Pan G, et al. Variation of organic carbon and nitrogen in aggregate size fractions of a paddy soil under fertilisation practices from Tai Lake Region, China. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2007, 87:1052–1058. 下載附屬檔案!
10. Zhang X, Li L, Pan G*. Topsoil organic carbon mineralization and CO2 evolution of three paddy soils and the temperature dependence, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19:319-326. 下載附屬檔案!
11. Zheng J, Zhang X, Li L, Zhang P, Pan G. Effect of long-term fertilization on C mineraliz
-ation and production of CH4 and CO2 under anaerobic incubation from bulk samples and particle size fractions ofa typical paddy soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2007, 120:129–138.下載附屬檔案!
12. Zhang P, Zheng J, Pan G, Zhang X, Li L*, et al. Changes in microbial community structure and function within particle size fractions of a paddy soil under different long-term fertilization treatments from the Tai Lake region, China. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2007, 58:264–270. 下載附屬檔案!
13. Xiang C, Zhang P, Pan G, et al. Changes in diversity, protein content, and amino acid composition of earthworms from a paddy soil under different long-term fertilizations in the TaiLake region, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26:1667-1674
14. Song G, L Li, Pan G. Topsoil organic carbon storage of China and its loss by cultivation. Biogeochemistry, 2005, 74:47-62 . 下載附屬檔案!
15. Pan G, Li L, Zhang Q, et al. Organic carbon stock in topsoil of Jiangsu Province, China, and the recent trend of carbon sequestration. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(1):1-7. 下載附屬檔案!
16. Li J, Pan G. Sorption of pyrene on two paddy soils and their particle-size fractions. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(6):962-965
17. Pan G, Li L, Wu L, Zhang X. Storage and sequestration potential of topsoil organic carbon in Chinas paddy soils. Global Change Biology. 2003, 10(1):79-92. 下載附屬檔案!